Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 101: "Viewpoint"

A few tens of meters away, the enemy carrying a gliding device went all the way down and hit the ground, arousing a lot of dust.

For Bai Chen and Long Yuehong, this kind of movement is impossible to ignore. Seeing that the group leader is temporarily fine, they almost simultaneously turned their eyes on Welf, who was thrown into disarray with sunglasses and a windbreaker.

Immediately afterwards, they raised their guns and aimed at the target.

However, before pulling the trigger, they both bit their tongues without hesitation, hoping to use the pain to confirm whether they were sleepwalking and whether they would accidentally injure their companions.

——Of course, they, who are wrapped in the bionic smart armor, can't hurt themselves by slapping themselves, hitting their stomachs, and so on.

After biting down, Bai Chen and Long Yuehong realized that there was no change in what they saw, so they squeezed the trigger boldly.

The "Orange" rifle and the "Berzer" assault rifle fired at the same time, and bullets poured out one after another.

On the other side, Xu Lan, who had failed the assassination, was surprised, but did not froze.

The experienced she threw out to the side, hiding her figure in midair a little bit.

This is a manifestation of the powerful "stealth" ability, which allows the user to break away from the lock and return to the state of being unable to be discovered when the two parties have already contacted and can no longer hide their own consciousness.

The level of "Xu Lan" was obviously better than that of Shang Jian Yao, and she broke free very smoothly. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared in front of both Jiang and Shang.

At this moment, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was heard in the area where she leaped towards the target, which clearly seemed to be empty.

"Lack of limb movement!"

Although Xu Lan forcibly broke free of Shang Jian Yao's lock, the influence that had been exerted would not disappear.

At the moment when the assassination failed, she was hit by the "lack of limb movement", she couldn't land safely, rolled away from the enemy's previous trajectory, and fell there in a rather embarrassing posture.


Her figure is about to stand out.

And Jiang Baimian, who was lying down, stuck out his left palm.

Silver-white arcs shot out, intertwined into a fine net, covering the area where Xu Lan leaped.

When he can't detect the opponent based on human consciousness and bioelectric signal induction, and can't find the enemy with the help of eyes, ears, nose and other organs, Jiang Baimian's choice is to calculate the trajectory by mathematical ability, and do indiscriminate damage by range-type attacks!

Zi Zi Zi!

Xu Lan's figure was directly electrocuted, and her wide-brimmed and high-felt hat rolled to the side, some of the black hair smelled of burnt, and some stood up.

She knew it was bad in her heart, but her brain and body were paralyzed, and she couldn't do self-help actions for a while.

When Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian each locked Xu Lan and prepared to use the "Six Consciousness Pearl" and "Angel of Life" necklaces, they saw a shocking scene out of the corner of their eyes.

Wearing bionic smart armor, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen picked up their guns, moved towards this side, and pulled the trigger!

Their target was not the "Spirit Corridor" level awakener in the "Last Man" realm, but Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao!

"Dream in Dream" then "Sleepwalking"!

Welf yelled in horror. When he glide and fell to the ground, the tablet computer he and Xu Lan placed on the top of the building suddenly changed.

A blurry figure that made the surrounding snowflakes appeared on it.

This is the "Doctor" of the Eighth Research Institute, a strong man who has entered the "New World".

He used the tablet as a repeater to influence Bai Chen and Long Yuehong.

Considering that the target has already been "sleepwalking" once, he must be prepared for it, and he uses the ability of "dream in a dream" first.

As a result, Bai Chen and Long Yuehong's behavior of biting the tip of their tongues happened in their dreams, but they were not actually implemented. The pain caused them to "break free" from the innermost dream.

Those who were still in their dreams "naturally" started "sleepwalking".

The enemies in their dreams actually corresponded to Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao.

Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian, who only wore a body armor and did not have any more self-protection measures, instinctively gave up the attack on Xu Lan and dodged.

They force their legs, or jump out directly, or boost themselves, sliding on the ground.

Bang Bang Bang, Da Da Da, where they were standing, mud splashed, rocks cracked, and a mess.

And taking this opportunity, Xu Lan's brain recovered from the paralyzed state, habitually concealing his body shape.

