Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 99: in sight

When the "Old Tune Team" noticed the pale face, he flinched and disappeared into the window.

"He is going to the bottom." Jiang Baimian made a judgment based on the bioelectric signal.

Wearing the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor Long Yuehong heard the words, turned his body to the corresponding position, and looked at the situation there through the goggles.

The buildings here have a strong classical charm. The doors on the first floor are quite high enough to allow the legendary giants to enter, but they only open the lower half. The windows above are also arched, and the balcony is narrow, purely decorative and has no practical value.

With a glance, Long Yuehong thoughtfully said:

"Does he want to attack us too?"

It's impossible to come down to see fellow villagers, tears in your eyes, right?

As Shang Jianyao said, that guy has no human consciousness at all, and he is not the kind that has been deliberately hidden!

As soon as Long Yuehong's voice fell, a figure flashed out in the area below the half-open door at the door of the first floor corresponding to the window just now.

He was wearing the uniform of the regular army of the "First City", but the surface was badly damaged, showing pale skin and several tan muscles. The clothes were still in good condition, but also wrinkled, as if they were soaked in water and suffered. Let dry naturally.

The figure's eyes do not have any look or focus, and they protrude obviously.

He just tried to pounce on the nearest Bai Chen without any concealment.

IQ is very problematic, even animals are inferior... Isn't this taking oneself as a target? Long Yue's red belly was slandered, but he responded immediately.

He picked up the "Beerker" assault rifle, and a short shot came.

Da da da!

The figure was hit by bullets, and exaggerated wounds appeared on his body.

His body was even directly torn apart, separated from the main trunk, and dropped to the ground with a slimy liquid.

However, this figure is still throwing forward, except for the balance being affected to a certain extent, there is no sign of serious injury at all.


Jiang Baimian fired a rocket.

The flame enveloped the figure, making him completely torn apart and turned into many corpses.

Because of the relatively close distance, the aftermath of the explosion inevitably swept into Bai Chen, but at the end of the force, they could not help the "Chameleon" series of bionic smart armor.

Jiang Baimian dared to use a single-soldier combat rocket launcher, naturally considering the question of whether he would accidentally injure his companion.

As soon as the voice subsided, she frowned slightly:

"Xiaobai, check the corpse, be careful, I sensed that the weak bioelectric signal has not disappeared."

"Strange." Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin.

It's all exploded like this, but there is still life activity? Long Yuehong was quite worried about Bai Chen, but due to the provisions of the combat manual, he had to take on guard duty on the other side to guard against possible attacks around him.

Wearing the "Chameleon" bionic smart armor, Bai Chen took the "Orange" rifle and walked carefully to the corpses.

She was about to squat down to check the situation, and suddenly a black light burst out from the corpse containing her head and went straight to her body.

It is like a black, long iron wire.


The black light failed to penetrate the "Chameleon" bionic smart armor, hit the surface, and fell down.

Bai Chen grabbed it, shook a few times, and said:

"A strange bug."

"Iron nematode?" Jiang Baimian guessed not too sure.

This is quite different from the iron worm in her impression.

Ironworm is a parasite that inhabits rivers, ponds and other places and infects targets through water sources.

After it has completed its parasitism, it can control large arthropods, let them "on their own" search for water sources and drown themselves.

But now, this kind of bug can actually affect the human body, and it seems that after the death of the host, it continues to act as the "central nervous system", relying on the retained nourishment for livelihood.

In addition, it also showed the characteristics of forcibly replacing the host.

As a former wanderer in the wilderness, Bai Chen probably knew about the worm, and he hesitated to ask:

"How to deal with it?"

Jiang Baimian hesitated and said:

"Kill it, without the corresponding collection device, it is impossible to wrap it directly in your hand, right? It will actively pierce the skin and get into the body."

She made a reasonable inference based on the bug's performance just now.

"Are you from a biological company?" Shang Jian Yao heard this, "distressed."

Jiang Baimian didn't pay any attention to him at all, watching Bai Chen tear the bug into several pieces, discard it on the ground, and crush it into a fleshy paste with his feet.

