Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 137: promote

Shang Jianyao is not modest at all:

"Of course! And the increase is not small.

"How much is it..."

As he said, he cast his gaze on Long Yuehong.

Long Yuehong reflexively stepped back a few steps, seeming to foresee Shang Jianyao's sinister intentions.

Shang Jian Yao smiled:

"Looking back, I will try to find a psychological shadow. This will not be too far from the reality."

"..." Long Yuehong was startled, "You didn't say that before."

Shang Jianyao explained seriously:

"Because of the last psychological shadow, that is, the second food company in the ruins of Tieshan City, the owner of the room was not an awakened person at the time. I couldn't sense human consciousness in it. The ability was greatly disturbed and couldn't be compared with reality, so Didn't find this.

"The shadow of the cruise ship is quite close to reality."

Although what you said is very reasonable, I always feel that you are fooling me...Long Yuehong mumbled a few words in her heart.

He didn't try to "debunk" Shang Jianyao, anyway, he has escaped the fate of becoming an experimental product.

At this time, Jiang Baimian looked at the sunglasses that had the "chaotic" atmosphere, and said thoughtfully:

"'The Sea of ​​Origin' cannot directly correspond to reality, and the data obtained from the above experiment is not accurate.

"And later, I have to figure out how large the range of influence of this sunglasses is. It can roughly deal with a few people. It will affect the awakened people who have stepped into the'corridor of mind', the awakened people who are still in the'sea of ​​origin', and ordinary people. How are the effects different..."

"Uh..." Long Yuehong was a little sluggish for a while.

Team leader, are you who are known as kind-hearted people also get angry with Shang Jian Yao?

Jiang Baimian looked at him with a smile and said:

"The experimental subject at the level of the'Spirit Corridor' is of course Hey, and I will be the one who is still in the'Sea of ​​Origins', and I will let him use props when the time comes.

"So, do you think it's better for you to come or Xiaobai for ordinary people?"

Hearing the group leader’s question, Long Yuehong's mind suddenly showed a picture that often appeared in old world entertainment materials:

A dark, evil devil's wings spread out behind someone's back.

"I'm coming!" Long Yuehong blurted out without hesitation.

Jiang Baimian looked at him with his lips trembling slightly.

Finally, she couldn't bear it and laughed out:

"Haha! Xiaohong, you are really the simplest and most cheating boy I have ever seen!"

"Ah..." Long Yuehong was dazed and embarrassed.

He subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Bai Chen, and found that this companion seemed to be holding back a smile.

Jiang Baimian said with a smile:

"I don't need to experiment personally. I just return the props and let him try it out in the shadow of other people's minds. Isn't it all right?

"This is no essential difference from how much his ability to experiment with himself has improved. At most, after returning to reality, I will use him as an experiment to test how much the awakened people at the level of the'corridor of mind' will be affected."

Hey, Shang Jianyao applauded for this "exciting" fraud.

The subject understood it instantly and blushed a little for a while.

Jiang Baimian will accept it as soon as he sees it, and quickly praised Long Yuehong:

"You didn't think about it to show that you trust your peers and are willing to make certain sacrifices for the team.

"Good job!"

She gave a thumbs up.

Leader, haven't you heard the story of "The Wolf is Coming"? If you keep joking like this, maybe no one will take it seriously by then, and the fighter will be missed... Long Yue Red Belly slandered a few words and waved his hand:

"It should be."

Can't you say that care is messy?

Jiang Baimian immediately changed the subject and looked at Genava:

"Seriously, Lao Ge, you will have to experiment later. I want to try if the'chaos' breath has the ability to'interfere with electromagnetics'."

"You can first try whether you can interfere with the substance and do the elimination method." Gnawa responded by following the procedure.

"It can't be ruled out. Maybe they have both abilities." Jiang Baimian shook his head. "Although you can use walkie-talkies and other electrical appliances as experimental products, they can't give me the most accurate and intuitive feedback. In the psychological shadow, it is not so easy to find a truly intelligent person."

Gnawa accepted this explanation:

"no problem."

After some busy attempts, Shang Jianyao finally came to a conclusion:

After the shadow of the cruise ship, the upper limit of the number of people he can influence has increased to one hundred, the range of "literary youth·hypothetical person" has reached 150 meters, and the "absence of limb movement" and "interference electromagnetic" are both 200 meters. The "interfering substance" is one hundred meters away, and the "thought guidance" has not changed in this respect. It is always based on the ability to hear the corresponding words clearly, so it can affect people in the distance through the phone, radio, etc.

The price of that "chaotic" breath is fear of the cold, to the extent that even in summer, you have to wear a sweater, or you will shiver.

Its function is to make ten humans within 100 meters fall into that chaotic, crazy, and unconscious state.

And even if the impact is interrupted, this state can be maintained for nearly two minutes.

