Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 103: Home Reproductive Medical Center

"It's so cruel." Long Yuehong sighed sincerely as she looked at the corpse that had no complete parts in front of her.

Just a few minutes ago, this was an awakened person at the "corridor of soul" level.

And his death stemmed from the attack of his companions.

Although Jiang Baimian's grenade could kill this even without the high-performance explosives thrown by the "assassin", no matter what, in terms of the degree of effort, the deceased was indeed killed by his companions.

Shang Jian Yao heard this and sneered:

"It can't be saved anyway, of course it can't make us cheaper."

He made no secret of his regret.

If the "old tune team" completes the killing step, many of the deceased's items can be preserved, and there may be unique props among them.

Jiang Baimian had a similar feeling in her heart. After all, she didn't have any powerful items of her own, and the "Angel of Life" necklace she was using could only be borrowed from Shang Jianyao.

Of course, as a kind, friendly, gentle, and compassionate lady, she didn't write such emotions on her face.

"Look again, maybe there are still items left." Jiang Baimian gave the order.

Some items are not so easy to blow up because of their own materials.

The simplest example is that if Long Yuehong was naked and was hit by a cannonball, his T1 mechanical arm would be badly damaged at best, and it might still be usable after a repair.

Looking at the corpses, meat foam, and blood spilling over the surrounding area, several members of the "Old Tune Team" endured nausea and searched for a while.

After a while, Bai Chen reported the result:

"Nothing at all."

Jiang Baimian sighed secretly:

"The'Nightmare' minions are trying to conceal their identity. If conditions permit, the items they carry are easily destroyed?"

"It may just be that they like to fix the corresponding breath to the most common-looking and most portable thing." Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin, "For example, this person's sunglasses."

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"The premise is that the negative costs are relatively bearable."

"He didn't have any accessories?" Long Yuehong was slightly puzzled.

Many ornaments are quite fried, especially those made of gold.

"It may be that his jewelry is not symmetrical enough, and he was forcibly disqualified from the container." Shang Jianyao laughed.

Jiang Baimian looked away and looked back at the Holm Reproductive Medical Center:

"Since we can't find any loot, let's hurry up and explore the target location.

"The ‘Assassin’ may return at any time, and the power of the ‘Nightmare’ may not take long to reunite again, and the window period left for us will not be too long."

The previous "cardiac arrest" may be due to being too far apart, as if in two different worlds, Jiang Baimian felt that he did not cause fatal harm to the "nightmare".

Shang Jianyao, Bai Chen, and Long Yuehong had no objections. They followed the team leader and walked to the Holm Reproductive Medical Center step by step while keeping a certain distance.

On the way, Jiang Baimian didn't forget to pick up the weapon he had thrown away before, but because the negative effect of the "Angel of Life" necklace was still working, he let the submachine gun hang on his chest.

After the "Old Tune Team" arrived at the destination, the automatic sensing glass door of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center suddenly slid open to both sides.

"Is it still good?

"There is still electricity here?"

Long Yuehong was surprised and blurted out.

Shang Jian Yao, who was in front of him, turned his head and smiled:

"It just followed my command."

He admitted very frankly that the automatic induction glass door was opened by his electromagnetic interference.

"Can't you do such a delicate operation?" Bai Chen asked Long Yuehong for help.

Although this was not up to Wu Meng's level, it was far beyond Shang Jianyao's previous level.

Shang Jianyao briefly explained:

"Because its structure is relatively intact and well preserved, as long as I give a certain amount of electromagnetic stimulation and keep a few aging and damaged parts connected, it can sense the approach of human beings and open it."

Jiang Baimian glanced at this guy and solemnly reminded:

"Here, I don't do similar things less, or I would think that Wu Meng is here.

"I almost gave this sensor door a rocket just now."

Pang Pang Pong, Shang Jianyao clapped his hands by tapping the side of the Berserker assault rifle.

He didn't feel condemned at all, but took a step back and praised Jiang Baimian's vigilance:

"The vigilance is forever!"

Yes, now he is a believer of "You Gu" again... Jiang Baimian took two steps to the side as he moved his mouth slightly.

She hadn't sensed any bioelectric signals or human consciousness, and she gave way for Long Yuehong.

