Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 104: Genetic research

Before this exploration, Jiang Baimian wondered whether Holm Reproductive Medical Center would have some connection with Northern Company.

After all, Fan Wensi’s vegetative son has a high probability of connecting the two Buddhist sacred places of Changhe City United Steel Plant and Tieshan City Second Food Company. As a volunteer, he was sent to a certain place in the north for treatment, which inevitably makes people think of it. Yu Fah participated in the 29th International Biotechnology Expo in Northern Company.

Therefore, as another Buddhist sacred place, there is a certain degree of connection between the Holm Reproductive Medical Center and the North Company, which is a logical speculation.

Now, this speculation has been confirmed, and everything is slowly converging in a certain direction.

Jiang Baimian's spirits lifted up, and he looked up at the vice president of Northern Company Oak with a little excitement and excitement.

This man is more than 1.8 meters tall, with blond hair and blue eyes, and belongs to the more common Red River race.

Although he has a neat suit and a decent smile, Jiang Baimian still feels that he is closer to researchers and technicians than to the top of the company.

This is a judgment made from small details:

The stubborn little lock behind Oak's head propped up his hair, the tie that was not nicely tied, the obvious pimples on the side of his face, and the hands that couldn't be placed all explained some problems.

Of course, Jiang Baimian did not dare to say that his speculation must be correct.

What if the other party just got drunk the night before and had a small endocrine problem, and if there was no time to clean up too much in the morning, how about heading out the group in a hurry?

After remembering Oak's slightly rough appearance, Jiang Baimian looked at the man next to him who was suspected to be the director of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center.

-This man appeared in more than a dozen photos, so Jiang Baimian has this judgment.

He was four or five centimeters shorter than Oak, he was fatter, his hair was light yellow, and he wore a pair of glasses made of thin metal. Whether the hairspray on his head or the wrist watch, he matched just right.

"Chikov." Jiang Baimian read this name in a low voice.

A line of people stood neatly behind Chikov and Oak. On the left are clearly named employees of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center, and on the right are members of the Northern Company delegation.

Unlike the Holm Reproductive Medical Center where all the Honghe people are in the row, the Northern Company's representatives also include the gray people and the Hongan people. The number of the former is no less than the Honghe people.

This reminded Jiang Baimian of Tarnan’s boss Aino’s introduction to the nine research institutes:

Before the destruction of the Old World, the most powerful dust country and the most powerful Red River country jointly established a research institute. The main theme seems to be facing the future.

There are Honghe people and dust people, which is closer... Jiang Baimian carefully examined these people.

—None of them have been labeled, so she can only remember her appearance.

At this time, Long Yuehong had overcome the embarrassment, flipping through the books, pictures and brochures on the ground, hoping to find points worthy of attention.

Soon, his eyes lit up and the name of a certain brochure was reflected:

"Gene optimization during pregnancy for the radical cure of certain congenital diseases"

Isn't this common sense? Long Yuehong, who was born in "Pangu Biology", simply flipped through this brochure and searched for similar materials.

It didn't take long for him to have a stack of books and brochures such as "The Impact of Genetic Optimization on Fetal Intelligence" and "The Realistic Significance of Gene Optimization in Early Pregnancy".

If it weren't for wearing the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor and holding the "Berserker" assault rifle, Long Yuehong would have thought he had returned to his childhood in a daze.

At that time, he often saw similar propaganda materials in the homes of his grandfather, grandma, grandfather, and grandmother.

This is the effort made by "Pangu Biology" in the promotion of genetic improvement.

After everyone saw the results with their own eyes and experienced the benefits, such publicity gradually disappeared.

However, "Pangu Biology" prefers to use "genetic improvement" internally, and this area represented by the Holm Reproductive Medical Center is accustomed to using "optimization" to describe this matter.

There is no right or wrong distinction between the two, just different word preferences.

"This reproductive medical center is still doing genetic improvement." Long Yuehong straightened up and informed her companions of her findings.

Shang Jian Yao, who was not far from him, laughed honestly:

"Before the destruction of the old world, genetic improvement was the general trend, and many key achievements were quite mature."

This is not a field that only "Pangu Creatures" and "White Knights" can set foot in.

After the destruction of the old world, for so many years, under various propaganda, consciously or unintentionally, many people from the big powers regard genetic modification as the intrusion of human beings into the forbidden zone of gods and go against natural selection. The root cause of the "heart disease" outbreak, therefore, the corresponding technology has become taboo in most areas, even if anyone unearths valuable information from the ruins of the city, there is a high probability that it will be destroyed.

