Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 102: slow

While looking at each other, Jiang Baimian threw the individual combat rocket launcher with his left hand to the ground, and did the same with the submachine gun hung on his body.

After completing these two things, she shook her wrist, causing the "Angel of Life" necklace wrapped there to be untied layer by layer.

Immediately afterwards, she stuffed the prop into her pocket.

In this way, Jiang Baimian's whole person looks particularly symmetrical.

To this end, she also deliberately adjusted the direction of the pony tail and lowered her left arm to keep it in line with the paralyzed right hand.

During this process, Jiang Baimian made a "4" gesture.

So, when she made those actions, Shang Jianyao completed a pixel-level copy:

He threw the imaginary grenade gun that did not exist to the ground, and did the same with the "Berster" assault rifle hanging on his body.

Although it was not necessary, he still made his wrist shake a few times before removing the "Six Perception Beads" and stuffing them into his pockets.

As for combing the hair at the back of his head and hanging his arms, these steps are not missing. It seems that Jiang Baimian wants to curse.

On the other side, Bai Chen just adjusted the position of the "Orange" rifle so that it was on the central axis of his body.

Not only did Long Yuehong fail to make herself symmetrical, but instead popped up the can opener attached to the T1 robotic arm, and leaned forward with her left foot, touching the ground.

How can he be asymmetry conveniently?

The entire content of the "Old Tune Team" No. 4 plan is very simple, with only one sentence at the core:

Using Long Yuehong as the bait, it attracted the assassin of the "Golden Balance" with severe symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder to attack, and the other three members seized the opportunity to lock each other and give a fatal blow.

Anyway, Long Yuehong wears the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor, and only the T1 type robotic arm is exposed outside, which can resist most of the damage.

For the same reason, Bai Chen, protected by the "chameleon" bionic smart armor, can be used as a secondary option, so she did not deliberately make herself very symmetrical.

After several members of the "Old Tune Group" quickly adjusted their "state", time seemed to freeze. If it weren't for a gust of wind blowing from time to time, the scene would have been frozen into a photo.

Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao's attention half focused on Long Yuehong, and only a few thoughts were given to Bai Chen.

For himself, Jiang Baimian still has a certain degree of caution, Shang Jianyao behaved completely indifferent, he just put his hands in his pockets, as if he was a crowd onlookers.

As time passed by, Long Yuehong was highly nervous and felt that the corresponding nerves would break at any time, while worried that the enemy would appear on Bai Chen's side.

"It's been so long, will she see that something is wrong and has already evacuated?

"The team leader said, symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder must not be suppressed for too long. She is really ‘willing’ to leave, so she’s not going to do something?

"I have to look at Xiaobai, anyway, the enemy doesn't seem to have any particularly powerful weapons, and the awakening ability, I want to prevent it...

"Why doesn't she show up yet, can she bear it?"

Each thought flashed through Long Yuehong's mind one by one, making him feel that this period of time was so difficult.

Suddenly, he was inspired and felt that he had to do something to increase the probability of being attacked so that Xiao Bai would not become the main direction of the enemy's attack.

With many thoughts, Long Yuehong cast his gaze dozens of meters away.

There was another enemy who had lost consciousness and passed out in a coma.

"He can't figure out when he will get rid of the influence and wake up slowly... He is an awakened person in the field of the'last man'. He can look through our memories and make changes to make people unpredictable..." Long Yuehong suddenly had an idea. With his bare robotic arm and holding the "Berzer" assault rifle, he quickly approached Welf.

He wanted to take advantage of the other party's coma to end his life and completely reduce one enemy.

At the same time, it can attract the "Assassin" to attack him.

This is a strategy of killing two birds with one stone.

As soon as Long Yuehong walked out more than ten meters, his side and back position quickly outlined a figure.

Xu Lan hasn't left yet.

She didn't want to go.

This seriously asymmetry guy is a thorn in her eyes, and she must do something to vent her inner anger.

The "dissatisfaction" accumulated from the previous two reconnaissance and the assassination just now made her completely unable to control herself.

Of course, as an experienced assassin, Xu Lan was not reckless, but patiently waited for the opportunity.

