Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 121: Win the way

Hearing Jiang Baimian's full of breath, Bai Chen turned his body and ran towards the corridor leading to the exit of the laboratory.

She did not stay where she was, waiting to be taken away by a companion wearing a military exoskeleton device, because at this time of chaos, she had to give Jiang Bai to Jiang Bai when she was not sure when Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong could catch up. Cotton leads the way to avoid the team leader picking the wrong direction and delaying time.

Different scenarios have different processing methods!

Almost at the same time, there was a sound of running in the direction of the freezer. The guard robots who had withdrawn from the main experimental area were "awakened" by some movement and tried to rush back to deal with the illegal intruders.

However, the broken metal gate prevented them from moving forward, and layers of obstacles piled up outside to separate the area from the "old tune group".

Jiang Baimian locked Bai Chen's back, guarding against possible interference from the "future" to the military exoskeleton device, and at the same time turning on the power of this equipment to help him run wildly.

They only have more than fifty seconds, or even less.

On the other side, Shang Jianyao fell from the ceiling, wearing the "Six Perception Beads" in one hand and holding the simple discharge device in the other.

At this moment, all the black shadows that sometimes came out and sometimes retracted and could not be touched have all disappeared, leaving only a trace of scorched black.

However, in Shang Jianyao's induction, there was still a certain silence on the ceiling, and it seemed that it would not take long before the power of "darkness" would erode over again.

An open breach will not be closed so easily.

Shang Jianyao turned over in midair, and forcibly adjusted his balance.

As soon as he landed, he ran towards Long Yuehong who was jogging, and caught him under his arm.


The guard robots in the freezer area began to attack the metal gate that was destroyed by the "Old Tune Team".

Cracks soon appeared there, and the whole was crumbling.


Jiang Baimian ran after Bai Chen.

But she didn't rush to mention her teammates. Instead, she used the electromagnetic weapon attached to the military exoskeleton device at a distance of tens of meters away from the exit gate of the laboratory.

A projectile entwined with silver-white electric light shot out, and instantly hit the center of the metal gate.

In the loud noise, the spider-web-like cracks spread to the surroundings centered on the shot position.

Immediately afterwards, Long Yuehong, who was clamped by Shang Jianyao, used a laser transmitter.

A highly condensed red light, from far to near, fell on the metal gate exactly where it was hit by the electromagnetic weapon.

In silence, the corresponding position was completely penetrated, and signs of ablation appeared in the surrounding area.

Jiang Baimian, who slowed down and ran side by side with Bai Chen, saw this scene, picked up a single-soldier battle rocket launcher, and used the calculation of the auxiliary chip to outline a ballistic trajectory in his mind.


The rocket she launched hit the place where the gate of the laboratory was hit continuously.

In the violent explosion, the metal gate with many cracks disintegrated at once, and many metal fragments flew out.

Boom! Boom!

The guard robot in the freezer area also blasted through the partition door and the two innermost obstacles.

They flashed red eyes, jumped high or dashed and forcibly invaded the main experimental area.

At this time, Jiang Baimian had caught Bai Chen, and together with Shang Jianyao, Long Yuehong, and the castrated version of "Yuan Nao", he jumped twice in a row and came to the half-collapsed door.

Without any hesitation, they bent down and stepped out of the "hurdle".

Boom! Boom!

The guarding robots rushed to the main experimental area facing the laboratory gate, and fired multiple grenades at this side.

Several members of the "Old Tune Team" jumped and rolled, avoiding this round of attacks in advance.

They quickly returned to the landing of the stairs leading to the ground.

At this time, ten seconds have passed since the self-destruction signal was generated.

Worryingly, warning lights emitting dazzling red light gradually lit up in the laboratory.

Seeing this, the castrated version of "Yuan Brain" reminded as he ran:

"The time for the delayed signal to be responded is likely to be shorter than expected!"

After all, it does not have a deep understanding of that firewall, and it is not surprising that something unexpected happened.

Hiss, Long Yuehong, Bai Chen, and Jiang Baimian gritted their teeth in an instant, only Shang Jian Yao, and Tai Shan collapsed before the change.

In the sound of metal colliding with the wall, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao, each with a companion, used the wall on the side of the stairs as a springboard. They just jumped and flicked, and they moved agilely from the next floor to the previous one. Floor.

They did not relax at all, repeating this action, step by step across stairs, and below were red-eyed guard robots chasing.

Soon, they returned to the ground floor, rushed out of the stairwell, and entered the hall paved with marble tiles.


