Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 91: distribute

Latest website: The man in sunglasses combed his short golden brown hair and finally got permission to enter the room.

He complained as he walked:

"Blue, on the whole dusty soil, who would take care of the hair like me, always combing it neatly? Uh, except you.

"You still dislike not being symmetrical enough."

The female voice sounded again, no longer so cold:

"Welf, remember, don't take off your sunglasses, or I will definitely dig them out.

"It's hard to believe that the effect of genetic modification is so bad on you. You are simply a defective product."

While talking, her figure appeared in the living room.

She is wearing a white shirt, blue denim, trousers of the same style, and a felt hat with a wide brim. All the details are so symmetrical.

This includes her oval face, willow eyebrows, long black hair and bright eyes.

Normally, the human face and even the body cannot be perfectly symmetrical. There will always be some flaws, but Xu Lan is not. She is like the work of a master of art. She can be folded along the central axis, just overlapping, no more, no less .

This made her feel less natural and more traces of artificial transformation.

Welf, who was accused of being defective, was angry, but he didn't dare to show it, so he could only mumble:

"Lan, I don't really understand why you keep fine-tuning your body. Anyway, you can't see yourself and won't be controlled by the **** obsessive-compulsive disorder."

"Don't you let me never look in the mirror? For a lady, what a cruel thing." Even though Xu Lan smiled, she had tried her best, and the corners of her mouth turned up exactly the same.

Welf did not dare to refute, and instead said:

"But there is no need to spend so much time adjusting clothes and hairstyle, going out for a walk, fighting once, it must be asymmetrical again."

Xu Lan sneered and said:

"Stupid logic.

"You pull out what you eat every day, so you don't have to eat?"

While speaking, she cast her gaze on the glass coffee table not far away.

On the coffee table, there is an identical water cup and the same red jewelry box on the left and the right, and the tablet computer held by the support frame is in the middle.

A thin dark red line hangs down from the camera position of the tablet, which perfectly divides the whole.

Welf was aggrieved and decided not to partner with this **** obsessive-compulsive woman in the next mission.

In the silent curse, he thought of other colleagues.

It's really hateful for each, and it's hard to say.

A timid and weak person will always make people around him want to bully him.

Welf stopped his mind and watched Xu Lan light up the screen, unlocking it.

Then the strictly symmetrical lady opened a telegraph simulation software and entered a string of numbers.

When the corresponding icon on the tablet indicated that there was no network, Xu Lan directly chose "Connect."

The LCD screen dimmed suddenly, as if all power was lost in an instant.

It didn't take long for the screen to light up again, and a vague figure appeared.

The figure stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling window, brightly lit outside, like a galaxy falling to the surface.

A little further away, there is a tall tower dimly, straight into the sky.

"Did you find the target?" Snow appeared frequently around him, and the figure made a sound.

"Yes,'Doctor'." Xu Lan lowered his head and replied respectfully.

On the one hand, her performance is to express her respect and fear, and on the other hand, she does not want to witness the scene that makes her blood flow up:

"Doctor" did not stand in the middle of the French windows, but turned a little to the left!

Welf did not lower his head, and said in the same respectful manner:

"I have found where the target is hiding, but they seem to be aware of it."

"So you withdrew again?" The vague figure clearly understood Welf's style.

His tone became serious:

"Blue, you immediately take this tablet, and Welf go to the target's hiding place.

"Be sure to lock them down!"

"Yes,'Doctor'!" Xu Lan answered without hesitation.

In Zizizi's voice, she picked up a red jewelry box on the coffee table and snapped it open.

There is an ancient gold ring inside.


Shang Jian Yao led Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen back to the rental house where Genawah was located.

"Have you found anything?" Jiang Baimian spoke a little faster than normal.

Gnawa moved the metal-cast neck from side to side:

"No, everything is normal there."

Jiang Baimian nodded gently and said:

"It really seems to be a trap over there.

"The information we inquired about were all modified memories."

Without waiting for Gnawa's response, she directly issued the order:

"The target and his companions have locked us in, and now we need to evacuate immediately.

"The details, I'll talk about it in the car."

Soon, the "Old Tune Team" recovered some of the cameras, and got on their own Jeep and the rented car.

This time, Genawat was with Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao, and listened to them talk about the gains in Odick's house, the corresponding speculations, and the experience of Bai Chenlong Yuehong.

"One is an awakened person in the'last man' field, and the price is timidity and weakness, and the ability to look at and modify memories on a large scale; the other is an awakened person in the'golden balance' field, the cost is symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the ability is temporarily unknown … Your inference can indeed explain all the current problems.” Gnawa’s eyes flickered many times, and all the details were imported into the corresponding model, and a complete analysis was done. “Our previous whereabouts have been exposed. In the case of uncertain when the enemy will come back and when it will launch an attack, moving again is the best way."

In the face of such a dangerous enemy, we must seize the initiative.

Jiang Baimian glanced at the alley where the vehicle turned, and said with a smile:

"So, this time we have to detour from the streets with no people."

