Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 100: Outside

Looking at the Holm Reproductive Medical Center whose outer wall was yellow and surrounded by plants, Jiang Baimian let his submachine gun slide down and hung in front of him.

She raised her right hand and raised her index finger.

This is numbered "2" in the "Old Tune Team" action plan.

Although there was no verbal communication, Bai Chen, Long Yuehong, and Shang Jianyao responded quickly. First, they widened the distance between each other, which seemed to prevent them from being picked up by a long-range attack, and then each had a certain degree. Adjustment.

Long Yuehong extended his T1 mechanical arm from the crack in the right palm of the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor, intending to make better use of this part of the body.

—— "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor, as its name, maintains a fairly high level of softness, and can be rolled up to a certain extent, so that Long Yuehong can expose more mechanical arms.

Bai Chen's body quickly disappeared, as if blending with the environment, but Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao could detect her location through human consciousness.

Shang Jianyao moved his waist and hips, as if he was about to perform a dance on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, he took off his tactical backpack, took out the "Six Consciousness Beads", the "Angel of Life" necklace and the Little Jade Buddha.

Without any hesitation, Shang Jianyao learned from the "Crystal Consciousness Teaching" monk, holding the rosary in his left hand, and threw the "Angel of Life" necklace to Jiang Baimian.

After Jiang Baimian took it, he adjusted it twice to turn his paralyzed limb into his right arm.

Shang Jianyao watched the remaining little jade Buddha carefully for two seconds, then whispered the Buddha's name:

"Nan Wu Azi Duoruo San Miao San Bodhi, Xiao Hong is not a buddhist, it is better to stay with me."

Do you want so many dramas, I didn't expect you to throw Little Jade Buddha to me? What use is it for me? I haven't seen any effect of preventing nightmares before! Long Yuehong dared not say what she said.

He felt that he was resisting the urge to refute in order to take care of the overall situation. After all, such occasions are not suitable for bickering, and accidents may happen at any time.

After reorganizing the battle formation, the "old-tone team" moved closer to the Holm Reproductive Medical Center.

They were not fast, or even a little slow, as if they were worried about what monsters suddenly appeared in the Buddhist Holy Land.

With naked eyes, Jiang Baimian did not get lost. It took her seven or eight minutes to finally reach the gate of the destination.

The afternoon sun shone on the automatic sensor glass door, reflecting patches of golden brilliance.

Jiang Baimian cast his gaze over, looking at the scene inside through the unclean but not dirty glass.

At this moment, less than two meters behind her, a female figure quickly outlined.

This figure is twenty-five or sixteen years old and has a mature temperament. It has an oval face, willow eyebrows, a blue denim suit with a white shirt, and a wide-brimmed felt hat. Every detail on the body is unusually symmetrical.

Xu Lan!

After depressing for a long time, the special commissioner of the Eighth Research Institute finally launched a surprise attack.

In the realm of "Golden Balance", she is one of the most terrifying assassins in the world, who has explored the depths of the "Corridor of Mind".

As long as certain "new world" powerhouses do not return, she deserves this title!

This is because one of her abilities is called "stealth", which can hide her figure, hide her own consciousness, interfere with the hearing and vision of multiple targets, and affect their premonitions, so that he can walk next to the assassinated target. Not aware of this kind of thing.

This ability does not exist in the "Hall of Stars" and "Sea of ​​Origins" stage, only at the cost of symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder, the two abilities of "hearing interference" and "visual hiding" are obtained, and when entering the "corridor of mind" , Only when the awakened person with "sense senses dull" is selected can the three become one and obtain this ability to attack and kill.

——According to the experiment of the Eighth Research Institute, when symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder is used as the price, the three gifts received are not completely fixed, but there must be one of "hearing interference", "visual concealment", and "sensory sluggishness" Second, when you take the golden elevator to the "corridor of soul", fill up the remaining one, and you can also be "invisible".

Of course, the use of "stealth" also has its own limitations, and the most influential two points:

One is that you can't carry any props that have his personality, and you can't attach things that exceed a certain weight to the body;

Second, once trying to lock the target, whether it is with consciousness, eyes, or ears, the effect will fade. In other words, the moment before Xu Lan launches an attack, she will not be able to hide herself.

