Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 135: quarrel

Shang Jianyao let out a long "Oh", walked into the room, and circled the captain twice.

Finally, he stopped and exclaimed in his native language:

"So it's your kid!"

The source of the "darkness" is actually in the captain's body!

Immediately afterwards, Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin, ignored the captain's aria, and muttered to himself:

"From the body..."

"Did he eat something that shouldn't be eaten?" Shang Jianyao's honest probe probed his right shoulder and joined the discussion.

The joking and cheerful Shang Jianyao emerged from his left shoulder position:

"No matter what it is, as long as it is not stuck in his body, it will eventually be discharged after eating it, but there may not necessarily be a change in form."

"Stuck in the body..." The calm and sensible Shang Jian Yao said thoughtfully, "Don't you think of anything? The transplanted bone marrow became the researcher's goddess, Duffy Tir Osla..."

The honest Shang Jian Yao jumped up, her neck stretched high:

"The source of the'darkness', the node of the'new world' is derived from Duffytier's bone marrow?"

"She entered the'New World', and the body that remained in reality has undergone mutations, including the bone marrow donated?" The cheerful Shang Jianyao showed no nonsense this time, showing his sense of humor.

Shang Jianyao in the middle gave this guess and smiled and said:

"Don't forget, that person is still a researcher."

Regarding the source of "innocent disease", many current clues point to a scientific experiment in the old world that involved "darkness" and the new world.

But the most mysterious and dangerous dust is currently, and the organization that prevents people from figuring out the cause of the destruction of the old world is the Eighth Research Institute.

The calm and reasonable quotient saw that Yao's expression turned cold as soon as Yao's voice fell.

He looked at the captain who stood up, paced unconsciously, and said in a deep voice:

"Regardless of the reason, the source of the'darkness' is determined in his body.

"Turning on him should be able to solve the abnormality of this cruise ship, and let us break through this psychological shadow in a different way."

The rest of Shang Jian Yao was silent at the same time.

After a few seconds, the compassionate Zen Master Purdue asked hesitantly:

"Will energizing him cause his death?"

"Isn't it a good thing that he is dead? Throw the body into the sea, and you can bury this'new world' node." The gloomy Shang Jianyao dismissed the words of the cyborg monk.

Shang Jian Yao, who was jealous and committed to saving all mankind as his own duty, emerged from his body:

"But he didn't do anything bad.

"You can't just get an infectious disease just because a person undergoes an operation, and it is likely to affect others, so you can destroy others, right?"

"Wake up!" The gloomy Shang Jianyao shouted, "This is a psychological shadow, and the people here are all fake!"

"A gentleman is cautious, we cannot indulge ourselves in the virtual world and violate our own worldview, outlook on life, and values." Shang Jianyao, who is full of justice, does not back down.

The gloomy Shang Jian Yao let out a "hehe":


"If you don't deal with the captain, by the last day, most of the passengers here will be ‘unintentional’!

"In order to show your kindness, you would rather thousands of people die?

"Is this kindness? Bah, this is self-improvement!"

"No, you can't think like that." Shang Jianyao, who values ​​feelings, helped the person who was jealous. "You are the captain. When you have not really made a mistake, you are only passively infected. You will be beaten and killed. Humanitarian destruction, what would you think, what would you do?"

"Of course it was to kill them!" The gloomy Shang Jianyao replied without hesitation, "Even if it is an enemy of all mankind, it will not hesitate! I am dead, what is the value of this world to me?"

Without waiting for the other Shang Jian Yao to respond, he fully elaborated on his ideas:

"How do you choose this kind of thing in the end, doesn't it depend on where you are?

"If I were a majority, I would definitely not tolerate someone hurting us under the banner of respecting the rights and interests of the minority and not hurting any individual. The two evils have the lesser power! If I were a minority, the individual who might be harmed, then Of course, I have to tell everyone, "The instigator has no consequences?" Even if it fights against all mankind and causes most of the people to die, I have to make sure that I survive!

"It is either the Virgin or the hero who can make the opposite decision in both cases."

Seeing that he was so selfish and open, the rest of Shang Jian Yao couldn't find a reason to refute for a while.

As time passed, the calm and sensible Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"Actually, there is no need to be so extreme.

"Under the current circumstances, is it really the best option to energize the captain?

"Before we dealt with objects, the ceiling, but this time it was the human body. No one knows if there will be additional changes."

He looked around, looked at the heads emerging from his body, smiled and said:

"Although it is a psychological shadow, what is really going to happen, threatening ourselves, we are also likely to be hurt in reality, become vegetative, and even die on the spot. Therefore, it is not a bad thing to be cautious."

