Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 111: laboratory

Long night after fire https://

In the setting sun, the ruins of the entire city have a sense of magnificence and tranquility but deadly sadness.

Long Yuehong was not fascinated by the beauty, so she glanced left and right, wanting to ask how to find the secret laboratory.

The "Old Tune Team" had not received specific location information from Avia before, because Avia had never been to Wasteland No. 13, and had no knowledge of it, so she could only mechanically repeat what her grandfather Ole had said. With words, Jiang Baimian and others, who also lacked a holistic grasp of the city, were at a loss.

After finding the city map from the bookstore in the afternoon, they had a certain judgment, but due to time, there was no time for in-depth analysis and speculation.

In Long Yuehong's view, pursuing the "footprints" left by Gnarva may be the most practical and effective way.

He believes that when the intelligent robot was left alone in the original city, it was likely that he had quietly collected the city layout map of the wasteland No. 13 ruins, and figured out where the dangerous and secret laboratory is.

Of course, the "source brain" that stores many materials of the old world may have grasped the corresponding city map a long time ago, but there is no further information.

Just as Long Yuehong opened her mouth and made a sound, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded somewhere in the ruins of the city.

The earth trembles slightly, and many birds rise from the tops of different buildings.

"To the north." Jiang Baimian, wearing a military exoskeleton device, quickly locked the approximate area where the explosion occurred. "That secret laboratory seems to be there."

Bai Chen instantly thinks:

"Old Ge made it?"

"It's very likely." Jiang Baimian nodded solemnly.

"There is no need to waste time looking for the target location now." Shang Jianyao made no secret of his satisfaction.

He exaggeratedly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he turned his head and asked Long Yuehong:

"Did you complain secretly and act rashly without knowing where the target location is?"

"No!" Long Yuehong replied stiffly with a guilty heart.

He looked at the direction where the explosion sound was coming from, and said with great joy:

"There is no overlap with the radio station "Dao and Electrical Maintenance", there is a certain deviation..."

In other words, that secret laboratory was not the place where Wu Meng was sealed.

"Hush." ​​Shang Jianyao raised his index finger and reached his mouth, indicating Long Yuehong not to say anything.

Long Yuehong sensibly chose to shut her mouth.

Jiang Baimian, who had observed the various traces around the exit of the cave, raised his head:

"Old Ge is indeed going in that direction, let's go."

As the team leader, she was supposed to take the lead and lead the way, but after running a few steps, she gradually slowed down and waited until Shang Jian Yao and Long Yuehong passed her before running again.

Even with the help of the positioning and navigation system that comes with the military exoskeleton device, she dared not take it carelessly.

The well-equipped "old tune team" quickly bypassed the artificial lake, entered a block, and rushed towards the target area.

Zheng Zheng, they didn't deliberately control the sound of footsteps.

As he ran, Shang Jianyao suddenly raised the Berserker assault rifle and pulled the trigger somewhere to the side.


A glass window shattered, and a figure fell from the fourth floor to the ground.

He wore several different clothes, his hands and feet were bare, and his nails were tough and sharp, just like a "unintentional".

Shang Jianyao didn't stop his pace, but with the help of a military exoskeleton device, he jumped up abruptly.

He expected that the place he was going to pass would be covered by a rain of bullets.

At this time, a rocket flew to the third floor of another building and got into a certain room.


Several pieces of glass were shattered, and the flames engulfed several figures.

Shang Jian Yao, who was not attacked again, landed steadily, turned his body sideways, and looked back at the players.

Jiang Baimian ran a straight line unabated with his individual combat rocket launcher.

She said in a deep voice:

"Don't stop, rush over!

"Don't waste time on these ‘unintentional ones’!"

Dangdang, Shang Jian Yao shot the side of the Berserker assault rifle, and resolutely executed the order. Long Yuehong and Bai Chen followed closely behind.

After a rush, they rushed through two blocks in a row, and finally got rid of the ordinary "unintentional".

"Huh, I thought there was no ‘unintentional’ here." Long Yuehong gasped slightly.

While speaking, he was still running.

——Bionic smart armor is different from military exoskeleton devices. Its ability to assist running and increase strength is not strong. Unless it is a type whose main function is in this direction, it can be comparable to the latter. Therefore, Long Yuehong wears After the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor ran such a long distance, it was inevitable that it would pant a little.

"Yeah, yeah." This time it was Shang Jianyao who habitually agreed.

The "Old Tune Group" entered here several times before, and they did not encounter the "Unintentional". I thought that Wasteland No. 13 remains special because the existence of monsters like Wu Meng caused the "Unintentional" to fail to thrive and live. To the present.

