Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 112: Knowledge equals power

Long night after fire https://

"Illegal invasion!

"Illegal invasion!"

As the voice reverberated, the silver robot had already raised its hands.

Two grenades fired out with flame tails and flew to Shang Jian Yao, who was close at hand.

It is fast, and Shang Jian Yao is faster. Almost just when he lifted his head and his eyes glowed red, Shang Jian Yao leaned back, kicked his feet, pressed his waist and abdomen, and turned it out.

Under normal circumstances, this is just a backflip, but Shang Jianyao is now wearing a military exoskeleton device, and his bounce and balance capabilities are far superior to humans. Therefore, he is like a somersault cloud in the old world myths. A back flip turned directly to a place close to the ceiling.

Two grenades passed over him and fell to the edge of the metal hall, creating a violent explosion.

On the other side, several members of the "Old Tune Team" responded equally quickly.

Bai Chen, wrapped in the "Chameleon" bionic smart armor, disappeared in situ and entered a latent state, looking for the most suitable attack opportunity. Although Long Yuehong was a bit nervous and did not have enough confidence in fighting a robot head-on, he still Relying on the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor with outstanding defensive capabilities, it swishes out and rushes towards the enemy.

He didn't walk in a straight line when he ran, but instead used the tail attached to the smart armor. The snake generally ran out of an "S"-shaped trajectory and maintained sufficient balance.

At the same time, he raised his right palm and put the laser weapon of the T1 robotic arm in a state of being fired.

Once the lock is completed and the key part of the opponent is targeted, he will immediately give a fatal blow.

Jiang Baimian made a big jump, leaping to the metal wall next to him, and then using the continuous rebound of the wall, ceiling, and ground, he approached the robot in a dazzling and difficult-to-capture way of traveling.

She did not choose to fight the other party remotely, because the lobby is not a square, and there is not enough space to move, and it is on the second floor of the basement. If a real fire is hit, the corresponding load-bearing structure is destroyed, and the building collapses. "Old Tune Team" Four The fragile silicon-based human bodies of these members are definitely not as good as metal robots, and there is a high probability that there will be no survivors at that time.

—The "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor can't prevent a few tons, dozens of tons, or even heavier things from falling off. It really has to fall into such a situation. It may still be intact to a certain extent. Long Yuehong will definitely become a meatloaf mixed with blood.

Facing the encirclement of several members of the "Old Tune Team", the silver robot didn't stay on the spot stupidly. It moved out horizontally in accordance with the procedure and full of combat wisdom.

This caused Longyuehong's lock to fail.

Immediately afterwards, the robot jumped and ran quickly, constantly shifting positions, and seizing every opportunity to fire grenades at illegal intruders, using electromagnetic weapons to create waves of explosions.

It didn't seem to worry that this would cause the building above it to collapse and the laboratory to be buried. If it weren't for the assistance of Jiang Baimian and others, the response would be quick, and it might have been injured under the attack of this ruthless killing machine.

When the rabbits and falcons fell, this sudden battle was actually only in the past ten seconds.

Just as the silver robot rolled back near the entrance of the laboratory and completed a wave of attacks, when it was about to jump away, the red light in its eyes flashed suddenly, and its body stiffened there for a while.

The stiffness only lasted for a second, but when it was said that it was too late, a projectile entwined with silver-white electric light shot out, with strong kinetic energy, it hit the robot's chest.

In the sound of Dang, the metal spider web there cracked and collapsed, revealing the hidden chips and densely packed electronic components and transmission lines underneath.

Jiang Baimian seized the opportunity and used the electromagnetic transmitter attached to the military exoskeleton device in midair!

Then, she took advantage of the force to change direction from the ceiling, jumped directly in front of the silver robot, and pressed the individual combat rocket launcher face to face to the crack in the enemy's chest.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Baimian stared at the two soaring red lights and pulled the trigger.

At the same time, she took advantage of the momentum and leaped back, exerting force under her feet, and her whole body flew out against the ground.


A huge fire light swelled out of the silver robot body, and countless parts were thrown out, scattered everywhere.

When the explosion subsided, only an incomplete metal body remained in place, the lower half.

It shook two or three times before hitting the ground with a pounding sound.

Long Yuehong stopped the action she was preparing to make, and looked sideways at Shang Jianyao who was standing on the edge of the silver hall:

"How did you do it?"

