Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 20: ask for help

After lunch, Shang Jianyao lay down on the bed early.

He entered the "Corridor of the Mind" and couldn't wait to open the door of the "506" room.

The door is dark and dark, as if there is a vast ocean hidden in the depths.

Shang Jianyao knew that it represented the "sea of ​​origin" of the owner of the room, that is, her spiritual world and the source of consciousness. As long as she could get through the dangerous darkness, she could reach there and talk directly to the owner of the room.

However, based on the fact that the other party holds the secrets involving Zhi Sui, the results of every vote of Shang Jian Yao are temporarily not risky.

The appearance of this picture in front of him also means that the owner of the room was not dreaming at this time.

"Excuse me, I'll come back later." Shang Jianyao politely exited the room and closed the scarlet wooden door.

He went to his "Sea of ​​Origin" to play a game for a while, and then returned to the "506" door at the time.

With the twist of the brass handle, the back of the vermilion door opened, and Shang Jianyao took a step forward and saw the blue sky.

His eyes lit up, and he muttered to himself quite excitedly:

"Finally caught you!"

He "touched" the dream of the owner of room "506" again.

Without hesitation, Shang Jianyao walked under the blue sky.

The environment around him changed accordingly.

The bright sun shone down, making the glass windows bright and clean, and making countless dusts swim in the air.

Outside the window is a bustling and lively street, which is a bit like the family area of ​​the Fourth Research Institute, but only in a certain corner.

On the other hand, many shops on the street are closed, and there are many street stalls outside, which is just the opposite of the situation in human settlements such as Weed City.

At this moment, a vague female figure was sitting on a rocking chair by the window, holding a book in hand, bathed in the warm and clear sunlight, drinking coffee from time to time, and sighing:

"This is called life, this is called life!"

Shang Jian Yao didn't bother to look carefully at the composition of the dream, he thought for a while, and changed into Zen Master Purdue, a cyborg monk, intending to communicate with the owner of the room in a peaceful and compassionate manner, and induce her to tell the corresponding secrets.

Putting on the monk's robe and cassock, Zen Master Purdue's eyes flashed with red light, and he walked towards the blurred female figure in front of the window.

"Namo Amu Tara Samyak Sambodhi, don't come and be safe." Chan Master Pudu folded his palms and said hello.

It may be because in the dream, the face of the female figure is hazy and changes from time to time, making it difficult to see the real appearance.

She glanced at Zen Master Purdue who was in the state of a cyborg monk, and instead of being surprised and fearful, she asked with a little curiosity:

"Robots can also believe in Zhisui and become monks?"

"You don't know the monk order?" Shang Jianyao's focus quickly shifted.

The female figure laughed and said:

"But the essence of the mechanical monk is still human."

"Robots are people too," said Master Purdue calmly.

The female figure suddenly realized:

"You're a Decepticon, the kind of robot that thinks you're human."

"I am the Pudu sentient beings." The cyborg monk answered truthfully.

The female figure thought for a few seconds and waved her hand:

"Forget it, you can say whatever you like, don't delay me in the sun."

Shang Jianyao then remembered the purpose, and asked as a Zen Master Purdue:

"I have something I want to ask you."

The vague female figure said without looking back:

"I don't know, I don't understand, find someone else."

"I can pay." Master Purdue persevered.

The vague female figure joked:

"If you're a handsome guy, I'm willing to think about it, just a robot."

"You look down on robots!" Shang Jianyao, who attached great importance to feelings, asked angrily.

His body changed from a cyborg monk state back to a human.

Immediately afterwards, he rubbed his chin and asked the question directly without permission:

"Why do you want to keep humans in captivity?"

The blurred female figure suddenly froze.

She slowly turned around and looked at Shang Jianyao.

The next second, she made a shrill cry:


"Don't come here!"

As the voice echoed, the entire dream quickly shattered.


Tarnan, Yumeng Hotel, in a bedroom that is very girly.

The proprietress, Aino, sat up and said:

"Bastard! Don't let me go during the day!"

After cursing a few words, she said worriedly to herself:

"What should I do, why is that guy haunted all the time, he hasn't given up until now, how long have I been upside down day and night!

"He has already discovered my countermeasures. The way to stay up late at night and sleep during the day will not work..."

After hesitating for a long time, Aino finally gathered up the courage to go out and ask for help.

