Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 109: powerful

Long night after fire https://

Wu Meng!

At almost the same time, Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and Bai Chen also flashed such a name in their minds.

Wu Meng, the owner of the "Road and Electrical Maintenance" radio station!

Although none of the members of the "Old Tune Team" has actually seen Wu Meng, the former hunter of the ruins, Felinton, once encountered a man with a similar image in this ruin. At that time, the man was surrounded by a red-eyed python. , Squatting white giant wolves, and these two aberrant creatures are sure to be transformed by Wu Meng, which are slightly equal to his pets.

Therefore, without saying clearly, Jiang Baimian and others naturally came to the conclusion that the man was Wu Meng.

The terrifying monster of the "Eternal Years" sect who sacrificed himself and forcibly sealed him, is now finally out of trouble? Jiang Baimian felt tight at first, and then he had different judgments.

She did not sense that any electrical appliances were activated here, and no other human consciousness existed, but she found that the electromagnetic environment on the first floor of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center was quite disordered!

Reminiscent of the last time Wu Meng was determined to be sealed, he still "showed up" to meet Ferringtone. With the help of him, he passed a copy of "Fah Post" to the "Old Tune" who was exploring the wasteland No. 13 ruins at the time. "Group" and several lone hunters, Jiang Baimian suspected that Wu Meng relied on nearby electrical appliances, electric boards, and wires to forcibly transform the corresponding area, so that the electromagnetic signals transmitted by him could show images.

In order for the "old tune group" to break the current situation, apart from depriving oneself of hearing and not listening to what Wu Meng said, there is a very simple way:

Change the electromagnetic environment here, so that the signal from Wu Meng has nothing to rely on!

Jiang Baimian did as he thought of it, dropped the individual combat rocket launcher, and stretched his left palm forward.

She wants to use the high-voltage current remaining in the biological prosthesis to forcibly destroy the electromagnetic environment within the range!

At this time, Shang Jian Yao didn't know which nerve was short, and he laughed, triumphantly:

"Haha, this time you have no pets to follow..."

He had just finished speaking, wearing small round glasses and a gray formal dress with black stripes. He was reading the brochure of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center leisurely. The man suspected of Wu Meng raised his head.

He looked at the four members of the "Old Tune Team", and the corners of his mouth slightly twitched.

Suddenly, the heads of Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao, Long Yuehong, and Bai Chen became empty. They didn't know what they were going to do or what to do, and they didn't even remember who they were. The whole person was confused and seemed to be lost. The ability to think.

The current impact of Jiang Baimian's ready to send came to an abrupt end before it even started.

The black-haired and brown-eyed man chuckled lightly, and said in the strange accent of the Honghe people's dusty language:

"Don't be nervous, I really want to deal with you, why is it so troublesome? It's just a flash of electric spark.

"The avenue is like water, and taking advantage of the trend is mighty and unstoppable."

His voice really belongs to Wu Meng.

When Wu Meng spoke, the brains of Jiang Baimian and others finally recovered their rhythm, and their thinking ability quickly recovered.

And the first thought they flashed through was:

This sore is too strong, right?

Shang Jian Yao was not afraid of not having the ability to resist, and asked with a little curiosity on his face:

"Foolish halo?"

This is a kind of ability in the "Zhuang Sheng" field, and Shang Jianyao feels that it is very similar to the influence Wu Meng has just exerted.

Wu Meng sat on the sofa and did not get up.

He leaned back and smiled slightly:

"When you enter the'new world', you will be able to control all the abilities in a large area."

Jiang Baimian recalled his previous experience. On the one hand, he felt that he and others really had nothing to do, and that he needed to make sufficient preparations before he could fight against the "Aura of Stupidity". It is better to listen to what Wu Meng really wants to do. The aspect still used his brains unwillingly, trying to find opportunities, "send" Wu Meng away, and put the initiative in his hands.

But this does not prevent her from taking the opportunity to slurp some wool.

Anyway, I have fallen into this situation. It's better to look a little bit more and see if you can get some benefits!

So, Jiang Baimian took the opportunity to ask:

"What about the old age?"

Wu Meng smiled and said:

"I am ambitious, but this is not a good thing.

"The husband does not fight, so the world cannot fight with him."

Just when Jiang Baimian thought his attempt to squeeze the wool had failed, Wu Meng patted the cyan mat next to him:

"From the big point of view, the executives are in charge of three fields, naturally suppressing all the awakened in this field."

Three areas...one price, three gifts...Jiang Baimian found that they were all in the same line.

Wu Meng's eyes wore small round glasses, and he noticed that Long Yuehong and Bai Chen were in a tight state.

"Really don't be nervous. If I want to control you, I can do it last time. There is no need to wait until now." This mysterious existence called a monster and a boil is just like a real radio host, with a gentle attitude and words. With a smile, "The last time you went back, three people should have committed suicide. Don't you think I could only affect them three?"

Reminded by Wu Meng’s words, Long Yuehong, Bai Chen, Shang Jianyao, and Jiang Baimian recalled the three of Waite, Fars, and Fellington, who had suddenly chosen to commit suicide, but they had obviously finished their explorations and gained a lot of merit. people.

