Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 182: "comminicate"

The students on the cement square hadn't learned what a city government was. After hearing the lyrics clearly, the audience was in an uproar.

They either laughed happily, sang to the music in a low voice, or cast their eyes on the headmaster with weird expressions.

The headmaster who was out of shape on the half-height concrete platform was stunned by the scene in front of him, and it took a long time to come back to his senses. He turned his ears slightly and listened carefully to which song was on the radio.

A few seconds later, he was furious:

"Who did it?

"Who did it!"

For such a creative thing, Genawah immediately thought of someone:

See Yao for business!

In such a school, there are two people who look like Long Yuehong and Bai Chen. It is a coincidence among coincidences. The probability is very low. And just now, a girl who appears to be Jiang Baimian appeared. So, in Genawah. It seems that this is definitely not a coincidence that can be described.

According to his analysis, Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao, Bai Chen, and Long Yuehong should have become "members" of this school, which is the No. 1 Senior High School in Taicheng, and play different roles according to their respective personalities. The role has changed accordingly.

As for why this happened, Gnawa could not find a logical explanation for the time being.

From this analysis, it is quite possible that Shang Jian Yao is the person who replaced the music scheduled to be played at the school-wide assembly with funny songs after eating the courage of the bear heart and the leopard.

Such a long meeting ended in a messy atmosphere. Genawa followed Jiang Baimian to the classroom marked with the words "Grade Three and Five".

He felt that this one with the highest IQ of the four companions might be able to communicate with him to a certain extent, further revealing the problems of the current scene.

When Jiang Baimian sat down in the back of the classroom, Gnawa tiptoed over.

He thought for a moment, stretched out the silver-black metal right palm, and patted the opponent's back lightly.

This time, he did not stop at one shot like Long Yuehong did before. Instead, relying on the length of the interval and continuous slaps, he delivered a string of Morse codes, hoping that he could not see his body and hear his own words. Therefore, Bai Mian can interpret the current predicament and wake up from the "play".

Feeling the slapping of his back, Jiang Baimian sat up straight, turning his head to stare at the classmate behind him.

The male student was studying hard without noticing it.

Jiang Baimian frowned visibly.

There was still a sense of slapping behind her, and there was no one in the aisle at this time.

Frowning and feeling for a while, Jiang Baimian turned his body straight, pulled the draft, and wrote on it:

"I always feel that I am special, different from other people.

"So, now, is the adventure here?

"What will the gift of destiny be?"

The red light in Gnawa's eyes stopped for a second before it continued to flicker.

He insisted on finishing the series of Morse codes, but Jiang Baimian didn't think about the corresponding direction at all. It seemed that he didn't know that there were such things as Morse codes.

After thinking about it for a while, Genawa gave up communicating with Jiang Baimian and planned to find Shang Jian Yao.

This companion has already split ten personalities. In Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School, this place is a kind of phantasmagoria. Maybe it can reveal some problems.

After some searching, Gnawa found Shang Jian Yao on the roof of the current teaching building.

Shang Jianyao, wearing a blue and white school uniform, was slung with his schoolbag, and he leaned over the female wall on the edge, looking at the football field on the side.

He was humming the song "I'm going to bomb the school, and I won't be late every day".

Gnawa walked behind Shang Jianyao, controlled his voice and shouted:


Shang Jian Yao ignored him.

Gnawa tried to pat his back again.

Shang Jian Yao's expression was excited, a vicious dog turned over and turned back to his body.

Nothing reflected in his eyes.

Gnawa went around half a circle and patted his vest again.

"Oh!" Shang Jianyao let out a surprised voice.

He looked around for a while, and said:

"I always feel that I don't belong to this high school, and I don't belong to a student who is studying hard. There are more important things and more important tasks waiting for me."

Save all mankind? Gnawa felt that he should have grasped Shang Jian Yao's brain waves.

At the same time, he was relieved:

Sure enough, he has ten times stronger self-awareness than normal people. Even if you are "playing" as a student of Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School, you can still detect the slightest dissonance between self and identity.

The weak current just flashed, Shang Jianyao smiled and added:

"So, I won't study anymore, teacher, I'm going to work!"

"..." Gnawa found that he still underestimated the condition of Feeding.

