Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 192: ring

Time is waiting for no one, Shang Jianyao volunteered to move the radio transceiver out of the trunk of the Jeep.

Jiang Baimian took this opportunity to quickly draw up the manuscript.

She turned the text into a code while shooting and sending a telegram.

In the voice of da da da, Long Yuehong couldn't help but muttered:

"Will it be impossible to post it at all..."

They are now trapped in the dream of "Zhuang Sheng", and the matter of making a telegram may be just an illusion.

Hearing Long Yuehong's worries, the honest Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"Why don't you say that the attempt to call the mysterious number may be invalid because it is fake?

"Why don't we say that detonating nuclear warheads only exist in our dreams and will not reflect reality?"

Long Yuehong, who was already irritable and restless, didn't shrink back, and replied:

"I just haven't had time to say it yet."

At this moment, nothing they do, shrouded in dreams, may not be true.

"But no matter what, you have to do it hard and save yourself. You can't just stay where you are and wait for death if you think it's useless." Bai Chen interrupted the conversation between the two and expressed his views.

Long Yuehong immediately agreed:

"Yeah, I just ask questions, not against doing it.

"Doing has a ray of life, if you don't do it, you will get lost."

"The main reason is that there is no other way." This is the conclusion of Gnawa's careful analysis.

If the "old tune group" can escape from the dream by evacuating Taicheng as before, things will be much simpler.

During their communication, Jiang Baimian straightened up after finishing the telegram, waiting for a response.

She looked around and said:

"I said in the telegram that I would only wait for a minute."

"One minute? It's too late for the telegrapher to ask for instructions..." Long Yuehong didn't quite understand it.

Not to mention the drafting of manuscripts, translation into codes, etc., which all take a lot of time.

Jiang Baimian explained briefly:

"My request is that if the company receives a telegram, it will immediately make a simple reply to let us know that it is effective, so that we can patiently wait for the follow-up call back."

As for "Pangu Biology" translating the code is too time-consuming, causing the telegrapher to time out before reading the content, Jiang Baimian is not worried at all, because it is connected to the corresponding computer and the processing is extremely fast.

At this time, Shang saw Yao rubbing his chin, and he smiled:

"Will Dreamland give us a false reply, allowing us to waste time waiting?"

It shouldn't be so smart...Who can dream so viciously, intertwined? Long Yuehong subconsciously flashed such a thought.

He didn't utter such words, because he didn't know whether he could hold the old age or not. After all, this was fundamentally different from ordinary people.

Jiang Baimian nodded gently and said:

"The waiting I'm talking about is limited.

"If the situation is really urgent, we must take immediate countermeasures, then I won't wait any longer!

"Dogs know how to jump over walls when they are anxious, let alone us humans?"

She did not specifically distinguish between carbon-based people and intelligent people.

Bai Chen, Gnawa and others nodded one after another, paying attention to the changes in each other:

Carbon-based people are gradually changing their appearance as students, while intelligent people are disappearing inch by inch from bottom to top.

When this rather slow change is completed, they will be completely lost in the dream of "Zhuang Sheng".

The student in the blue-and-white school uniform and the old and strong teacher who passed by, turned a blind eye to their changes, as if there was no such thing at all.

One minute passed quickly, and the radio transceiver of the "Old Tune Team" was silent.

Turning his wrist and looking at his watch, Jiang Baimian was silent and did not speak, as if hesitated.

According to the previously negotiated plan and scheduled process, it is time for Gnarva to call the mysterious number provided by Avia.

That was left by Ole, the chief scientist of the Third Research Institute and the former emperor of the "First City".

He told his descendants not to call as a last resort, and regarded this as a very dangerous thing.

Once Gnawa dialed that number, the subsequent changes were completely out of the control of the "old-tone team", and life or death was entirely by luck.

If the current situation is critical and a decision must be made between lightning and sparks, then Jiang Baimian will definitely give orders without hesitation. She is not the kind of rookie who is just a fledgling rookie.

But now, judging from the "assimilation" speed of the dream, the "old tune group" has almost three to four minutes left, and there is still room to wait for changes.

At this kind of time, it is impossible to stop at the beginning, full of danger, and a decision that is good or bad is unknown. Everyone will be under pressure, and everyone will have a certain swing.

Jiang Baimian knew that he was afraid of death. There are so many beautiful places in life. Who wants to die when he has a choice?

