Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 136: key point

Joao was puzzled by Shang Jianyao's reaction:

"What's wrong? Don't you think it's really cold at night?"

"I feel." Shang Jianyao nodded honestly.

Without waiting for John to ask any more, he said to himself:

"The evening when all the passengers boarded the cruise ship, the cold air descended south, drastically cooling down, and the cycle began at that moment...

"It was fine during the day, and cold at night, soaked in the bone marrow...

"Normal during the day, chaotic at night...

"At the end of the day, by hiding in the dark and cold cold storage, I escaped the end of being infected with'innocent disease'..."

John was stunned to hear:

"What are you talking about?"

Because his father is a dust culture lover, he mastered the dust language when he was a child. With this skill, he barely survived the area around Tieshan City, where the dust people are dominated, and eventually joined the second food company. "Adventure".

At this moment, he has only one thought:

Why is this guy nagging?

Faced with John’s question, Shang Jianyao laughed, smiling very brightly:

"I figured out some problems and found a key point.

"Then we will see you the day after tomorrow."

After that, Shang Jianyao, who was wearing a black trench coat, pressed his hand on his chest and bowed in a salute, not knowing where he learned it.

During the salute, his figure faded quickly and disappeared before John's eyes.

John looked stunned:

"He, is he really the future?

"What do you mean by seeing you the day after tomorrow?"

After exiting and re-entering for the fourth time, Shang Jian Yao came to the day when the cruise ship docked.

He knew that John, Sally and others should have been hidden in the cold storage at this time, so he went straight there and slammed the metal door.

The crew in the galley had been guided by him just now, and they took it as normal.

After shooting for a while, seeing no one responds, Shang saw Yao opened the door by himself and walked in.

He did not forget to put on thick clothes, wrapped in blankets and quilts.

After closing the door of the freezer, Shang Jianyao turned on the flashlight and took photos everywhere.

No accident, he found John in a familiar location.

"Meet again." Shang Jianyao smiled and said hello.

John was stunned for a few seconds before asking blankly:

"You are, are you the quotient the day before yesterday?"

Before the story "restarted", he still had a corresponding memory.

"Otherwise, who do you think it is?" Shang Jian Yao, who was like a bear, asked rhetorically.

John was excited for a while, he glanced left and right, pressed his voice and said:

"I thought of the dark and cold cold storage you once said before choosing to hide here.

"In the end, will there really be an outbreak of ‘unintentional disease’ outside?"

In the past few days, he has recalled many times of Shang Jianyao's words of "God Talking" at the time.

"You will know the answer when the cruise ship docks." Shang Jianyao dragged the paralyzed right leg at the tail vertebrae and walked to a corner where food was still stored.

When Sally and the others saw his "shape", they all started from the heart, trembling as if they were facing a monster.

If it weren't for Shang Jianyao's failure to show offensive intentions, or even a glance at them, they would have long been unable to control themselves and rushed out of the cold storage to find another hiding place.

Of course, thinking about it the other way round, if such a monster chooses the kitchen cold storage as a hiding place, it shows that this place is better than others.

As for Ruo Wang, he turned a blind eye to Shang Jianyao's unique shape, and had long been "accustomed" to it.

Shang Jian Yao didn't waste time here, exited and re-entered, pushing the timeline to the node where the cruise ship docked.

As soon as he appeared in the cold storage, he immediately ran to the door in the sound of the broadcast and opened it.

In the galley outside, the "unintentional" who had become crew members looked over.

Shang Jian Yao ignored these hunters and went around a small half circle.

He was racing against time to go to the source of "darkness", where the captain was currently, and he didn't want any delay.

Bang bang bang!

In the shooting of the "unintentional" by John and the others, Shang Jianyao rushed out of the kitchen, relying on the induction of the "six beads of consciousness", and rushed towards the direction of the increasingly dense "darkness".

On the way, he was forced to shoot and kill the "unintentional" blocking the road, but the gun must hit, very accurate.

All the way to the cockpit, Shang Jianyao finally saw the captain.

His mellow body leaned on the side glass, looking at the chaotic scene of "No Mind" outbreak below, motionless.

If he hadn't had human consciousness, Shang Jianyao would suspect that he had died.

Of course, "the unintentional" also has human consciousness.

All signs indicate that the captain has been infected with "intentional disease":

First of all, he is the source of "darkness" and the node connecting the "new world". If innocence really comes from this, then he cannot be spared;

Secondly, there are many crew members in the cockpit. They are all infected with "No Mind", their bodies are rickets, their eyes are muddy, and they are bloodshot, but they did not attack the captain-when they are not particularly hungry, "No Mind" is not. Will hunt the same kind;


Bang bang bang!

Shang Jian Yao left "Ice Moss" and "United 202" on the right, knocking the "unintentional" who tried to pounce on him to the ground.

Hearing the gunfire, the captain's round body slowly turned around.

