Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 193: turn on

Jingle Bell! Jingle Bell!

Amidst the waves of incoming calls, the teachers and students of Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School who were returning home from get out of class raised their mobile phones at the same time and brought them to their ears.

And that's exactly in line with the rhythm of Genova calling the mysterious number!

Even if they couldn't figure out the reason for a while, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen, who saw this scene, instinctively felt fear.

Different from Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao, they have heard Genawa mention about Yingcai Junior High School in Dajiang City, and know that Du Shaochong, Xu Qiao and Deng Tong all happened to be from this school, but they didn't know each other before.

This is completely impossible. As an ordinary student, it is normal to read the same junior high school and the same grade without knowing each other, but Xu Qiao, Du Shaochong, and Deng Tong are either outstanding in their studies or notorious. Is a man of the hour.

Even if some of them didn't become what they are now in high school, it's impossible to have all three.

Such a coincidence can only prove that it is not a coincidence at all, and there must be deep-seated reasons.

Hearing Shang Jianyao's evaluation that "Zhuang Sheng" is more serious than him, and his disease is a split personality, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen combined with the picture in front of them, and naturally had a certain association:

Could it be that every person in the dream, or the whole set of thinking that represents this person, originates from "Zhuang Sheng" and is a different personality split from him?

Therefore, it seems that everyone has their own names and background stories. In fact, when asked where they transferred or entered, they would answer "Dajiang City" or "Dajiang City Yingcai Junior High School".

After thinking of this, she found herself and others surrounded by "Zhuang Sheng", and they were answering a phone call suspected of being called by Genova at the same time, and Long Yuehong felt weak for a while.

Just then, after a beep, the bell disappeared.

The call is connected.

It was too late for Jiang Baimian to force Genava to interrupt him.

The surrounding light has dimmed a lot again, and the sky is so dim that it looks like the sun has set and there is only a little afterglow left.

In the ears of Shang Jianyao and the others, other sounds disappeared completely, and they could only hear their own heart beating.

The air around them solidified like a viscous liquid, and the "water pressure" made it difficult for them to breathe.

Almost at the same time, the red light that flickered in Genava's eyes suddenly shrank inward and collapsed into two faint "black holes" that were connected to another world.

We are just calling for rescue, not against "Zhuang Sheng"... We are just calling for rescue, not against "Zhuang Sheng"... Feeling the gaze of "Gnavar", Jiang Bai Cotton kept repeating this sentence in his heart to ease his sudden fear.

She tried to tell "Zhuang Sheng" on the other end of the phone her request, just as she would normally ask for help, to see if there was room for a turnaround.

When Jiang Baimian was about to speak, a voice grabbed in front of her:

"Great Zhi Sui, help us out of the predicament at hand!

"No one else, a new world is in front of you!"

Shang Jianyao shouted without blushing or embarrassment at all.

"Ten times" the thickness of other people's skin is used in similar times.

With a click, "Genava"'s neck slowly turned, and the two eyes that turned into "black holes" looked at Shang Jianyao.

All around, the students and teachers who held their phones to their ears turned or turned their heads and looked at them quietly.

Under the silent gaze of hundreds of thousands of eyes, Long Yuehong had goose bumps all over her body, and her back was full of sweat.

In the next second, the whole world went completely dark.

Plop, plop, the heartbeats of Long Yuehong, Bai Chen, Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian accelerated uncontrollably, as if they were about to pop out of their throats.

At this moment, they all felt that they were about to die of a heart attack.

Suddenly, a soft light came on, the darkness receded like a tide, and the sky quickly regained its morning clarity.

In front of Jiang Baimian and others, the student and teacher who had left the get out of class disappeared out of thin air, and Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School changed back to its original, overgrown, long-abandoned appearance.

Hu, hu... Long Yuehong took a deep breath of air, feeling that her heartbeat slowly became normal.

Jiang Baimian looked around for a week and found that there were tire marks left by circles of vehicles driving around the school.

This made her sure that Bai Chen's drive to evacuate Taicheng was actually just a few turns around.

"Is it normal?" Bai Chen had a dense layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

As soon as she finished speaking, Shang Jianyao swooped, hugged Genava, and cried:

"Lao Ge, don't die!"

A little red light lit up in Genova's eyes and flashed a few times:

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Shang Jianyao stood up straight and said with a smile, "From now on, I'm Xiaoyaozi."

