Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 120: try

After Jiang Baimian said "begin", Shang Jianyao did not take immediate action. Instead, he raised the palm covering the metal skeleton and rubbed his chin:

"I don't think this is safe enough.

"In case our plan is really effective, a secret look at the'future' will surely mutter in my heart:'Ah, this won't work, let the self-destructing device start up in advance.' What can we do?"

In theory, we have destroyed all the electrical appliances in this area, including the hidden ones. The "future" cannot directly see what we are doing, nor can we hear what we are discussing... I also deliberately whispered. The way is in progress... Well, this kind of enemy that has never been encountered before deserves more careful treatment... Jiang Baimian pondered a little, and approached the castrated version of "Source Brain" again, pressing his voice:

"You are now hacking into the laboratory's central control system and using redundant data attacks to block the channel for the self-destructing device to receive signals.

"No, not now, wait to see my gestures, I put up my right thumb, and you will take action."

The "source brain" wrapped in the electromagnetic shielding suit moved his head up and down, and said in the same low voice:

"The central control system has been shut down because of no electricity. The self-destruction device is another parallel system. The power supply method is blocked by the firewall. I haven't figured it out yet.

"Moreover, if you really want to, as Shang Jianyao said, ‘Future’ decides to activate the self-destructing device ahead of time, you can fully use your ability to ‘manipulate electromagnetics’ and give it a signal directly behind the firewall.

"In this way, no amount of redundant data can delay the occurrence of this incident."

Redundant data blocks the data path and occupies the corresponding computing resources. The "future" can "manipulate the electromagnetic" and directly generate an effective signal inside the self-destruct device to bypass these.

Your artificial intelligence matters are really troublesome... Although Jiang Baimian has worked hard to teach himself a lot of computer-related knowledge in order to make better use of the auxiliary chips in his "electric eel-type" biological prosthetic limbs, he is not from a professional class after all. He hasn't been immersed for many years. In many aspects, he only has a rough understanding and lacks in-depth research. At this time, he listened for a while and couldn't help but slander.

She calmed down and asked modestly:

"Then what do you think?"

"Source Brain" can share Genawah's memory, knowing that Jiang Baimian is not particularly professional in the corresponding matters, and has just consciously adopted a description that is easier for the other party to understand, rather than a more accurate expression.

It was silent for a few seconds and said:

"There is no way. Even if we can find the high-performance explosives connected to the self-destruct device in the shortest time and cut off the correct line, the'future' can generate an explosion signal to them out of thin air.

"Now you can only hope that your plan is really effective. It will prevent the'future' from being able to'manipulate electromagnetism' for a certain period of time, or that it will not be able to affect various devices in the laboratory with this ability.

"And before that, pray that it can't'hear' what we are saying, and'see' what we plan to do, so let's not activate the self-destructing device in advance."

This is really... Jiang Baimian's helplessness suddenly flashed through Shang Jianyao's "Picture of Heavenly Blessing for the Years" in his mind.

As a person who likes to analyze, is good at planning, and always prepares well in advance, she rarely needs to pin her destiny on the blessing of her life like she does now.

While Jiang Baimian and the castrated version of "Source Brain" were whispering, Shang Jianyao looked at Wu Meng at the edge of the semicircular hall and asked curiously:

"You and'Future' are neighbors. You should have a certain understanding of it, right?"

"Yes." Wu Meng replied and didn't seem to answer, because he simply answered the question without further elaboration.

Shang Jianyao asked facelessly:

"What kind of person is it, artificial intelligence?"

Wu Meng smiled and said:

"It is a masterpiece that Olei got inspiration from the mechanical monk in his later years and completed it with an incredible plan.

"If it weren’t for stubborn years, he might be able to create a “god” out of thin air, 24 hours a day, able to respond to tens of billions of believers at the same time, and without faults. It is impossible to create such a'god' out of thin air.

"Aren't you looking for the information left by Ole? Except for how to format the'source brain', the rest is directly reflected in the'future', but you still have no way to interpret it."

Speaking of this, Wu Meng said in that leisurely tone:

"I look forward to the day when you really figure out how it works.

"Dao begets one, one life two, two begets three, three begets everything."

Wearing small round-frame glasses, Wu Meng sat on a back chair next to the recording table, just like sitting on a VIP seat during a theatrical performance.