The robot was obviously abnormal for almost one second just now, and Shang Jianyao shouldn't be able to "manipulate" the electromagnetic, but could only "interfere".

Shang Jian Yao forcibly inserted the right palm covering the metal skeleton into his trouser pocket, and smiled triumphantly:

"I interfered with one of its signal receivers, which caused a fault message to appear there and put it into a self-checking state."

He didn't know who he was imitating, he had to put on a relaxed posture.

"Is this too accurate?" Long Yuehong did not hide his surprise.

Is this something that "interference electromagnetics" can accomplish?

Shang Jian Yao, who had switched his personality, dismissed POSE, walked towards the entrance of the laboratory, and said with a smile:

"I spent a little time identifying the model of his signal receiver, recalling the corresponding fault code and interrupt mechanism, and usually I asked Lao Ge how to stimulate different models of receivers in the simplest way. I can temporarily influence a robot at this stage.

"Have you forgotten everything you learned in college? Do you usually don't chat with Laoge?

"My friend, knowledge equals power!"

Speaking of his understanding of old world robots, Gnawa will not be a second person in the "Old Tune Group". Even Bai Chen, who once owned an old world robot, can't compare it.

This is racial talent.

Long Yuehong was embarrassed for a while, really felt that his efforts in some areas were not as good as a mental illness.

However, his ambition has never been this.

Shang Jianyao glanced at him, his smile became very kind:

"Drilling more and studying how to deal with different enemies can effectively help you survive the fierce battle.

"Dabai and I need to do this, you need it even more, because we are not afraid of death, you are afraid."

I'm afraid too! Jiang Baimian did not interfere with the brief and serious Shang Jianyao and took the opportunity to mention his teammates.

She guessed that this was the one who values ​​feelings.

Long Yuehong's heart was shocked, and her expression gradually became serious.

"I understand." He nodded vigorously.

At this time, Bai Chen reappeared.

She has already sneaked into the entrance of the laboratory. If Jiang Baimian had not had time to use electromagnetic weapons, she would also throw a bunch of high-performance adsorption explosives in the past.

Shang Jianyao stopped at the entrance of the laboratory, let his eyes pass Bai Chen, and cast his eyes inside.

He said with joy and disappointment:

"I thought there would be a series of'illegal invasion' warnings, and one robot after another ran out."

Don't think about things that sound scary...Long Yuehong was afraid that she couldn't help thinking about it.

Jiang Baimian reloaded the individual combat rocket launchers with ammunition, and considered:

"There should not be so many robots'wake up'.

"Old Ge has used the passcode to enter, and'Yuan Brain' is definitely the best at dealing with robots."

What she meant was that, as long as it was not as dead as Shang Jianyao just now, and proactively rushed to the guarding robots to "provoke", those robots would not be able to regain their mobility for no reason.

"The most fearful thing is that they have become the slaves of the'Source Brain'." Bai Chen reminded.

Jiang Baimian certainly thought of this. UU read www.uukanshu.com and smiled bitterly:

"When this happens, there is only one way:


With the abilities that Shang Jianyao has just shown, and the configuration of the "old-tuned team", if three to four robots from the old world come in groups, they will still have the strength to deal with it, and no amount of it will be able to bear it.

And this has not yet calculated the "source brain".

After a simple inspection, several members of the "Old Tune Team" led by Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong entered the secret laboratory through the gate.

The walls here are all made of metal, but some places are painted with insulating paint, showing different colors.

The "Old Tune Team" moved forward slowly while looking at the rooms on both sides.

In the beginning, those rooms were similar to offices, with nothing special, only a large number of computers and a small amount of paper materials. If there is plenty of time in the future, Jiang Baimian would not mind to look at them or take them away.

After traveling thirty-four meters, there were a lot of experimental devices in the rooms on both sides of the aisle. Some of them were of conventional type, and some even Jiang Baimian couldn't judge for a while.

After walking through this area, the room in front is either tightly closed, or the door is concealed, making it impossible to see what's inside at a glance.

Shang Jianyao opened a door on his side with a grin.

Illuminated by the ceiling fluorescent lamps, one after another huge, sealed cylindrical glass containers appeared.

They were filled with pale yellow liquid, each floating a dead body, male and female.

Due to the shape of the container, these corpses are upright, making people panic.

Shang Jian Yao suddenly smiled:

"Will they suddenly look up like the robot just now with their eyes glowing?"

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