"Yes." The vicious but cowardly Shang Jianyao contemplated for a few seconds before expressing his approval.

The calm and sensible Shang Jian Yao then said his plan:

"We first try to take the captain five kilometers away from the cruise ship and observe the changes."

This is how the team handled the cross pendant before.

"Okay, okay!" Seeing Yao, the subordinate businessman who had not dared to speak, raised his hand in agreement because his companions quarreled.

Shang Jian Yao's ten heads turned at the same time and knelt down again, chanting the courtship captain.

Smiles appeared on their faces.

In less than a minute, the captain in the sheets was **** tightly.

During the process, Shang Jianyao did not dare to use his power, fearing being polluted by the "darkness".

But only with his physical fitness, he also easily completed the task of "kidnapping".

Then, he picked up the whining captain, dragged the paralyzed right leg that was moved to the tail vertebrae, ran out of the room, and went straight to the deck.

His goal is the lifeboat that comes with the cruise ship!

Relying on the induction of human consciousness and the skill of flying over the wall, Shang Jianyao bypassed the chaotic human beings, reached the corresponding ship's side, and put the lifeboat into the sea.

After holding the captain on the lifeboat, Shang Jianyao waved his right hand at the cruise ship:


He was happily playing a game.

At night, when the sea was windy and cold, Shang Jian Yao tightened his clothes and said to the unconscious captain:

"You are lucky, I am compassionate now. After all, the cyborg monks are not so cold-aware, otherwise, your sheets will definitely not be kept!"

While talking about it, Zen Master Pudu drove the lifeboat out for a long distance.

He couldn't calculate the specific amount, but it was definitely more than five kilometers.

Then, he presented a high-powered telescope to observe the situation on the cruise ship with the moonlight and starlight falling in the sky.

The "darkness" still permeates there, but it is thinner than before, and people are undoubtedly still in a state of chaos and madness.

"This range of influence is a bit scary... Or because it is currently a psychological shadow, if you don't find the right way, it's actually impossible to get the distance? Really power up?" Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin and muttered a few words to himself.

He considered it for a while and sent the captain back to the cruise ship, leaving the psychological shadow himself.


In the real world, Shang Jianyao opened his eyes and saw Jiang Baimian and the others who were facing the enemy.

"How is it?" Jiang Baimian breathed a sigh of relief and asked with concern.

Shang Jianyao spoke seriously about what he had observed and his own disposal.

"As soon as I hear the research institutes and researchers, my head is big." Long Yuehong couldn't help but sigh.

Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"Da Bai was a researcher before."

"Assistant, assistant." Jiang Baimian said modestly, thinking, "It may be necessary to find a way to suppress the ‘new world’ node that fits the psychological shadow or the perception of the room owner."

"What ideas do you have?" Shang Jianyao has always been indifferent to his face, so he would mention it when he asked.

Bai Chen pursed his lips, and said tentatively:

"High-voltage current impact?"

"This is the last consideration." Shang Jian Yao looked around, "Is there any other way?"

Genawa, Long Yuehong and others were lost in thought.

After a while, Jiang Baimian thought and said:

"Let's sort out the laws of the whole psychological shadow again."

"One, under normal circumstances, where you were when you left, and you were in the nearest room when you entered..." Shang Jianyao quickly began to recall.

This is all summed up by him before.

He repeated this one by one until the end:

"Six, the period before boarding the cruise ship was quite special, and it didn't happen again after that."

Jiang Baimian nodded thoughtfully:

"Article 6 is not covered before, um... after you enter again, ask John, Sally and the others what is the difference before and after boarding the cruise ship."

Hey, Shang Jian Yao shook his right boxer and said with his left palm:



When Shang Jian Yao entered again, the psychological shadow came into the day, and everyone returned to normal.

He found John, and successfully fooled him again, and became his half-brother.

"Before and after boarding this cruise ship, what do you think is the biggest difference?" Shang Jian Yao Jiong asked brightly.

John frowned slightly, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com recalled:

"Finally settle down, before discovering something abnormal at night.

"Also, don't worry about chasing by large groups of "unintentional people"..."

Shang Jian Yao listened intently without interrupting.

At the end, John smiled:

"I don't know if it counts:

"The weather was pretty warm before. I just wear such a long-sleeved T-shirt. On the day I boarded the cruise, when the temperature dropped in the evening and it became very cold at night, I had to add a thick dress or wrap it up. Quilt, **** captain, in order to save energy, don't let the air conditioner be turned on!"

"It's getting cold?" Shang Jianyao repeated the other party's words, his eyes gradually lit up.

PS: Ask for monthly pass~

PS2: Recommend a book from a book friend, "Love Begins with Game Love" Introduction: This article is a love story from the game.

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