"It doesn't work, it can't be divided into several paragraphs and become several pieces." Shang Jian Yao looked disappointed.

This is not an earthworm... Long Yue's red belly slander, curiously guessed:

"Is this a worm that has been deformed?"

Jiang Baimian nodded:


She pondered for a few seconds and then said:

"Plus the pile of green things before, I kind of suspect that it's not an electromagnetic storm, but something else."

Without giving Shang Jianyao a chance to guess at random, Jiang Baimian put forward his own ideas:

"Are these all ran out of that secret laboratory?"

It's really possible... Long Yuehong had just flashed such a thought when she heard Shang Jian Yao said:

"It may also come from the Holm Reproductive Medical Center."

This, this cannot be ruled out at present... Long Yuehong feels that both sides make sense.

After solving the strange bug, Bai Chen retreated to the team.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Baimian pointed to the front and said:

"Now all guesses are air-to-air, we still rush to the destination as soon as possible."

Several members of the "Old Tune Team" converged their minds, and proceeded to the next block along the road where dirty vehicles were piled up indiscriminately.

After these two strange encounters, Long Yuehong found that the bionic smart armor was really good, and it was clearly better than military exoskeleton devices in protecting itself.

Moreover, they are actually not heavy at all in full-body coverage.

I don't know why, but the "old tune team" fired several shots and failed to attract any dangerous creatures, so they entered the block where the Holm Reproductive Medical Center is located smoothly.

—As far as Bai Chen knows, such unexplored city ruins must contain a lot of dangerous things, including but not limited to "unintentional people" whose numbers have been reduced to a certain extent, certain aberrant creatures, and wild animals. Animals and roaming robots that rely on reserve batteries and small generators for their livelihoods. Once gunshots sounded somewhere, they would be attracted more or less and gathered together, but the wasteland No. 13 remains as completely dead, only a few monsters existed.

Following the same step, a four-storey building with an ancient style in front of it caught the eyes of Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and others.

Its outer wall is warm yellow, with large patches of mottled appearance, and many green plants crawling around.

These plants also spread to the surface of the light box hanging vertically on the wall, showing their dominance with their teeth and claws.

After careful identification, Long Yuehong read the two dark red words on the top of the yellow wall that were not covered by green.


"Is this here?" Jiang Baimian asked his teammates without any confidence in his sense of space.

Bai Chen nodded:

"It's here.

"Home Reproductive Medical Center."


Nearly two hundred meters from the Home Reproductive Medical Center, a building is overgrown with bird droppings on the rooftop.

Wearing sunglasses and a trench coat, Welf put down his binoculars and said to Xu Lan next to him:

"The goal is about to arrive."

"Then be prepared to act." With eyes out of focus, Xu Lan, who is dressed as a cowboy, chuckled lightly. "They may never think of it. The hotel owner has already'selled' their destination. That guard intelligence was specially made by us. Stayed."

Welf shrugged:

"Our destination is here anyway."

While talking, he looked at the tablet computer Xu Lan was holding.

Xu Lan nodded gently and said:

"Before I lifted the restrictions, followed them twice, and determined many things.

"The woman named Jiang Baimian can really sense bioelectrical signals as you said. The range of UU reading www.uukanshu.com varies according to the terrain. It is between forty and seventy meters. That’s true. When looking at the memory, I did not forget to collect more useful information."

"My'invisibility' can be hidden from her, and she will be my first target.

"You take this opportunity to sneak into the area where you can modify your memory, and let the two enemies wearing bionic smart armors become our'companions.'

"At this time, the awakened man named Shang Jianyao must have caught my attention, trying to save Jiang Baimian or avenge her, just in time for the two new'companions' to suddenly turn back and attack him at close range.

"In short, try not to distract the ‘Doctor’. Here, the most dangerous one is Wu Meng. Without the ‘Doctor’ staring at him, you and I don’t know how you might die."

Having said that, Xu Lan took a deep breath:

"I can't suppress myself anymore. I have seen too many asymmetries in the previous two follow-ups.

"I want to destroy it all!"

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