"Huh, it seems that the "unintentional" here are mainly active in this area and rarely go to other places." Although Bai Chen, who has undergone genetic modification, is panting, he is relatively fine.

Jiang Baimian thought for a while and said:

"Perhaps they were attracted by the explosion."

In simple exchanges, the "old tune group" jumped up from time to time, stepped on the tops of cars blocking the road, and sometimes used street shops to straighten the bends and shorten the distance.

In twenty minutes or so, Jiang Baimian and others arrived at the initial estimated target location.

There is one building after another, high or low, which is dizzying.

Recalling Olei's words relayed by Avia, Jiang Baimian ran to the left with a single-soldier combat rocket launcher.

At the same time, she amplified her voice through the sound generator of the military exoskeleton device:

"Go to the right, and after going around the building, find a small white building with only three floors and a courtyard."

Long Yuehong and Bai Chen slowed down, and the honest businessmen asked Yao if they didn’t understand:

"Is it left or right?"

Jiang Baimian stopped his figure at once, recalled and judged again.

"To the right!" She adjusted her direction dullly.

However, she didn't take this matter to heart at all, and followed Shang Jian Yao and the others in a good state to bypass a block full of tall buildings.

Before long, the small white building described by Jiang Baimian appeared in the eyes of several members of the "Old Tune Team".

It is not high, but it occupies a large area, with a park-like courtyard, and there is no sign at the door that can locate its specific information.

Rushing into the door and passing through the courtyard, Shang Jianyao and others saw that the door of the small white building was completely open.

"Slow down." Jiang Baimian gave the order again, "Confirm the surrounding situation."

This is a necessary step for any action!

After completing the preliminary reconnaissance, the "old tune team" entered the small building, looking for traces of Gnawa's visit.

There are smooth mirror-like black marble floor tiles, very hard, without any depressions, but perhaps no one has been here for a long time, the ground is covered with a lot of dust, leaving a series of footprints.

This obviously belongs to the robot.

"Old Ge is indeed here." Shang Jianyao said with relief, "He went to the top of the stairs."

He said as he walked along the footsteps.

Jiang Baimian didn't stop him, he just guarded against any enemies that might jump out of the stairs shrouded in darkness.

The light of the flashlight shone in, dispelling the "mist".

Seeing that there were indeed no dangerous creatures lurking, Jiang Baimian motioned to Long Yuehong and Bai Chen to follow.

——The first thing to explore this kind of thing has now been handed over to the "Shield of the Team" Long Yuehong, but Jiang Baimian considered that this laboratory is very dangerous, and Shang Jianyao put on a military exoskeleton device again, and has a certain amount of equipment. With his defensive ability and sufficient dodge ability, he can also sense in a large range, and he feels that he is more suitable than Long Yuehong.

All the way down, the old tune group came to the negative second floor.

Here is a silver hall constructed from heavy metal walls, and a half-hidden fluorescent lamp is installed above it~www.readwn.com~ At this time, all these fluorescent lamps are on, making the hall look like daylight.

"Where did the call come from?" Long Yuehong blurted out.

Sixty or seventy years have passed since the destruction of the "Old World"!

Shang Jianyao patted the side of the Berserker assault rifle with his right palm, and guessed quite excitedly:

"Tie Wu Meng to generate electricity here?"

As expected of you... Jiang Baimian cast his gaze into the depths of the hall.

There was a silver-black metal gate that opened, and a statue-like robot stood beside it.

The robot was one size smaller than Gnawa, and its appearance was closer to those left over from the old world.

It seems that it has no electricity, and its head is lowered, like a dust.

Jiang Baimian deliberatedly said:

"Old Ge seems to have opened the door of the laboratory and broke in."

She paused and said:

"Swamp No. 1 ruins, which also has a secret laboratory, is equipped with a hydroelectric power station, and calls come every night."

What she means is that there may be similar power stations here that can be used for a long time with a little maintenance to maintain the operation of the laboratory.

The ones responsible for maintenance are most likely the old world robots.

As soon as Jiang Baimian's voice fell, Shang Jianyao rushed to the entrance of the secret laboratory.

In the blink of an eye, he stopped by the door and politely asked the motionless silver robot:

"Have you ever seen a smart person so much taller than you?"

Shang Jian Yao said while comparing Gnawa's height.

If it can answer you, it would be terrifying...Long Yuehong slandered after seeing this.

At this moment, the robot suddenly raised its head, and a red light appeared in its eyes.

There was a cold voice in its mouth:

"Illegal invasion!

"Illegal invasion!"

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