Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 183: Make suggestions

Standing in the air, Shang Jian Yao Shu spread his arms, with a posture of "I am a big bird, soaring".

He didn't care at all that he would really fall to death if he was "pushed" off the roof in such an inexplicable way.

Originally worried that the screams would attract attention, Gnawa, who had stretched out his left hand and planned to cover his mouth, also sighed in the main chip:

Even if you are "playing", you can't hide the essence of being a mental patient!

With the cooperation of Shang Jianyao, and Gnawa carefully selected the time period for class and the more hidden corners, the two "walking" along the way did not attract anyone's attention.

——In such a plausible scene, Genawah did not want to attract the attention of others because of Shang Jianyao's "jumping" and "flying in the air", which is likely to bring unknown and dangerous accidents.

After landing steadily, Gnawa continued carrying Shang Jianyao's vest, sneaking sneakily and sneakily to the gate along the outer walls of the teaching building and office building.

Sometimes he straightened his body with his back against the wall, avoiding the eyes of people passing by, and sometimes squatted behind the flower bed to cover up his figure.

Although the teachers, students, and school staff in this high school can't see him, they can find the anomaly of Shang Jian Yao!

At this moment, Shang Jianyao was just like gaining superpowers, completely ignoring that he was suspected of being lifted by an invisible object and hanging in the air, opened his arms, threw his feet, and played freestyle.

When he "swim" quickly and slowly to the vicinity of the electric retractable door, Gnawa's arm forcefully threw him directly outside.

Shang Jianyao, who flew up suddenly, did not rush, adjusted his state, and made the movement of rolling around for three and a half weeks. The posture was freehand, and the picture was beautiful.


He failed to complete the last half turn and fell into dismay.

Now it is Shang Jian Yao, a high school student who relies on his body to eat and focuses on reading, instead of the experienced "Pangu Biology" employee Shang Jian Yao. Therefore, he has no body and lacks skills, and it is difficult to complete more difficult tasks.

In the next second, before the door guard looked over, Gnawa, who jumped out of the door, brought up Shang Jian Yao again and ran to the side.

Soon, he ran four to five hundred meters, and was a long way from Taicheng No.1 Senior High School.

Looking back again, Gnawa saw that the school had become dilapidated again, with grass overgrown, and a dead silence.

"Wow!" Shang Jianyao turned his head hard and looked back, "Robot!"

"Hey! I'm an old man!" Gnawa put down his companion.

At this moment, Shang Jianyao's clothes have also returned to normal, and they are no longer the old school uniforms with blue and white colors.

His tactical backpack is still behind him.

"Old..." Shang Jian Yao looked puzzled, as if remembering something.

Although Genawah has not personally deciphered the abilities of "reasoning clowns" and "thinking implants", he has observed many times of "practical combat teaching" and felt that there is a certain similarity with the current situation, so he painted a gourd and died. As a living horse, I tried to "drink with a big head":

"You are Shang Jian Yao!

"I am a member of the investigation team for the destruction of the old world of'Pangu Creatures'!

"I am your companion Gnawa!"

Shang Jian Yao muttered to himself blankly:

"I am Shang Jian Yao..."

Before he finished his words, his eyes lit up and he suddenly realized:

"Today I knew I was not me!"

Gnawa instantly had a subtle feeling of "disappointment".

Shang Jianyao then smiled brightly like a sun:

"Old Ge, I have recovered, just a joke just now."

His expression gradually became serious, and his right hand rubbed his chin unconsciously:

"Just now I was implanted with a complete set of logical and self-consistent thinking. It made me think from the bottom of my heart that I was a student of Taicheng No. , Stubborn temper, bold and bold, everyone dares to make tricks.

"Uh, the last half sentence was added by myself. The whole set of logic does not include this. Because of my own personality and experience, I have subconsciously the self-awareness of'daring, anyone dares to play tricks'."

Gnawa quickly extracted the key points:

"Much like'thinking implantation', more advanced, more terrifying and complete'thinking implantation'?"

"That's what I think. It may also be a'personality implant'." The calm and sensible business Jian Yao is very restrained and sober, and doesn't think his guess must be correct.