His face was full of panic and fear, and although there were some bloodshot eyes in his eyes, they were not muddy at all.

He hasn't become "the unintentional"!

It can be seen that Yao "sees" very clearly, and the source of the "darkness" is still in his body.

When Shang saw Yao's thoughts, he learned Jiang Baimian and showed a kind smile:

"I'm here to save you!"

"You, you are not infected with ‘innocent disease’..." The captain observed for a while and breathed a sigh of relief.

He immediately said with a nervous breakdown:

"I thought I was dead just now!

"Result, result..."

While speaking, the captain showed a suspicious look on his face.

Shang Jian Yao didn't respond, put the "Lianhe 202" away, and walked over.


He hit the captain's ear with a punch.

The captain fainted without humming.

Immediately afterwards, Shang Jianyao tore off the clothes of the nearby "unintentional" and tied the captain tightly again.

Then, he picked up the captain and walked along the original road to the kitchen.

Because John and the others had already left here, and a group of "unintentional people" had been cleared along the way, Shang Jianyao returned to the cold storage door quite smoothly.

He took a breath and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the necklaces of the "Six Consciousness Beads" and the "Angel of Life". He stepped through the half-open door and entered the dark and cold interior.

Hiss, the unconscious captain was thrown into the ice water, his body twisted, and he was about to wake up.

At this time, Shang Jianyao closed the metal door of the cold storage.

Almost instantly, he felt the entire cruise ship shake violently, no, the whole world was shaking!

At the same time, in his feelings, "darkness" was like sea water at low tide, rushing back to the captain's body one after another, curled up into a ball, and gradually disappeared.

An illusory click sounded, and this psychological shadow cracked directly, and the "glass shards" fell one by one, revealing the dark void hidden behind them.

In the void, there is a vaguely city, and in the city, there is a tower straight into the sky.


The entire psychological shadow completely disintegrated, and a thin mist that seemed to be reflected in a burning cloud gushed out and flew towards Shang Jianyao.

Shang Jian Yao thought for a while, reached out his hand to catch it, and squeezed it into a small ball.

When this psychological shadow disappeared completely, and the dark void melted into the night, a temple ruins supported by many stone pillars appeared in front of Shang Jianyao.

This is the second psychological shadow of the owner of room "912".

Shang Jianyao took a glance, then exited the room happily and returned to reality.


"His, it's a bit cold." As soon as Shang saw Yao sitting upright, he shrank his neck.

He picked up the sunglasses clipped on the windbreaker, and transferred the red mist from the psychological shadow.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Baimian asked curiously and caringly outside the Jeep with the open door.

Shang Jian Yao threw the sunglasses to the co-pilot position and said with a smile:

"Solved, got a prop."

"How to solve it?" Long Yuehong was quite curious about this.

Shang Jianyao explained his thoughts in full, focusing on the keyword "cold".

"So, is'darkness' afraid of the cold, or is it not afraid of the cold?" Bai Chen said in confusion.

On cold nights, it will accelerate to gush out, affecting the entire cruise ship, causing most people to fall into a state of chaos. It seems to like this environment very much, but in the face of the cold cold storage, it chooses to bypass and let the people hiding in it. The man survived, and when Shang Jianyao finally stuffed the captain into the cold storage, the "darkness" was obviously receding and gradually disappeared.

Jiang Baimian reorganized the relevant scenes in his mind, and said carefully:

"I think it's scary.

"But because of the degree of coldness, the response is different."

She further explained:

"Under normal low temperatures,'darkness' is irritable due to the cold, which affects humans outward; under the temperature of the cold storage, it chooses to escape and escape."

"I don't know if there is such a situation in the previous ‘darkness’..." Genawa agreed with Jiang Baimian’s explanation and began to associate.

Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin:

"Fear of the cold seems to be one of the characteristics of the'scorching gate' field?

"That darkness carries Duffettier's consciousness?"

"It should be more than the awakened of the'Scorching Gate'." Jiang Baimian did not refute Shang Jianyao's speculation, but reminded him not to omit something.

Several people discussed for a while, and Shang Jianyao suddenly pointed to the sunglasses in the front row and said to Jiang Baimian:

"you try."

"Is this mine?" Jiang Baimian joked~www.readwn.com~Yes! "Shang Jian Yao didn't hesitate.

Jiang Baimian was about to speak, when she had already picked up her sunglasses, she shuddered suddenly.

"It's a little bit cold..." Her teeth clenched.

It is close to summer, and she wears lighter and thinner clothes.

Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"The price is ‘fear of the cold’ and the ability is ‘confusing’, probably."

He couldn't know the correct name of the ability.

Jiang Baimian put down his sunglasses first, ready to thicken his clothes and try again.

She turned to Shang Jian Yao:

"After breaking through this psychological shadow, your abilities should have improved a lot, right?"

PS: Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month~

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