After all, instead of telling that secret and facing the cruel reality, she would rather pull her face down and pretend that she has never had such a thing as face.

To be honest, if the lingering guy wanted to, she wanted to beg for mercy sincerely and ask him to let her go.

Aino put on his brightly colored clothes, instructed the front desk of the hired hotel, and went straight to Nankeguan.

Her goal is Zhou Yue Zhou Guanzhu.

The Taoist priest couldn't remember the looks of others, so he naturally became Aino's first choice.

At that time, as long as she didn't report her name, or made up a fake name at will, Zhou Yue would not remember who came to her for help, and asked for help with a lot of snot and tears.

This fits Aino's needs perfectly.

All the way to Nankeguan, through the open brown wooden gate and a patio, the proprietress entered the palace with the lines of clouds.

At this time, many believers were sitting in rows of black chairs, facing the shrine enshrined with the dragon symbol, closing their eyes and praying.

Zhou Yue stood in front of the symbol composed of pieces of broken mirrors, still wearing that white robe with a very old-world classical style, with a hemp rope tied around his waist, and his black hair draped down his shoulders.

Aino struggled for a while, walked to Zhou Yue, and shouted:

"Zhou Guanzhu."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yue asked with a smile.

Aino didn't know who the other party took him to be, and quietly relieved:

"I want to ask your teacher for help."

Zhou Yue opened her eyes slightly:

"Ms. Aino, are you in trouble? No wonder you haven't shown up recently."

"..." Aino froze for a moment, "How did you recognize me?"

Although she didn't make any disguise, she didn't need disguise to face Zhou Yue at all.

Zhou Yue replied calmly:

"In the whole of Tarnnan, only you can wear this style."

Aino looked down at his unusually gorgeous skirt and said indignantly:

"What if an outsider comes to Tarnan today and likes to wear it like this?"

"If you admit your mistakes, you'll admit your mistakes, it's not like I didn't admit that you missed them..." Zhou Yue muttered in a low voice.

Then, she opened her hands, raised her body slightly, looked at a place in the void and said:

"There are dreams everywhere, why take it seriously?"

Aino was speechless.

"Ms. Aino, what's the trouble with you?" Zhou Yue asked with concern.

Having come to this point, Aino can only reach out and cover his face and say:

"Does your sect have any awakeners who are good at 'hypnosis'? I have been having nightmares recently, and I hope I will never dream again."

She still didn't want to tell the truth.

Zhou Yue didn't care either:

"I will help you ask."

She did what she said, left the hall where the shrine was located, entered her room, and sent a telegram to the headquarters.

Not long after, Zhou Yue came out and went straight to the colorful and clean skirt:

"Our Mirage Cult has similar awakeners, but it may take ten days or even a month to come."

"That's been a long time..." Aino frowned.

Zhou Yue said with relief:

"It's just a nightmare anyway, not a big deal.

"There are dreams everywhere, why take it seriously?"

Aino's face suddenly collapsed, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Yeah, it's just a nightmare, just let it go, it won't die!"

If he can ask it, it is his ability, if he can't ask it, I will take it as nothing!


In Wild Grass City, Shang Jianyao excitedly told Jiang Baimian and others about his experience.

"That is to say, the reason why the person in room '506' doesn't dream at night is that she only sleeps during the day?" Long Yuehong asked in surprise.

Shang Jianyao praised:

"should be.

"What a talent, it has been difficult for me for several months!"

Jiang Baimian then laughed and said:

"But this method can cure the symptoms but not the root cause, it can prevent it for a while but not forever.

"Hey, after that you try it day and night, use your abilities, and try to get the answer as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Shang Jianyao replied with bright eyes.

In the afternoon, the "Old Tune Team" left the rented house, walked across the street, and went around to the alley where the Affordable Gun Store was located.

The shop was very quiet, only the owner, A Fu, was there to repair the second-hand guns he had collected and concentrate on it.

Feeling someone entering the store, he raised his head and looked towards the door.

Because Bai Chen and others made excellent disguise, Ah Fu didn't recognize it for a while, got up and asked:

"Several, what gun do you want to buy?"

"Where's Aunt Nan?" Bai Chen asked bluntly

Ah Fu is Aunt Nan's younger brother.

Ah Fu finally recognized the "old tune group", and his expression suddenly became sad:

"At the end of last year, my sister, my sister got 'no heart disease'..."

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