Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 90: See Yao's approach

Latest website: Long Yuehong was puzzled by Shang Jianyao's method, and asked:

"It seems that your ability can only be accomplished through dialogue. You hide the window so that you can't see or sense anything. How can you fight against hidden enemies?"

Moreover, among all Shang Jianyao's abilities, the only ones that can use electromagnetic signals to increase the range of influence are "thought guidance", "literary youth, hypocritical person" and "lack of limb movement" seem to be not enough now.

Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"I can still interfere with electromagnetics."

While he was talking, the energy-saving lamps in the house that hadn't been turned on glowed palely.

In Zizizi's voice, Shang Jianyao's figure in the video window was distorted.

All this quickly subsided, and Shang Jianyao leaned back in his chair relaxedly and said with a smile:

"You don't have to worry about how to do it. Shanren has its own tricks."

Isn't this what the team leader likes to say? As soon as such a thought flashed through Long Yuehong's mind, she saw Shang Jianyao turning his head and looking to the side:

"Da Bai, you are driving in the wrong direction!"

Zizi, Shang Jian Yao's figure in the video window seemed to be distorted again.

Bai Chen and Long Yuehong looked at each other, choosing to believe what Shang Jian Yao said.

After all, Jiang Baimian was next to him.

"Okay." Bai Chen nodded, hiding the video call window.

In this way, only the camera monitoring screen and some icons are left on the computer screen.

"Let's be more careful ourselves." Bai Chen reminded Long Yuehong to his side, "flip through the records every five minutes, and check the memory against it, so that the key content will not be modified without knowing it."

Long Yuehong nodded vigorously:


Before long, the sun was blocked by the drifting clouds, and the light dimmed a lot.

The invisible "ghost shadow" then entered the room, split into two, and penetrated into the heads of Bai Chen and Long Yuehong.

In their spiritual world, in their subconscious, scenes of the past are presented one after another.

Suddenly, the "You Ying" noticed the conversation between the two and Shang Jian Yao.

This is the latest memory, which belongs to the part that "You Ying" pays most attention to.

"Hide the call window and pretend that nothing happened?

"With the help of electromagnetic signals to increase the range of influence, I can only rely on dialogue to use the ability, but deliberately hides the window...

"Shanren has a clever plan?"

"You Ying" flashed one question after another, as if smelling a dangerous aura.

He suspects that the other party has other ways to monitor the memory of his companions, or sense whether there is someone in the room exerting influence, and he continues to look through it and make changes, which is equivalent to throwing himself into the net!

no! No risk! "You Ying" evacuated the heads of Bai Chen and Long Yuehong without any hesitation.

It was like the "monster" in the distance suddenly retracted two invisible tentacles inserted into the target's head.

The "tentacles" rolled back and retracted into a rented house in a building tens of meters away in a straight line.

"They" belonged to a man wearing sunglasses, a black trench coat, and golden brown hair.

——To look through other people's memories on a large scale and make corresponding changes, he must reduce the distance between himself and his goal to the current level.

The man did not dare to stay "on the spot", and quickly walked out of the room and escaped from here.

During the process, he looked back and said to himself silently:

"We have to let Lan take the shot."


Not long after noon, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao returned to the Green Olive District.

They didn't go to Gnawa right away, they went into the hidden room of Bai Chen and Long Yuehong.

"How is it, do you feel that the memory has been modified?" Jiang Baimian asked concerned.

Bai Chen shook his head:


As she spoke, she took out the stack of post-it notes on her body:

"At least these related things have not been changed, and the perception of peers is normal."

"I'll help you see if these papers are missing." Jiang Baimian reached out and took the stack of memo papers and compared it with the contents stored in his own auxiliary chip.

This is to prevent the enemy from modifying Bai Chen's memory and let her destroy the associated note paper and delete the corresponding memory.

In the face of an awakened person in the "corridor of soul" that is suspected of being the "last man", he can't be overly cautious.

Therefore, Jiang Baimian designed multiple verification.

On the other side, Shang Jianyao also took out his portable computer from the tactical backpack and checked the key memories written by Long Yuehong.

Suddenly, he beckoned to Long Yuehong.

"What are you doing?" Long Yuehong cautiously and carefully moved closer.

Shang Jian Yao pressed his voice and said:

"something wrong with."

"What?" Long Yuehong was frightened.

But considering that a certain Shang Jian Yao loved pranks, he felt that he should be calmer.

He bent down and cast his eyes on the screen of Shang Jian Yao's portable computer.

And Shang Jian Yao leaned into his ear and said very quietly:

"The key content is missing.

"Not only is the note paper missing, but the backup on my computer is also missing."

"No?" Long Yuehong was surprised and suspicious.

This unscientific!