Wearing the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor, Long Yuehong is now the "Shield of the Team", taking on the responsibilities of defending forward and exploring the unknown.

The honest Shang Jianyao did not refute Jiang Baimian's words, because he did not sense the existence of human consciousness.

In the slight sound of scales hitting the ground, Long Yuehong walked into the Holm Reproductive Medical Center with the "Berker" assault rifle.

It is not as messy as many shops in the ruins. The floor is full of **** and bones can be seen. It is kept intact and tidy to a certain extent. It is just that there are two display racks dumped, a few chairs lying on the ground, and the area can be seen black. Traces of blood splashing.

Looking at it, Long Yuehong found that the hall was simple in layout, with warm colors, mainly yellow, cyan, green, red and other brighter ones.

This is completely different from the classical flavor of the building itself.

Of course, the yellow-painted exterior wall has already indicated this in advance.

"How can the'unintentional' who were born after the destruction of the old world destroy this place..." Long Yuehong said with emotion.

Bai Chen who finally came in guessed:

"Before the destruction of the old world, there were not many doctors, nurses, patients, and staff, and there was not a lot of food to grab?"

"Perhaps." Jiang Baimian said with a single-soldier combat rocket launcher, "Everyone spread out a little bit and look for clues in the hall."

The honest Shang Jian Yao followed with a smile:

"Don't worry too much, yes, Xiaohong, you are talking about, there should be no obvious danger here.

"Think about it, this place is so close to the original city. The'Crystal Consciousness Sect' has to come down to the holy for anything, and hold some rituals. The dangers that are easy to encounter must have been cleared by them one by one. You see, Even the bones that may exist have been cleaned up."

What to look at? Is there a need for a roll call? Although there is some truth to it...Long Yuehong mumbled a few words in her heart, and said:

"I will check those books and materials."

The two dumped exhibition shelves are for books, pictures, brochures and other materials.

"Good." Jiang Baimian did not dismiss Long Yuehong's self-recommendation.

Several members of the "Old Tune Group" dispersed immediately, but kept within a certain distance.

Long Yuehong walked to the nearest exhibition stand, knelt down on one knee, stretched out the T1 mechanical arm, and picked up a pile of paper that had turned yellow and became brittle but would not be broken at the touch of a touch.

They are written in Honghe language and their names are:

"Things Newlyweds Need to Know"

"Correctly face infertility"

"The Influence of Time, Mood, and Posture on Pregnancy"


Long Yuehong's expression under the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor was slightly embarrassed.

Is this the information I can read now?

When he was a bit stunned, he found that Shang Jianyao was near another exhibition stand, squatted down, and collected the books, pictures and brochures.

"What's the use of this?" Long Yuehong hesitated and asked.

Shang Jian Yao turned his body, his face solemn:

"These are all holy things!"

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his arms and shook the baby gently:

"New life is like the sun, life is the heaviest!"

Okay, now I am a loyal member of the "Life Sacrifice" cult, and Shang Jian Yao, a devout and honest disciple of "Siming"... Jiang Baimian took his gaze back from the exhibition shelf area.

She walked to a wall near the front desk.

There are picture frames hanging there, some of which have fallen to the ground and become shattered.

Inside the frame are pictures of celebrities and big companies visiting the Holm Reproductive Medical Center. Jiang Baimian scanned them one by one, and even saw some of the names of people she had seen in some books in the old world.

There is a feeling of digging out the history... Jiang Baimian is quite satisfied~www.readwn.com~ After looking carefully, her eyes suddenly fixed on one of the photo frames.

The photo inside is very ordinary, it is a group photo of the man who is suspected to be the director of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center and a visiting team.

The words below point out the corresponding identities:

"The Vice President of Northern Company Oak led a team to visit..."

It was the name of this company that attracted Jiang Baimian’s attention:

Northern Company!

Jiang Baimian remembers clearly that there was a piece of news in the "Fah Post" that Wu Meng asked Fei Lintong to take away from this ruin:

"The 29th International Biotechnology Expo was held in Fah, and the North Company showcased the latest genetic research results..."

At that time, the "Old Tune Team" thought of a place in the north where Van Vance's vegetative son was treated, and a hospital in the north where Jiang Xiaoyue, the owner of room "503", was treated as a volunteer before the destruction of the old world.

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