This made Long Yuehong shiver as if being poured on top of her head by a bucket of ice water.

The gentle, polite man in front of him can manipulate the thinking of others and kill people invisible!

"Then why did you let us go?" the honest Shang Jian Yao asked rhetorically.

Wu Meng raised Erlang's legs, his posture was very relaxed:

"Because you have persistent gaze."

His gaze gradually stopped on Shang Jianyao:

"'Siming','You Gu','Dawn','Shuangri','Broken Mirror', Bodhi..."

This was Wang Fugui's guess at the time, but he thought we were a devout believer... Jiang Baimian discovered that the most unlikely speculation before it turned out to be true.

As for the fact that there are so many obsessive eyes, the "old tune group" has been familiar with it, physically and mentally numb.

In the Hongshiji, after the little jade Buddha had a wonderful change under the gaze of "You Gu", they "broken the jar" and "dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water."

"Why do those old men watch us?" Long Yuehong blurted out.

Wu Meng has a funny expression on your face:

"You need to ask them, not me."

"Then why did you come to us?" Jiang Baimian asked calmly.

Wu Meng sorted out the gray formal wear with black stripes:

"You hurt my pet, I'll see you, isn't it too much?"

Here comes the main topic... Long Yuehong remembered that he had wounded the white giant wolf's tail, and suddenly became nervous again.

Shang Jianyao jumped up and asked about another thing:

"Someone attacked us before, why didn't you influence them and let them run around in this ruin?

"Didn't you say that dealing with people of our level is just a matter of electric sparks? Is it that they are also being watched by any old man?"

good question! This time, it was Jiang Baimian's turn to applaud Shang Jianyao.

Wu Meng glanced sideways and automatically sensed outside the door:

"It has been sealed for a long time, and it needs some entertainment, and they are protected by the'Doctor'."

"'Doctor'? The'Doctor' of the Eighth Research Institute?" Jiang Baimian keenly caught the word.

Wu Meng nodded:


Teacher Du Heng said that "Doctors" have become dark lackeys, while "Dawn Morning Star" and "True Self Teaching" think they are the minions of "Nightmare"... So, "Nightmare" is part of the darkness? Jiang Baimian's thoughts were transferred, and he started to analyze.

Shang Jianyao raised another question:

"Since you said you don't want to deal with us, why did your pet attack us? Why did you affect the electrical appliances in our team again and again?"

Wu Meng laughed, the eyes behind the small round glasses faintly glowing red:

"Guess, how many of us want to kill you, and how many are trying to suppress them?"

In Long Yue's red eyes, the sore smile carried indescribable cruelty and inexplicable joy.

No, don't irritate him... It really belongs to the "Zhuang Sheng" domain, and it is very similar to the price of feeding... Jiang Baimian made a gesture with his left hand to signal Shang Jian Yao not to continue this topic.

Before several members of the "Old Tune Group" could speak, Wu Meng chuckled and said:

"I came to see you, but I still have a purpose.

"What you are investigating has a special meaning to me, and it will probably help me break the seal. That's why I borrowed the hunter's hand to give you the copy of the "Fah Post".

"Now, I mainly want to tell you one thing:

"The Buddhist shrine to explore next is Bingyuantaicheng No. 1 Senior High School."

After speaking, Wu Meng's expression suddenly sank, and the surrounding air suddenly sank like a block of lead:

"You can leave now."

Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and others looked at each other, daring not to stay, and cautiously crossed the hall ~www.readwn.com~ to the outside of the Holm Reproductive Medical Center.

As soon as he left the automatic sensor door, Jiang Baimian remembered something, and went back to make up another question:

"Can you really transform into an aberrant creature?"

Wu Meng smiled slightly:

"you guess."

He did not answer positively.

When the four members of the "Old Tune Team" were far away from the Holm Reproductive Medical Center, Wu Meng suddenly outlined a figure behind him.

She is Xu Lan in jeans.

"Why don't you control them to help you get out of trouble?" Xu Lan frowned and asked.

Standing by Wu Meng's side, her symmetry obsessive-compulsive disorder seemed to be "well", and it didn't show up at all.

"It's not enough to rely on you and them." Wu Meng smiled, "Moreover, the'Doctor' should try his best to deal with them next. The'master' of that necklace is not easy."

Xu Lan showed a puzzled expression:

"You don't care?"

Wu Meng shook his head, his figure gradually faded until he disappeared.

He only left one sentence:

"Anyone who can't kill them will make them stronger."


Before the evening came, Jiang Baimian and others returned to the cave passage.

With the help of the key information recorded in advance, they confirmed that their memories were not modified, and they were not implanted with strange thoughts, and then reminded each other to break the "protection" provided by Shang Jian Yao.

"What does Wu Meng mean?" Long Yuehong muttered to herself in confusion.

Jiang Baimian was about to answer, but the light of the flashlight swept across several crates placed on the ground.

That is what they used to install military exoskeleton devices and bionic smart armor.

It is not surprising that these boxes appear here, but the strange thing is another point.

Jiang Baimian looked around and said:

"Where is Old Ge?"

Gnawa didn't even guard here.

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