In the next second, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao stopped. The former, who was already on the ground, lay there, and the latter who had just jumped to the side of the abandoned vehicle on the roadside softened his legs and leaned on the dirty side. The car door, sat down, closed his eyes.

Long Yuehong and Bai Chen were also affected, their bodies swayed, and they slumped to the ground unhappily but not slowly.

The scales of the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" and "Chameleon" bionic smart armor then made the sound of colliding with a hard object, but they did not wake up their respective owners.


"Doctor" used the tablet to use "Sleep" on the four members of the "Old Tune Team"!

After entering the "New World", he can already use all the abilities in the "Dreamland" domain.

However, because he has not really returned, and his body is still in the distant Eighth Research Institute, his strength has been discounted a lot, and the further effects of many abilities cannot be reflected.

At the same time, he had to guard against Wu Meng.

Otherwise, he now has a better choice, such as "Sleep forever", which can directly make the members of the "old tune group" fall asleep forever, just like a vegetative person, and cannot be awakened by normal methods, such as, etc., etc. .

Of course, for the "Doctor", in this situation, "Sleep" is actually enough. As long as he controls the four goals, Xu Lan, who is relieved, can naturally solve them one by one.

The door of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center suddenly became extremely quiet, only the wind blowing through the ruined city was blowing gently.

Xu Lan didn't rush to show up and attacked, because her hands and feet were still trembling, and the impact of the electric shock still remained.

And seeing the asymmetrical scenes before her, her anger is accumulating more and more, and she can't wait to recover immediately and ruin it all.

At this moment, an electric arc emerged from Jiang Baimian's left palm again and fell on herself.

In this movement, Jiang Baimian bounced suddenly.

The auxiliary chip in her electric eel-shaped biological prosthesis detected that she had fallen asleep, so she was stimulated to wake her up.

In the paralysis remaining from the electric shock, Jiang Baimian had practiced dozens of hundreds of times, and he skillfully sank his consciousness onto the "Angel of Life" necklace wrapped around his left wrist.

She remembers that the company reminded her that she can rely on this prop in danger!

However, besides being able to target the terrified enemy in the "last man" domain, she could not find the source of the "nightmare" power at all, and could not solve it in a targeted manner.

Similarly, she couldn't sense the assassins in the "Golden Balance" domain, and could not prevent the subsequent attack.

At this time, "cardiac arrest" doesn't work at all... Is there any point in the company's prompt? Jiang Baimian's thoughts flickered, and with a tentative mentality, he used the "Angel of Life" necklace to expand his sensing range of human consciousness, just as Shang Jianyao used the "Blind Ring" to achieve similar goals.

After a short while, Jiang Baimian was like a nearsighted person wearing glasses with the right degree, or being in the distance, controlling multiple surveillance cameras in this area, and "seeing" something that he could not "see" or "see". Something unclear:

The illusory darkness enveloped here, wrapped around Shang Jianyao, Bai Chen, and Long Yuehong, extending in the opposite direction to the roof of a tall building in the distance.

The "Angel of Life" necklace remodeled by the company is really unique! Jiang Baimian was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately touched his consciousness into the illusory darkness through the props.

As soon as the two parties had contact, she felt that the other side was far away and overlapped with the current zone in some way.

The latter seems to be the intersection of two worlds.

And this made Jiang Baimian feel that he could use "cardiac arrest" against the illusory darkness at this distance.

When the situation was urgent, she did it as soon as she thought of it, and immediately inspired the pendant-shaped silver necklace ~www.readwn.com~ A faint light flashed, at the end of the illusory darkness, somewhere in the extreme distance, as if there was a roar. Come.

It was too frightened.

The illusory darkness receded, and Shang Jianyao shook his head, bounced on the spot, and woke up.

He saw Welf several tens of meters away at a glance. The man in sunglasses and a trench coat had not yet completely calmed down from the fear caused by "You Gu" gaze.

The turquoise light lit up, and Shang Jianyao directly used the "Six Consciousness Beads" on him.

"Deprivation of Consciousness"!

Welf closed his eyes and passed out completely in a coma.

In this way, he doesn't need to be afraid anymore.

With the awakening of Bai Chen and Long Yuehong, the four members of the "Old Tune Team" each monitored an area.

The assassin in the "Golden Balance" field currently does not know where to hide.

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