Gnawa helped him to speak the remaining words:

"'Thinking implantation' and its similar abilities belong to'Zhuang Sheng', and the influence of personality is in the field of'Last Man', and Buddhism's worldly free Tathagata is another name for Zhuang Sheng, the number one in Taicheng. The high school is one of the holy places of Buddhism..."

He cited an example of what he already knew, and the answer seemed to be vaguely visible.

"Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School is related to Zhisui's'Zhuang Sheng'? All humans who enter will be implanted with a complete set of thinking, acting as someone?" The reckless Shang Jianyao blurted out.

Gnawa moved the metal-cast neck up and down:

"The premise is that what you encounter is indeed the ability related to'thinking implantation'."

The honest Shang Jian Yao sneered:

"Since it is a sacred place of Buddhism, you can only choose between'Zhuang Sheng' and'Bodhi', and the encounter just now has no characteristics in the realm of'Bodhi'."

"Not necessarily." The honest Gnawa replied, "What if it is the magical power of the'fate reincarnation'? How do you know that you have no previous life, and the previous life is not the highest level in Taicheng. High school?"

The honest Shang Jian Yao did not admit defeat, and pointed to Taicheng No.1 Senior High School:

"It's impossible for the four of us to have read here in a certain life, right?

"How can there be such a coincidence!"

"It may be that you have all read books here in a certain life before, so that you will meet in this life, become teammates, and be favored by some seniors." Genawah combined reality and talked about Buddhism.

When Shang saw Yao's emotions, he was shocked:

"Old Ge, when did you join the Order of the Monks?

"More like a monk than my Zen Master Purdue!"

"I'm just discussing the matter, and it proves that this possibility cannot be ruled out." Gnawa replied stubbornly.

Shang Jian Yao introduced the one who values ​​feelings.

He looked towards Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School and said:

"You have to rescue Da Bai, Xiao Bai, and Xiao Hong as soon as possible.

"I'm afraid they have stayed in it for a long time, completely assimilated with the characters, and can't get rid of it anymore.

"As for the nature of the encounter just now, I will discuss it later."

"Good." Gnawa agreed.

He immediately said to Shang Yao:

"Before clarifying the truth and mastering the corresponding principles, once you enter, you may play a new role again. It would be better for me to come alone."

The cautious and cold Shang Jian Yao had no objection.

Gnawa turned to say his embarrassment:

"Bringing you out should violate the underlying laws of the illusion, so the entire action cannot be seen by other characters in the school.

"After my analysis, this is likely to cause accidents."

"Now the problem is here." Shang Jianyao, who is seeking novelty and wonder, smiled and helped Genawah to say the closing words, "Da Bai, Xiao Bai, and Xiao Hong are not like me. They stay alone on the rooftop, so you have If the opportunity is just taken away, how can we get them out silently?"

"Yes." Gnawa asked sincerely, "Especially, although I entered the role and brought the characteristics of a girl who likes to fantasy, but I think her essence will not change much, just like you In the same way, the subconscious mind will follow the original character if it cannot be taken care of by that set of thinking.

"This kind of confession occasionally makes her feel that she has adventures, and it creates some fantasy. There is no problem. Anyway, it will not affect her health and living conditions. But if you want to induce her to go somewhere or do certain things, She is absolutely suspicious, vigilant, and impossible to follow suit."

As a result, Genawah wanted to avoid teachers, school workers and other students to take Jiang Baimian out of Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School, which was very difficult.

The honest Shang Jian Yao laughed again:

"Normal people do that, except for those similar to me."

He is quite proud, which means that normal people will be wary of the weird slap from behind ~www.readwn.com~, only he accepted it without any guard.

Then, his thinking jumped and changed the topic:

"Xiaohong is easy to handle. Just figure out the name of Xiaobai's current role and use her to catch Xiaohong to the door."

"That's what I planned." Genawa also thought this was the best way to "deal" Long Yuehong.

Shang Jian Yao let out a "uh", his expression gradually cold:

"Dabai and Xiaobai are really not easy to fool, but we can create an opportunity for them to be fooled, or an environment that is convenient for you to perform."

The corners of his mouth raised a little bit:

"A simple example is:

"Set a fire to that school building, fish in troubled waters, and win in chaos!

"Since you can contact the people in the school, you are completely capable of creating a fire!"

PS: Ask for monthly pass in the new year, I wish you all the best in 2022, all the best, and happy!

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