She is not blind, and she can see that the target is wearing smart armor with outstanding defensive capabilities. Her two "United 202" will probably not hurt each other, and the two bundles of high-performance explosives she carries may be able to complete the purpose of breaking the protection. , But this easily affects her herself.

When the time comes, stealing chickens is not possible, maybe you have to eat rice.

In the unspeakable suffering, Xu Lan saw that Long Yuehong not only didn't stay in place, but also tried to attack Welf. He couldn't bear it anymore, and his anger controlled his brain.

As soon as she appeared, she immediately used an ability on everyone present:

"Slow response"!

This reaction refers only to the reaction in the event of an attack, but for the current situation, it is sufficient.

Xu Lan didn't use this ability when she attacked Jiang Baimian before, because she felt that she was approaching "invisible" and shot.

Moreover, Welf was in a hurry to look through the memory before, and the intelligence of the enemy team was not detailed enough. Xu Lan worried that the other party might have the ability or equipment to weaken the "slow response", leaving himself completely exposed before shooting and unable to connect. In the follow-up, therefore, "stealth", approaching, appearing, and shooting with a simpler process and higher fault tolerance are better choices.

Suddenly, Shang Jianyao, Jiang Baimian, Bai Chen and Long Yuehong seemed to be in a slow motion state. He could only squeeze out the prepared response when he saw the enemy appearing.

Xu Lan, holding two guns, aimed at Long Yuehong, regardless of whether he could break the defense, his eyes flushed slightly and pulled the trigger.


One bullet hit the surface of the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor, only a few cracks were created.


Xu Lan was not stingy with bullets, trying to empty the magazine in the shortest time.

Long Yuehong, who was swaying backwards by the powerful impact, suddenly "returned to her senses", turned her body sideways, and fired.

The genetic modification he has done is considered mediocre.

This includes "enhanced repair ability", "enhanced immunity" and "faster reaction speed".

"Response speed becomes faster"!

In the sound of da da da, Xu Lan's pupils dilated, and he rushed to the ground.

Being in the air, she quickly disappeared from herself.

In the clouds of smoke splashing, Long Yuehong regretfully found that he could not hit the target.

He lost track of the enemy.

At this time, Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao, and Bai Chen had already reacted, but after all, they were a little slower.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Baimian shouted straightforwardly:

"Solve the other one first!"

So as not to wait for another dangerous enemy.

Shang Jianyao responded to her call and picked up the "Beerker" assault rifle that he had thrown away.

But Jiang Baimian took a grenade from the armed belt, used his teeth to tear off the tab, exhausted the strength of his left hand, threw it at Welf, and Bai Chen raised the "Orange" rifle.

Xu Lan, who had vented his inner anger through the attack just now, was preparing to lurch and leave, and then looking for another good opportunity, but saw several members of the "Old Tune Team" attack Welf.

Her face changed a few times, and finally gave up the idea of ​​"paralyzing the whole body" of the enemies.

Because the whole body does not include consciousness, Shang Jian Yao can also use his awakened ability.

At that time, if Xu Lan falls into a certain state and is unable to extricate himself, he may not be able to escape himself.

In the end, Xu Lan took out a bunch of high-performance explosives and threw it at Welf.

She wants to destroy all clues that may remain in her companion!

While throwing out high-performance explosives, Xu Lan threw back to the ground, once again concealing his figure.


A huge flame rose, and a violent explosion engulfed Welf.

Xu Lan glanced back, bit his teeth, and detoured away from the area in front of the gate of Holm Reproductive Medical Center.

On the way, UU read www.uukanshu.com and she vaguely felt that there was a faint light flashing in the surrounding houses.

After returning to the top of the building, Xu Lan picked up the tablet and found that its battery was exhausted so quickly.

"You have to find a place to recharge and seek the help of'Doctor'." Xu Lan muttered to herself.

She found the two hidden rings, took her backpack, and quickly moved away from here.

When the distance was really opened, Xu Lan thoughtfully cast his gaze to another place:

"If you want to complete the task here, you may have to rely on Wu Meng's help.

"I must find a way to use his power, even if it will break his seal, I will not hesitate."


On the street in front of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center.

Several members of the "Old Tune Team" looked at the corpses shattered into countless small pieces of flesh and blood, completely unable to proceed.

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