Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 108: White light

Long night after fire https://

Is something abnormal? Long Yuehong, who was wrapped in the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor, almost stared out.

The abnormalities in the Buddhist holy land of Holm Reproductive Medical Center are actually hidden in the reproductive material freezer!

Suddenly, Long Yuehong couldn't help but think of what Shang Jianyao said just now:

"Zhuang Sheng", "Bodhi"...

Reproductive material...

Holy Relic...

Long Yuehong worked hard to stop her associations, so as not to be killed on the spot by the old man and there was no place to complain.

I blame Shang Jian Yao! He guiltyly emphasized a word in silence.

Shang saw that Yao had just passed the half-collapsed iron gate and stopped there.

He put his hand into his pocket and took out the item that radiated turquoise light on its own.

This is not the little green jade Buddha in the lake, but the "Pearl of Six Consciousness" that Shang Jianyao removed before.

This piece is a fusion of the anomalous props of Tieshan No. 2 Food Company, a Buddhist holy place, and the wood grain surface reveals a faint turquoise light.

Shang Jianyao said to himself:

"The Little Jade Buddha of the United Iron and Steel Plant of Changhe City went back in time at Tieshan No. 2 Food Company and reproduced the picture of the past, and the "Six Beads of Knowledge" representing the Tieshan No. 2 Food Company inspired the Holm Reproductive Medical Center. abnormal……

"So, it must be in strict order?

"A certain item or an abnormality in the Holm Reproductive Medical Center is the key to the next ‘key area’ of the Buddhist holy land?"

Jiang Baimian responded with a rather helpless expression:

"This issue can be discussed after leaving the ruins."

The time and place are not right now.

In fact, Jiang Baimian also felt that Shang Jianyao's speculation was very reasonable. He believed that exploring the five Buddhist sacred sites was a matter of chain and chain. The beginning must be found accurately and the order should not be messed up.

Where should I explore next? Bingyuan Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School or under the old locust tree at the entrance of Linhe Village, Dajiang City? Jiang Baimian watched Shang Jianyao holding the "Six Beads of Consciousness" in his palm again, while radiating his thoughts along the question just now.

Thinking about it, she found a problem worthy of attention:

If it is true that as Shang Jianyao said, there is an order to explore the Buddhist holy places, then why can my team go smoothly without making mistakes?

I thought of placing the Tieshan City No. 2 Food Company midway when planning this outing mission, instead of going on the return journey. It was mainly because Shang Jianyao entered the "522" room and found the corresponding Tieshan City No. 2 Food Company. Second, the psychological shadow of the food company, and after repeated attempts, awakened the weird aura hidden inside, letting them blend into the "six beads of consciousness", Jiang Baimian felt that this might not be a coincidence.

Room "522" is the second room that Shang Jianyao entered after stepping into the "corridor of the soul", the first room to explore in a real sense!

Too much coincidence means it is not a coincidence!

When Jiang Baimian's thoughts were turned around, Shang Jianyao took off the flashlight, illuminating the scene inside the frozen warehouse:

There are areas separated by steel plates, and each area is crisscrossed with things that look like gas tanks.

They are not that big, they are tightly sealed, and they are liquid nitrogen containers for storing reproductive materials.

At this time, under the light of the flashlight mixed with the "Six Consciousness Beads", these containers were stained with a strange turquoise, but one of them was slightly different, as if there was an additional layer of misty white.

Shang Jianyao had a "Berker" assault rifle hanging on his chest, turning the "Six Consciousness Bead" in one hand and a flashlight in the other, and walked towards the "outlier".

"It won't be..." Jiang Baimian had come to the door and saw this scene.

She did not dare to think further.

Isn't it true that the reproductive materials of "Zhuang Sheng" or "Bodhi" are stored in that liquid nitrogen tank, right? The destruction of the old world and the outbreak of "unintentional disease" are not something that some people have studied that shouldn't be studied. They want to combine gods with humans and give birth to new creatures, right? Long Yuehong couldn't control her brain.

Bai Chen was stunned for a moment, and then watched his surroundings vigilantly, worrying about any accidents.

Shang Jianyao "Taishan collapsed in the front without changing the color", the more this frightening critical moment, the more indifferent he, step by step, walked to the liquid nitrogen tank with white mist under the blue light. .

After carefully observing for more than ten seconds, Shang Jianyao said in a deep voice:

"This container has been opened at some point."

The other liquid nitrogen tanks in the freezer are tightly sealed.

Long Yuehong had a strange association:

Those reproductive materials came alive, reproduced on their own, opened the jar, lined up in a line, and left in a mighty manner...

"Look at what's left inside." Jiang Baimian said calmly.

Shang Jianyao shone the flashlight in.