Shang Jian Yao kept smiling, and continued to say to the empty rooftop:

"Now, is destiny calling me?

"Let this call be more violent!"

As an intelligent robot, Genawah was not depressed, and decided to reproduce the Morse code passed to Jiang Baimian to see if Hey could interpret it.

He papa, papa, he slapped Shang Jian Yao on the back at different intervals.

Shang Jianyao's expression quickly became serious, shook his hands and tapped the back of his left hand with the index finger of his right hand, as if trying to restore the frequency he felt, as if he was remembering the characteristics of a telegram.

Gnawa slowed down, looking forward to the final result.

When he finished slapping, Shang Jianyao sighed suddenly:

"It's too complicated to remember."

Gnawa felt that if he changed to a carbon-based person, he might have to be **** off on the spot by this guy.

He gradually understood why Jiang Baimian always showed his left hand to Shang Jianyao.

With the rigor of an intelligent robot, he chose to repeat the Morse code over and over again.

Shang Jian Yao took out paper and pen from his schoolbag.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

Seeing that he used "dot" and "line" to correctly record the password he passed, the model that may be used for communication after the construction of the main chip of Gnawa began.

At this moment, Shang Jianyao's brushstrokes slowly danced, and in the end, he even drew the villain.

Looking at the fragmented patterns on the paper, Shang Jianyao exclaimed:

"This is a peerless magic?

"Teached from the heavens, a peerless magical technique that doesn't reach the six ears?

"Once I have realized the true meaning and practiced the results, I will be able to climb the door, the wall, and escape from the deep prison of study?"

"Warnings" flashed across the Gnawa core module:

"Give up trying, there will be no results...

"Give up trying, there will be no results..."

Gnawa retracted his right palm and walked to Shang Jianyao's side, just as he was before, leaning on the female wall and looking into the distance.

He glanced over the electric retractable door at the entrance and exit.

Suddenly, Gnawa launched an algorithm specially used to simulate group companions to build a human database.

He thought of "turning over the door and the wall" in Shang Jianyao's words just now.

"If I leave Taicheng No.1 Senior High School now and look at this Buddhist holy place from the outside, what will I gain?" Such an enlightening question appeared in Gnawa's main chip.

After a period of analysis, Gnawa directly supported the wall with his hands and jumped off the six-story teaching building.

With the help of a protruding point, he easily returned to the concrete square without activating the shock absorber.

Then, he walked towards the school gate not quickly but not slowly.

When he approached the aluminum-white electric retractable door, he leaped suddenly and jumped out.

Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng.

After turning around, he found that the high school was still overgrown with grass and dilapidated. There were no lights and students.

The high-altitude sun was shining on the jeep parked not far behind the electric retractable door.

The gray-green jeep of the "Old Tune Team".

Gnawa moved his gaze and found that there seemed to be a few figures flashing in the teaching building before, suspected of Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and others.

"From the outside, it's normal." Gnawa recorded this information.

He immediately had a countermeasure:

"If Da Bai, Hey, Xiao Bai, and Xiao Hong are forcibly dragged out of the school, can they be restored to normal?"

This is a solution worth trying.

For the sake of caution, in order to avoid possible risks and accidents, Gnawa decided to conduct a pilot project. The goal of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is to see Yao.

He walked to Taicheng No. 1 Senior Middle School for the second time. When he jumped over the electric retractable door, the moment he entered inside, dark clouds once again blocked the sun.

The lights in the building turned on at the same time, illuminating one after another.

Gnawa once again had the feeling of traveling back to the old world.

For the intelligent robot, the word "feeling" is not too appropriate at this time, he suspects that the essence is an error message.

Without any delay, Gnawa found Shang Jian Yao on the roof of the front teaching building.

He seriously analyzed how to transmit information, and let Shang Jianyao take the initiative to "play truant".

After calculations involving complex models, Gnawa stretched out his iron fist, grabbed Shang Jianyao's vest, and directly picked him up.

"Wow!" Shang Jianyao was not surprised but was overjoyed.

Immediately afterwards, Gnawa repeated the previous route and started his attempt to take Shang Jianyao away from Taicheng No.1 High School by jumping off the building.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass on the last day~

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