There was a dull and thunderous explosion from the ground, and the whole small building shook obviously.

A lot of dust sprinkled along with it, and the bricks fell weakly.


Shocking cracks appeared on the ground and walls.

Feeling that the building is beginning to collapse, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao exhausted all their strength and jumped to the door in the middle of the hall.

While in the air, they activated the jet device at the same time, as if being pushed hard by an invisible hand.

This accelerated their speed of going out and the time spent in the air, helping them not only jump out of the main entrance of the small building, but also "fly" to the outer area of ​​the courtyard.


As soon as Jiang Baimian and others landed, a tumbling forward, the small building behind him collapsed, and all the guard robots with red eyes were buried inside.

There is no need to look back, the corresponding scenes have emerged in the minds of Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian through the "comprehensive early warning system" of the military exoskeleton device.

"Withdraw directly from the ruins!" Jiang Baimian ran without turning his head, still holding Bai Chen.

She does not know how long the "future" electromagnetic interference will be restored after the "New World" node is destroyed, or whether this unaffected situation is limited to the laboratory and will be hit soon after it comes out. , Therefore, can only issue an order to quickly evacuate the wasteland No. 13 ruins and stay away from this dangerous place.

Dang, Dang, Dang, Shang Jianyao, Jiang Baimian, and the castrated version of "Yuan Brain" rushed along the original road to the park with the artificial lake in a desperate manner at all costs.

On the way, they did not go to entangle with the "unintentional" who gathered, relying on the ability of flying eaves to walk around forcibly.

At this time, the sun had all sunk below the horizon, and the afterglow was only shining in the distance.

When the night fell, the "Old Tune Group" and the castrated version of "Source Brain" finally got rid of the chase of a few strange creatures and some "unintentional people", returned to the park, passed the gate, and entered the cave.

They ran a distance further until they saw the crates used by the team to install military exoskeleton devices and bionic smart armor, and then slowed down and stopped.

"Almost..." Long Yuehong, who was put down by Shang Jianyao, wanted to wipe a cold sweat, but his raised left hand could only touch the cold scales of the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic smart armor.

What he wanted to say was that he and others were almost buried in the laboratory, crushed into **** meatloaf.

"Yeah..." Jiang Baimian didn't know whether he should praise himself and others for their hard work and unreservedly created vitality at the critical moment, or should he take out Shang Jian Yao's picture of the heavens holding years of life and blessing, pious praise.

In the matter of bombarding the "New World" node with high currents, she proposed a plan based on bold assumptions and careful verification. Although there is a certain basis, she is not very sure. The palms of the onlookers at the time were squeezed. Cold sweat.

The result proved her judgment and made her feel very grateful, and she wanted to "repay her wish" for Xian Sui.

Bai Chen glanced at the castrated version of "Yuan Nao" that was parked in the back position and still covered in electromagnetic shielding clothing, and then sighed:

"Every step is not sure enough, there may be accidents at any time, but in the end it succeeded."

She rarely had similar experiences when she was a relic hunter, because too many people who experienced this kind of experience were basically dead.

People who always dance on the edge of the cliff are bound to fall off the cliff.

Settling down, after thinking about it, Long Yuehong's expression suddenly became a little weird.

"We, we broke another building, a building with great secrets." He said hesitantly.

There used to be Changhe City Union Steel Factory, which belonged to Building No. 4 in District 2, and Tieshan City No. 2 Food Company. Now there is a secret laboratory in Hom City, Fah Region.

"Coincidence, coincidence, isn't the Holm Reproductive Medical Center also intact?" Jiang Baimian responded with a guilty conscience.

As soon as she finished speaking, Shang Jianyao suddenly made a "hahaha" voice~www.readwn.com~What are you laughing at? "Jiang Baimian asked suspiciously and vigilantly.

Shang Jian Yao Yang Tian smiled and said:

"I laughed at the ‘future’ children who are ignorant. They can directly activate the self-destructing device and blow us up to death. They have to give us 14 days to watch us starve and thirst.

"Now play off?"

"Maybe it just doesn't want to give up that laboratory to the point where there is really no other way." Jiang Baimian speculated.

"Then when we try to save ourselves, it also has opportunities to destroy or interfere." Shang Jianyao insisted.

At this time, the silent castrated version of "Yuan Brain" turned to them and said:

"Maybe it also has certain restrictions, it can't directly attack or affect humans.

"Just like I did, I can't deal with those researchers myself, but accidentally."

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