This is the case for her, and the same for others. Long Yuehong’s breathing became heavy. For a while, she hoped that the team leader would quickly order, and after a hundred, waiting for the end, for a while, she thought that she could be rescued again, and she could wait for the company. It’s unnecessary. In such a hurry, I enter a process full of the tendency to die.

He feels that his future is beautiful, and his days are full of expectations. He really doesn't want to just get lost in Taicheng and die a little bit in a dream.

In the atmosphere that seemed to freeze, someone suddenly said:

"People are inherently dead, and death is heavier than Mount Tai and lighter than a feather."

Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, Bai Chen, and Gnawazi turned their heads together and saw Shang Jianyao reciting ancient texts there with solemn expression.

He paused, and said with a constant expression:

"We came to Taicheng today to investigate the cause of the destruction of the old world and the source of the ‘unintentional disease’, and to have a future for all mankind. Even if we die here, we will die well, more important than Mount Tai!

"The spirit of the'Salvation Army' will never wither!"

After speaking, Shang Jianyao stretched out his right hand and pressed it on his left chest:

"For all mankind!"

Death is heavier than Mount Tai and lighter than a feather... Jiang Baimian frowned slightly, repeating this sentence in his heart.

Having experienced so many dangers and was still active in investigating the causes of the destruction of the old world, she really wanted to say that she was very timid and extremely afraid of death. It must be impossible.

She walked to Taicheng step by step, which shows that she has overcome the fear of death in her heart time and time again, or that she believes that certain things are more important than life.

She is not a new recruit who has experienced the feeling of being near death and knows the taste of desperation. She chose to continue investigating the cause of the destruction of the old world because she clearly knows how dangerous it is, rather than blindly confident in her strength.

If she is extremely afraid, with her background, she can choose to leave her current position, but she has not done so.

She is afraid of dying meaninglessly. What she is afraid of is that nothing has been investigated yet. Just like some employees in the company, she suddenly suffers from "intentional illness" and has no resistance at all.

At this moment, Jiang Baimian's mind suddenly reverberated with the song that he had often listened to in recent months:

"Remember the dream when you were young? Like a flower that never fades..."

While humming the melody silently, Jiang Baimian looked sideways at Long Yuehong and Bai Chen.

Long Yuehong was still a little uneasy, but his left hand was quietly squeezed with Bai Chen's right palm.

The two stood very close, as if to face the unknown danger and the unpredictable future together.

Perceiving Jiang Baimian's gaze, Bai Chen pursed his mouth and smiled slightly:

"Perhaps when I was in the first city, I should have died. I can live to this day. With so many companions with me, Xiaohong and I will face each other hand in hand. I am very satisfied."

Upon hearing this, Long Yuehong's hand holding Bai Chen's right palm tightened again.

Bai Chen increased the strength of the back grip, lowered his head slightly, and looked at the ground in front of him and said:

"I won't let go."

Jiang Baimian retracted his gaze, nodded to Shang Jianyao, and then rushed to Genava:

"Old Ge, call the mysterious number provided by Avia now, hurry up and allow time for other methods."

She has a calm tone, her voice is neither high nor low.

"Wait a minute!" Shang Jianyao suddenly said, expectantly, "Old Ge, you remember to put your voice out, so that everyone can know where you are."

"Okay." Gnawa called out the mysterious garbled code from the database.

Toot... Toot... Toot...

The voice of the call came from Gnawa's mouth.

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com rang a ring, and it seemed to be connected to a certain phone, and the sky became darker and darker as a result.

Jingle Bell! Jingle Bell! Jingle Bell!

In the next second, Jiang Baimian and others felt that cell phone ringtones were coming from all directions.

They stared in amazement, and found that the student and teacher passing by stopped at the same time, put their hands into their trouser pockets, pockets, bags, etc., and took out a different style of mobile phone.

Those phones are ringing exactly the same ringtones!

Shang Jian Yao was stunned for a moment and said:

"Zhuang Sheng's condition is more serious than mine..."

When Jiang Baimian heard the words, his inspiration flashed, and he knew what was going on now:

The mysterious number given by Avia points to the "Zhuang Sheng" who represents the whole year!

And everyone in the dream of Taicheng No. 1 Senior Middle School is a "Zhuang Sheng", one of his personalities!

He has a more severe personality split than Shang Jian Yao!

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