Soon, he gave the answer:

"Nothing at all."

After saying this, he reached out his palm holding the "Six Consciousness Beads" and brought this item into direct contact with the liquid nitrogen tank.

Almost at the same time, a burst of white light rose from the inside of the tank.

They were very illusory. After hovering for a while, they flew straight into Shang Jianyao's body.

These white lights did not try to integrate into the "Six Consciousness Beads", but aimed at Shang Jian Yao!

Shang Jianyao's eyes suddenly became hazy, as if his soul had been forcibly pulled out of his body.

Then, he saw himself appearing in the "Sea of ​​Origin".

The "sea of ​​origin" that belongs to him.

Below here is a gleaming illusory ocean and a looming island, above it is the sky shrouded in pale white mist and a large dark gap.

At this time, the Shang Jian Yaos had separated naturally, each wrapped in a white light.

During the entanglement, every Shang Jian Yao had a face protruding out of it, and it seemed that it was about to split into more Shang Jian Yao.

"No way!" I don't know which Shang Jian Yao shouted loudly.

At this moment, in the dark rift leading to Xiao Chong's spiritual world, countless black shadows came to life in an instant, and the moths ran into the invisible barrier as if they wanted to erode over.

Then the white light stagnated.

Immediately afterwards, they seemed to have encountered natural enemies or enemies, quickly separated from the Shang Jian Yaos, and regrouped in midair.

This ray of light shot out and pierced the gloomy crack.

It collided with the heavy black shadows, blended together, piled up in the crack, and there was no more movement.

Shang Jian Yao watched for a while, carefully joined together, and flew over with two of them as wings.

He suppressed his voice and yelled "Xiao Chong", but no one responded.

After waiting for a while, Shang Jian Yao put out a hand and touched it slowly and slowly.

He touched the "darkness" of white light and black shadow, and poked it lightly.

No response.

"That's it?" Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin, "talking to himself."

The next second, he sighed with regret:

"Why can't it hold on for a while?

"Wait a little longer, our number can at least triple."

When the white light was entwined, the Shang Jian Yaos were splitting up, and the members of the Shang Jian Yao Democratic Consultative Council were about to grow substantially.

Confirming that the breach really returned to normal, Shang Jianyao left the "Sea of ​​Origin" and opened his eyes.

"How is it?" Jiang Baimian came to his side and asked concerned.

At this time, the "six beads of consciousness" that Shang Jianyao held in his left hand no longer emits turquoise light, and the pale white mist emerging from the corresponding liquid nitrogen tank also disappeared without a trace.

"Entering the'Sea of ​​Origins', the aura left by Xiao Chong disappears together, no, it disappears together." Shang Jianyao's faction replied easily.

Jiang Baimian frowned:

"No other questions, right?"

She didn't ask if there was any hidden danger, it was obvious!

"Not for the time being." Shang Jianyao smiled, "It's really not good. I can still transfer the breath from the'Angel of Life' necklace, as well as that from the'Six Consciousness Beads'."

Don't stuff everything into the "Sea of ​​Origin"! Jiang Baimian "snarled" in her heart~www.readwn.com~ She looked down and said:

"This liquid nitrogen tank does not seem to be numbered."

Normally, it should be numbered to correspond to the source of reproductive material.

"It must have been there originally. Who wiped it out after the destruction of the Old World?" Shang Jianyao pointed to the side, "The numbers on the other liquid nitrogen tanks are gone."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Baimian sighed:

"Really cautious.

"I also plan to write down the numbers of other liquid nitrogen tanks, and then try to extract data from the hard disk obtained in the supervisor's office, compare them, and find the one that was erased."

The "Old Tune Team" removed the hard drive from the computer in the central supervisor's office and prepared to take it back for Gnava to do data repair.

This is an electronic product that will be affected by Wu Meng, but just like the walkie-talkie, it has no attack power and is under the close supervision of Jiang Baimian. If there is any problem, it will be crushed immediately.

Before Shang saw Yao's response, Jiang Baimian nodded and said to himself:

"This is not a big problem. As long as the inventory data can be repaired smoothly, you can check it name by name to see which is doubtful."

After a quick search, Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian withdrew from the freezer.

They joined Long Yuehong and Bai Chen, prepared to return to the hall and leave the Holm Reproductive Medical Center.

As soon as they arrived on the first floor along the stairs, Jiang Baimian and others suddenly saw a figure.

This figure is sitting on a cyan sofa in the hall. It is a 27-year-old man with neatly combed hair. He wears a gray formal suit with black stripes and a pair of glasses with round but rather small frames. I was looking at a brochure carefully.

Suddenly, Long Yuehong had a name in his mind:

Wu Meng!

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