This avoids the tracking method of flipping through the memory.

Gnawa's eyes flickered with red light:

"The exits of these streets and alleys are actually relatively fixed, there are only a few.

"If the other party does not hesitate to expand the scope, and look through the memory of every human near the exit, we will definitely be able to trace us.

"We'd better disguise the vehicle against itself in a no-man's area, and then by sensing human consciousness, go out when there is no ‘witness’ in a large area outside.

"It's a pity that Hey's'Thinking Guidance' does not involve memory, but only interferes with logical ability and way of thinking."

In Gnawa's view, the current plan can also delay the enemy for a while and gain more preparation time for the team.

Jiang Baimian glanced sideways at Shang Jianyao, then smiled and said:

"Don't be so troublesome."

The red light in Gnawa's eyes flickered again, and he didn't speak again.

After detouring from the Green Olive District to the Red Giant Wolf District, the "Old Tune Team" once again detoured back to the Green Olive District.

According to Jiang Baimian's instructions, Shang Jianyao parked the car in front of an ordinary apartment that was only five stories high.

This is the stronghold of "True Self Teaching"!

Long Yuehong on the jeep behind saw his eyes wide open, not knowing why.

At this time, Jiang Baimian pushed the door and got out of the car, muttering to himself:

"Let's rent a room here tonight."

Ah... As expected of you... Long Yuehong probably figured out Jiang Baimian's intentions:

Only a few people know the "True Self Teaching" base, disguised as an apartment that can be rented.

Therefore, it is reasonable to come here to rent a house.

At that time, the "old tune group" will really gain an advantage, and let the "true self-teaching" people see hope, and they will definitely be tempted to step in.

Of course, the premise is that the "True Self Teaching" will default to the actions of the "Old Tune Group" and allow them to rent a room here.

Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao took the lead to walk towards the apartment, and were not unexpectedly stopped by members of the "True Self Sect" who were disguised as doormen.

"We want to rent a room." Jiang Baimian was very direct.

The guard was startled and said:

"Wait here, I will ask the owner of the apartment."

He turned around and hurriedly looked for someone who could be the master.

About seven or eight minutes later, he returned to the door and said to the members of the "Old Tune Team" without expression:

"Please come in, the occupant of a room on the top floor just moved out."

He didn't mention the rent.

Jiang Baimian laughed, smiling very beautifully:


The "Old Tune Team" found a place to park the vehicle. After entering the room on the top floor, Shang Jianyao threw the tactical backpack in front of him.

He unzipped the zipper and took out the "Angel of Life" necklace.

For this, he had to stand on one foot.

Shang Jianyao immediately threw the silver necklace to Jiang Baimian.

"Huh?" Jiang Baimian stretched out his left hand to catch it, his right arm sagging weakly.

This is an item that the company has pointed out that it can be used to fight against danger, and she feels that it can be most effective when it is placed in the hands of the strongest person in the group.

Shang Jian Yao smiled at her:

"I am afraid that the target and his companions will use the power of the'nightmare'.

"With this necklace, you can resist this risk to a certain extent."

The truth is correct, but... Jiang Baimian asked:

"how about you?"

Shang Jian Yao didn't answer immediately, and grabbed the "Six Sense Orbs" from the tactical backpack.

He threw it to Long Yuehong:

"You take it."

"I can't use it again." After Long Yuehong reached out to catch it, his eyes instantly turned red.

As an ordinary person, he will only suffer negative effects.

"It has some weird auras integrated into the Buddhist Holy Land, and it has a certain probability to help you reduce the impact of the'nightmare'. Therefore, you have to wear it all the time, even if you rest, you can't take it off." Shang Jianyao said seriously.

After speaking, he laughed, who didn't know which personality to switch to:

"At that time, your dreams will be messy, and you may not bear to look at the'nightmare' directly."

"Okay..." Long Yuehong hesitated and agreed.

At this time, the honest Gnawa said worriedly:

"Will this cause congestive necrosis?"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a bit awkward.

Fortunately, Shang saw that Yao was not an ordinary person. He took out the little jade Buddha from his pocket with his usual expression and threw it to Bai Chen:

"It's also unique."

Bai Chen thought for a while and said:

"Why don't I exchange items with Xiaohong?

"That kind of torment~www.readwn.com~ I've been through it before, and I'm still used to it and I can bear it."

This time, regarding the past experience, she spoke frankly, without the slightest color on her face.

"Yes." Shang Jian Yao followed goodness.

When Bai Chen and Long Yuehong exchanged good items, Jiang Baimian looked at Shang Jian Yao with half doubt and half concern:

"You gave us all the special items, what do you do?"

Shang Jian Yao looked around and said with a smile:

"I have Teacher Du Heng and Xiao Chong to help."

He put an accent on the two words Xiao Chong.

Jiang Baimian immediately understood what he meant:

In his "Sea of ​​Origins", there is still a breath of Xiaochong left behind!

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