Could it be that before he and the team leader went out, everyone was affected?

Otherwise, even the backups on Shang Jian Yao's computer will be missing related content.

Shang Jian Yao said sincerely:

"Lack of your perception and senses of Xiaobai..."

"Stop!" Long Yuehong flushed suddenly, "I just wrote a little bit, not so detailed, um, it's not missing."

"Really?" Shang Jianyao glanced at him suspiciously, "Do you remember that you like Xiao Bai?"

Long Yuehong's mind suddenly buzzed, only to feel that his face was hot, and there seemed to be smoke coming out of his head.

The next second, he hurriedly turned his head and looked at Bai Chen and Jiang Baimian.

Then he found that because Shang Jianyao's voice was suppressed very low throughout, almost whispering, the two ladies did not hear and did not pay attention to the movement here.

Phew, Long Yuehong breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around to glare at Shang Jian Yao.

But he was afraid that the other party would take the opportunity to shake things out, so he changed his attitude, and whispered:

"Don't, don't say it."

"Ming...Bai..." Shang Jian Yao opened his mouth and replied very quietly, word by word, "Don't worry if you haven't forgotten me."

He looked relieved.

Are you kind enough to co-author? Long Yuehong distinguished for a while whether Shang Jianyao who did not appear was the one who was joking, the one who was absolutely honest, or the one who valued feelings.

After some confirmation, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao confirmed that the memories of Long Yuehong and Bai Chen had not been modified.

As for whether it has been checked, there is no trace.

"Isn't the target for the awakened person of the'Spirit Corridor' in the'Last Man' domain, who can't look through other people's memories and make corresponding changes? The person who walked on the wrong floor really just walked the wrong way?" Long Yuehong wondered. Said.

Bai Chen still insisted:

"It shouldn't be that coincidence."

Jiang Baimian nodded then:

"I am now more inclined to target those who are really awakened at the level of the'Spirit Corridor' in the'Last Man' realm."

"Why?" Long Yuehong blurted out.

Then, he looked at Shang Jianyao again:

"Could it be that our memory has not been modified, but your method worked?"

"It looks like this now." Shang Jianyao nodded in relief.

"What the **** did you do?" Long Yuehong was curious.

Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"Empty city plan."

"..." Long Yue's red mouth was half open, and he forgot to close it.

"In other words, it doesn't actually make any sense to hide the call window?" Bai Chen was a little surprised.

Shang Jian Yao smiled brightly in the sun:

"Yes, I have."

Immediately afterwards, he added:

"Scare him!"

Seeing that Bai Chen and Long Yuehong were still at a loss, Jiang Baimian helped explain:

"Shang Jian Yao just pretended that he had enough ways.

"For other people, this may not work, but for that person, it is the right medicine.

"A timid and weak person must be suspicious and cautious. After turning to Shang Jianyao's words, more than ninety-nine percent would suspect that he did have a way, set a trap, and then would rather miss it than venture into it."

Bai Chen thought and asked:

"Timid and weak?"

Jiang Baimian let out an "um", and recounted the key points of his own and Shang Jianyao's gains and speculations at Odick's house.

She finally smiled:

"Doesn't the meaning of the'last man' in the old world include humble, awkward, mediocre, and full of servility?

"Among them, humble and full of servility can point to timidity and weakness to some extent.

"So the price is that the timid and weak one is very likely to be in the field of the'last man'.

"And Odick, who is infected with this negative influence, looks manic and ferocious but dare not use his powers on others.

"He didn't want to, but he didn't dare!"

This solved Jiang Baimian's first doubt when he heard of Odick's condition in the lunatic asylum.

Long Yuehong went through the matter once and nodded gently and said:

"This really puts everything together, giving them a reasonable explanation."

Jiang Baimian immediately looked out the window:

"We have to move as soon as possible and consider setting up a trap."

"Why?" Long Yuehong asked subconsciously.

"What will a timid and weak person do when he finds that there is a problem with the target?" Shang Jianyao asked with a smile.

Just as Long Yuehong was about to speak, Bai Chen already answered:

"Find a helper, find a companion!"


In an old building.

The man in sunglasses pushed open a door.

Before he could observe the situation in the room, he heard the cold voice of his companion:

"Go and trim your hair~www.readwn.com~ it's not symmetrical enough.

"The accuracy I requested is actually not high, you should be very clear.

"If it can't be done, I don't mind making you bald."

The man wearing sunglasses walked to the full-length mirror on the left hand side and said:

"Found the target."

There is the same full-length mirror behind him.

In the room, where there seemed to be no one, a female voice came out again:

"I will notify'Doctor' now."

"Huh?" The man wearing sunglasses made a puzzled voice.

His companion replied as if the position was erratic:

"The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength."

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