Just kidding, or split another personality? Jiang Baimian frowned.

She let out a long breath and said:

"Looks like we're out of the woods and that 'help call' really works."

directly to the head of the master.

A red light flashed in Genova's eyes and said:

"That string of garbled characters is gone, and it's gone in my backup database."

Shang Jianyao suddenly laughed:

"It's alright, there are still manuscripts in Dabai."

Jiang Baimian glanced at him:

"After Ole dialed this number and called 'Johnson', the number did not disappear in the mobile phone, but was saved to the current time.

"This shows that the number stored by Lao Ge was deleted intentionally by 'Zhuang Sheng', which probably means 'there is no next time' and 'do not disturb'.

"If you fight again, I'm afraid everyone around will become 'unintentional'."

What the "New World" powerhouse can do, Zhi Sui can certainly do.

"I can worship him devoutly." Shang Jianyao felt regretful.

At this time, Long Yuehong, who had slowed down, sighed:

"I didn't expect that Ao Lei suddenly became an awakener who explored the depths of the 'Spiritual Corridor'. He claimed to be the emperor of the 'First City', and he was blessed by 'Zhuang Sheng'."

It represents the most special "Zhuang Sheng" in the whole year.

"Yes, yes." Shang Jianyao agreed.

Jiang Baimian was silent for a while and said:

"At the beginning of the formation of the major forces, it seemed that there were more or less Zhi Sui behind the scenes.

"I just don't know if there is a 'Salvation Army' that was established at the latest and a company that has been staying underground..."

"Probably not." Long Yuehong replied not so confidently.

In the current environment, it is not suitable to discuss this topic, Bai Chen looked at Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School, which had been abandoned for a long time, and said:

"Are you still exploring?"

"No need." Long Yue sighed like a toothache.

It's hard to get out of desperation, how can you die again?

Next time, there is no "Zhuang Sheng" phone to call!

And again and again, it is likely to anger "Zhuang Sheng".

Jiang Baimian stared at Shang Jianyao, who was eager to try, and agreed with Long Yuehong's opinion:

"Being adventurous is a compliment, and wanting to die is a criticism, and we have to grasp that line.

"Let's go..."

She wanted to say, "Let's go, let's go to Renhui Hospital's Vegetative Rehabilitation Center", but she felt that after experiencing such a thrilling exploration, the ups and downs of the team members needed a certain amount of time to adjust their state.

"Let's rest outside Taicheng first." Jiang Baimian finally chose to wait until the afternoon to say.

Shang Jianyao showed a thoughtful expression while following Genava to the jeep:

"I'm thinking……"

Why is this tone so familiar? Jiang Baimian turned his head and asked:

"Thinking about what?"

"I'm wondering if Xiaochong has anything to do with Zhuang Sheng? Is it a split personality of him?" Shang Jianyao's eyes were bright, "otherwise, why is the white light I got at the Hom Reproductive Medical Center? As soon as you enter my 'sea of ​​origin', you go straight to the crack that represents Xiaochong, the enemies are entangled together, and the fusion will not break up?"

Long Yuehong subconsciously wanted to veto this terrifying possibility:

"You said the same as the enemy."

"It's very common for different personalities to be enemies!" Shang Jianyao was righteous.

Where is this common? Long Yuehong struggled in her heart.

"Also, Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School also has Du Shaochong." Shang Jianyao added.

Jiang Baimian nodded slightly:

"It's possible.

"There is also a confirmed direction~www.readwn.com~ What direction?" Shang Jianyao asked excitedly.

Jiang Baimian glanced left and right:

"If it can be determined that the ruins of Marsh No. 1 are Dajiang City, then the answer is self-evident."

The ruins of Swamp 1 are the ruins where the "Old Tune Group" encountered Xiaochong.

"Go back and find the information the company wants to collect." Bai Chen suggested.

While they were talking, they got on the jeep and sat down.

At this moment, they heard a bird chirping and saw a flying bird coming from not far away, entering Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School, and after circling a few times, they left in the other direction.

This is a sight that has never been seen before.

——From the outside, Taicheng No. 1 Senior High School was dead silent as if there were no living beings.

Shang Jianyao muttered to himself:

"Our phone woke up 'Zhuang Sheng', 'Zhuang Sheng' woke up, and the dream subsided naturally?"

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