There was only one of him there, behind which was the darkness near and the darkness in the distance.

Shang Jian Yao thought for a while and responded very honestly:

"If you said it, you didn't say it."

The key information is not revealed at all!

On the other side, "Yuan Brain" still followed Jiang Baimian's instructions, came to an interface, and squatted down.

It uses tools to quickly complete the "invasion" and prepare a flood of redundant information.

Jiang Baimian took a tool given by Yuannao and walked back to Shang Jianyao.

It was an electromagnetic interference instrument. The "Source Brain" was prepared to prevent Wu Meng from disturbing his work. The effective range was not large, and it was effective within a few meters, and the power was not too strong.

At this time, "Source Brain" contributed this item through the sum of Jiang Baimian's efforts. I hope Shang Jian Yao can use its interference to make future attempts "concealed" and not be noticed by the "future" in advance.

Whether this is effective, Jiang Baimian does not have enough confidence to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Shang Jian Yao did not immediately turn on the electromagnetic interference device, put it aside, and lay down on the empty metal bed.

He immediately took out the "Six Consciousness Orbs", sank his consciousness into it, and used the breath inside to improve his sensing ability.

——Shang Jianyao's own sensing range is actually farther than that of the "Six Perception Beads". Here, the main thing he wants to improve is "strength."

After a short while, the "Six Consciousness Beads" lit up with a faint turquoise light.

Shang Jianyao saw black shadows appearing on the ceiling above his head, sometimes retracting and sometimes outwards, like swaying water plants.

"The'six beads of consciousness' can also be sensed." Shang Jianyao reported the situation.

Bai Chen, who was in charge of "lighting up" the ceiling, breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

There are still a lot of special items for the "old-tone group".

Jiang Baimian, who was on guard for the accident with Long Yuehong, asked:

"Can you sense a certain level of consciousness, lock in and use abilities?"

"It's like a whole piece of darkness, you can't catch it directly." Shang Jianyao replied with his own unique metaphor.

Isn't it enough to just say "can't"? Long Yuehong was a little nervous and her mouth became dry.

Without Jiang Baimian's order, Shang Jianyao put away the "Six Beads of Consciousness" and took out the little green jade Buddha in the lake.

He skillfully sank his consciousness in, but the little jade Buddha didn't even emit light, and Shang Jianyao naturally couldn't sense the dark shadows on the ceiling.

"This is even worse..." Shang Jianyao sat up disgustedly, and gave a brief overview of the situation.

"The next plan." Jiang Baimian responded calmly.

Shang Jianyao forgot the frustration just now and excitedly opened the hourglass-like electromagnetic interference meter.

In this voice, from the corner of Long Yue's red eyes, Wu Meng's figure on the edge of the hall appeared to be distorted and elongated to a certain extent, but it did not disappear.

It looks even scarier!

Jiang Baimian took the opportunity to activate his military exoskeleton device and asked Shang Jianyao to do the same.

Waiting for the military exoskeleton device to be fully activated, Shang Jianyao put his hands into the tactical backpack, not knowing what was busy there.

After ten seconds, he withdrew his hand and put the "Six Consciousness Bead" on his left wrist first.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly drew out the item made in the tactical backpack and pointed it at the ceiling.

This is a very simple discharge device. It looks like a small wooden board with several high-performance batteries inlaid on it, and each battery is connected by a corresponding line.

Seeing that Yao had just taken a pose, Jiang Baimian had not hesitated to put up his right thumb before pushing the switch.

Paying close attention to her "source brain" sees it~www.readwn.com~, without paying attention to whether the next attempt will work, it sends out a flood of redundant information.

In the next second, Shang Jianyao jumped to the ceiling, and then countless electric snakes converged into a mighty flood and rushed away, illuminating the semicircular hall like daylight.


Jiang Baimian felt her head dizzy, as if the entire laboratory was shaking, but her body did not move at all.

She is like this, so are Bai Chen and Long Yuehong.

Before they had time to calm down from this reaction, several members of the "Old Tune Team" felt like they were looking at them from nowhere.

At this time, the castrated version of "Source Brain" jumped up and shouted:

"The self-destruct signal has appeared!"

Jiang Baimian was not surprised and rejoiced, because it was later than she expected.

"Run!" She gave the order quickly.

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