As far as Xu Lan knows, if she can enter the "new world", both of these points can be effectively improved.

At this moment, as soon as she appeared, the two "United 202" in her hand aimed at Jiang Baimian, waiting to be stimulated.

Xu Lan, who was already familiar with the corresponding process, quickly pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

With this kind of precursor and attack occurring almost at the same time, coupled with such a close distance, Xu Lan didn't think that his bullet would be missed.

The image of the target body blooming with blood-colored flowers and being torn apart by large-caliber bullets appeared in her mind.

Moreover, for insurance, she uses two guns, so she is safe.

This is also similar to the common choice of the Awakened, after all, the weight of more powerful weapons exceeds the standard.

Of course, this is undoubtedly a requirement of symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder.

At the same time as the gunshot, Welf, hiding his consciousness and hiding outside the range of Jiang Baimian's bioelectric signal sensing range, jumped from the top of the building.

With a gliding device on his back, like a huge black bat, he dived from mid-air to several members of the "Old Tune Team".

After a short while, he entered the effective range of the ability to "modify memory".

At this time, Shang Jianyao, Bai Chen, and Long Yuehong all responded to the shooting, and no one paid attention to the sky.

Welf's eyes suddenly became weird, with less black and more white, and dim light.

At the same time, two invisible "tentacles" extended from his body, and instantly penetrated into the heads of Bai Chen and Long Yuehong.

While flipping the memory, he looked for the most suitable place and prepared to modify it.

At this moment, he saw a scene:

In the quiet and dim church, a white door was painted on the wall.

It was half-hidden, revealing the deep gloom behind the door and a looming female figure.

The female figure seemed to be watching the master of the memory. The sense of majesty and indifference made him sound like teeth clashing, making him drip with cold sweat, which was hard to contain, making his hands and feet cold, and his head drooping.

This is the most primitive and strongest horror.

Welf's mind suddenly buzzed.

"You Gu"!

"Ah!" Welf let out a scream, his body curled up instinctively, ignoring that he was gliding.

He shivered and hit the ground like a heavy sack.

On the other side, when Xu Lan's figure was just sketched out a little earlier, Jiang Baimian came over halfway and raised his left arm, as if he was going to stand in front of him along with the individual combat rocket launcher it was holding.

Xu Lan was unaffected and pulled the trigger calmly.

She didn't think the other party could have time to complete the action.

boom! boom!

The recoil of "Lianhe 202" caused Xu Lan's arms to retract slightly, but the picture reflected in her eyes was different from what she had imagined.

The two bullets fired did not rush to the place she planned at all, but had a certain deviation!

One of them hit the surface of the individual combat rocket launcher, making a sound, and the other hit Jiang Baimian's left arm, tearing only a small wound.

Tick ​​and tick, the colorless liquid fell to the ground.

It is not blood.

It comes from an electric eel-type biological prosthesis!

Although Jiang Baimian was injured, a little smile appeared on his face.

She had been guarding her surroundings just now, and after sensing that human consciousness and bioelectrical signals appeared nearby at the same time, she immediately used the "space illusion" ability on the target.

She knows that the enemy is an awakened person at the "corridor of mind" ~www.readwn.com~ will not be affected too much by hallucinations, but she does not expect the opponent's attack to fail, just hope that her locked position will deviate from the key point and move towards herself Lean towards the left arm.

It turns out that this really works.

"When I know that the team members and myself have been overturned, how can I not guard against the possibility that you have mastered our final destination and are waiting for us here?

"The No. 2 plan is designed for this. While we are vigilant about the possible'assassination', we recall the gaze of'You Gu' in our minds!

"Xiao Hong exposed the robotic arm in order to create a strong asymmetry and attract you to attack, and he wears the'Black Marsh Iron Snake' bionic smart armor. Who knows, you can still suppress it and choose actively. Goal..."

Jiang Baimian's thoughts flashed, and he suddenly bent down to avoid the subsequent attack.

When doing this action, a large number of electric arcs were reflected in her eyes, which were unusually bright.

Almost at the same time, Shang Jianyao's eyes became deep.

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