For ordinary people and the awakened at the "Sea of ​​Origins" level, there is no significant difference in the impact. When reflected on the awakened at the "Spirit Corridor" level, both the duration and the level of confusion have decreased significantly, with only ten left for the former. For five seconds, the latter maintains a certain awareness of the target, but is prone to hallucinations, and always takes the hallucinations seriously and performs some behaviors against it.

In other words, even if the awakened person at the "corridor of mind" level is affected by the breath of "chaos", they will not truly enter a state of unconsciousness and go completely crazy, just a little bit indistinguishable between reality and illusion.

In this case, if certain actions are taken against him, he can react, unless the attacker is just replaced by the hallucinations he produces.

"So it really suits you." Shang Jianyao said sincerely looking at Jiang Baimian.

As the leader of the "Old Tune Team", Jiang Baimian possesses the abilities of the two "illusion" fields of "space illusion" and "object ignorance".

Under normal circumstances, with only the "Sea of ​​Origin" level, she can't let the awakened persons of the "Spirit Corridor" be affected by the hallucinations created by her.

But when the target is in "chaos", the effect of her "illusion" is completely different.

Jiang Baimian laughed, and said unceremoniously:

"Since you want to give it to me so sincerely, then I will accept it reluctantly."

She knew that refusal would hurt the heart of Shang Jian Yao, who values ​​feelings.

"But." Jiang Baimian asked with a smile, "It's better to fix the breath on my glove, it will be more convenient to use."

She took out a pair of black leather gloves with fluff inside.

——Although the "Old Tune Team" expected to arrive at Bingyuantai City in midsummer, which is the best season in that area, Jiang Baimian was not sure whether there would be a delay in the middle, so let the team members take advantage of the "First City" For the relatively convenient opportunity to purchase various materials, they have made some preparations.

Of course, Shang Jianyao would not refuse such a simple request. With the help of the "Spirit Corridor", he transferred the breath of "chaos" to the right hand of the glove.

Therefore, this prop was named "Chaotic Right Hand".

"It's a pity, this can't interfere with electromagnetics, nor can it interfere with matter." Jiang Baimian tremblingly picked up the glove and said regretfully.

She wanted to sigh, but she felt that it was too extravagant to spit out the heat.

At this time, Shang Jianyao made a strange sound next to him:

"Duo Lao, Duo Lao, the cold wind freezes me to death..." (Note: Quoted from "Chill Bird")

Jiang Baimian glared at him and put the props back into the tactical backpack.

She immediately looked around and said:

"After what happened last night, I have a certain degree of confidence in defeating the current island of fear. Let me try it now."

No one objected.


Inside the "Sea of ​​Origin", the quiet and deserted "Pangu Creature" underground building.

Standing outside his home, Jiang Baimian said as if he was chatting with someone:

"I now figured out one thing:

"In the dust, accidents are inevitable.

"Even if I didn't do anything, or did my best in everything, I might still face various accidents when I wake up. This may be because someone nearby went to some ruins and got back something. , Or it may be due to a certain operation performed by the innocent people around... This is beyond our control.

"What's more, maybe no abnormality was found, and a companion, friend or relative suddenly became infected with ‘innocent disease’."

Jiang Baimian paused, his expression gradually serious and serious:

"I am afraid of losing my family, relatives, friends and companions, and afraid of losing my current life.

"But it's not that I'm afraid I won't lose these!

"If you don't figure out the source of the ‘innocent disease’ and the reason for the destruction of the ‘old world’ every day, everyone will live tremblingly in such fear!

"I work hard to move forward, so that one day in the future I won't have to worry about it anymore!"

She hurriedly said how she felt, and then laughed:

"After a while, I will place explosives in several key locations here and blow up this underground building by myself.

"Fear can't stop me from moving forward, it can only become my motivation to move forward!"

Nearly half an hour later, the underground building led to the entrance of the parking lot outside.

Jiang Baimian put on his sunglasses and walked to the door.

She even hummed a song:

"Remember my dream when I was young?

"Like a flower that never fades..." (Note: Quoted from "The Price of Love", Li Zongsheng)


Behind her, under her feet, a series of explosions shook the ground violently~www.readwn.com~ The entire island seemed to be collapsing, the fire was looming in the smoke and dust, and Jiang Baimian's head did not return, and he walked towards the edge of the island step by step. .

When the explosion subsided completely, she knew that she had overcome the corresponding fear.


After leaving the "Sea of ​​Origin", Jiang Baimian experimented with the improvement of his ability.

The number of people affected by her "space illusion" has increased to seven, and the range has become 30 meters; "object agnosia" can affect two targets at a time, the range is 20 meters, and the limited time is one and a half minutes; "irritation disorder" It is still only possible to modify one correlation response for one target at a time, and the maintenance time is increased to two minutes, with a maximum range of 15 meters.

After Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian had their respective breakthroughs, the "Old Tune Team" set off again.

After nearly two weeks, after detouring a lot, they finally arrived at the boundary between the "First City" and the "Salvation Army".

This is a rolling mountain range.

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