For this kind of thing, "Pangu Creatures" are happy to see it, and obviously the nobles of "First City" are too.

After several generations of people have accepted optimizations, feedback problems, and made improvements, the genetic improvement technologies currently mastered by "Pangu Creatures" and "White Knights" have long surpassed those before the destruction of the old world.

Long Yuehong defended:

"I mean, you can't treat this as a mere reproductive medical center."

"Of course it is not pure, it is still a Buddhist holy land!" Shang Jian Yao said with earnest heart.

Long Yuehong chose to shut up.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Baimian recounted what he had discovered that the Northern Company had visited the Holm Reproductive Medical Center, and finally said:

"The North Company came to the Fah area to participate in the International Biotechnology Expo in order to showcase its latest genetic research results."

Bai Chen's heart moved:

"Then they got an invitation from the Holm Reproductive Medical Center?

"The two sides have decided to cooperate in genetic research?"

"Theoretically this is the case." Jiang Baimian recalled, "From the date of view, the Northern Company left the Fah region within a week after visiting here, and the old world was destroyed."

No matter what kind of cooperation, there is no time to start at this point.

In other words, even if the two parties really cooperate, it has nothing to do with the destruction of the old world and the outbreak of "unintentional disease".

Long Yuehong let out a "uh":

"Then it has become a Buddhist holy land. It can't be because of the very weak connection with the Northern Company, right?"

If this is the case, the place where the Fah Region undertakes the International Biotechnology Expo is even more sacred!

"This is the direction we will explore next." Jiang Baimian did not make any judgments in advance.

After a round of searching, in addition to Shang Jianyao stuffing some "sacred magazines" into his tactical backpack, Jiang Baimian remembered the appearance of the vice president of Northern Company Oak, the director of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center, Chikov and others. The adjustment team" has nothing else to gain.

Back in the center of the hall, Shang Jianyao asked excitedly:

"can you start it?"

Jiang Baimian nodded, and said to Long Yuehong and Bai Chen:

"You go outside and look at the lobby through the window."

This is their previous experience of exploring the ruins of the steel plant, the family members of the 2nd District, Building 4, Room 302.

When Bai Chen and Long Yuehong were in their positions, Shang Jian Yao was already sitting cross-legged, holding the "Six Perception Beads" in one hand, and unfolding the medical record of the ruined steel factory in the other.

He used the tone of chanting Buddhist scriptures to "sing" the contents of the medical records.

Everything inside the Home Reproductive Medical Center is business as usual.

After confirming this from Bai Chen and Long Yuehong through the walkie-talkie, Jiang Baimian signaled that Shang Jian Yao could take out the Little Jade Buddha.

Shang saw Yao complied with kindness, put his hand into his pocket, took out the little green jade Buddha in the lake, and placed it in his palm.

This time, there is still no change in the surrounding area.

The "old tune group" all the useful methods when exploring the second food company in Tieshan City have lost their effectiveness.

"No..." Shang Jianyao held the little jade Buddha and stood up regretfully.

Jiang Baimian groaned a little, and picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Hong, you can come back now.

"Then we went to the second floor to search and do something similar again."

Waiting for Long Yuehong and Bai Chen to return to the team, several members of the "Old Tune Team" kept the battle formation and stepped up the second floor along the stairs.

The interior of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center is indeed relatively lightly damaged. It is basically kept in its original state. Only a few tables and chairs have fallen or deviated from the original area, and black blood stains can be seen in a few places.

Walking along the long and quiet corridor, Jiang Baimian and others entered each room, looking for clues.

After investigating one by one, Long Yuehong habitually and lead the way into the right front room.

The first thing that caught his eye was an oil painting of a woman showing her breasts, and then he saw a lot of similar things and LCD screens.

Long Yuehong's red ears were red, and then he exited the room.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Baimian asked.

Shang Jianyao stepped forward curiously, UU reading www.uukanshu.com came to the side of Long Yuehong and glanced at the situation in the house.


He took a picture of the "Berzer" assault rifle and said:

"I understand.

"This is the study room."

After speaking, he whispered the Buddha's name:

"Nan Wu Azi Duoruo San Miao San Bodhi."

Jiang Baimian and Bai Chen instantly understood what Shang Jianyao really meant.

Holding back the smile, Jiang Baimian simply ordered:

"Just look it up quickly, there shouldn't be any clues here."

As she said, the "Old Tune Team" did not find useful information in this room.

After leaving this area and turning into the horizontal corridor, Jiang Baimian glanced around and saw a nameplate:

"Center Supervisor Office"

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