Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 21: verify

Aunt Nan has "no heart disease"? Long Yuehong blurted out:

"how come?"

How could the lady who always kept herself clean and her hair tied in a bun suddenly got "unintentional" and bid farewell to the world?

But thinking that Chen Xianyu, the director of the activity center on the 495th floor of the underground building, which he is more familiar with, also suffered from "unintentional disease" without warning, Long Yuehong fell silent again.

This is "innocent disease".

It can happen to everyone, whether you've been through hardship or not, or whether you've just seen hope in life.

Bai Chen had seen too many similar things, and he did not show an unacceptable state.

She was silent for a while, and asked in a slightly low voice:

"And then she was purged?"

Hey, Xiaobai asking this question shows that she still has some expectations in her heart... Jiang Baimian didn't speak.

At the same time, she used her left hand to stop Shang Jianyao's interjection.

"Yeah." Ah Fu sighed, "The city defense army came to deal with it."

This is the choice that every force will inevitably make when facing "innocent" patients.

Bai Chen pursed his lips and said:

"fair enough."

For the "unintentional", the consensus of mankind is to either clean up as soon as possible, so as not to hurt themselves and other normal people, and cut off the possible infection lines, or forcibly arrest them and send them to the laboratory to successfully treat the "unintentional disease" for human beings in the future. "make a contribution.

Compared with the latter, Bai Chen was more able to accept that Aunt Nan fell into eternal sleep after suffering for a while.

She paused and asked again:

"Where is Aunt Nan buried?"

"The cemetery outside the city." A'Fu smiled bitterly, "To be on the safe side, I paid extra for cremation."

Whether it is cremation or cemetery, money is required.

The former consumes energy, the latter occupies land near the city and is always guarded by a team of soldiers.

If there is a dead person in an ordinary family, they often find it in the wilderness, find a random place, dig a hole and bury it.

But this does not necessarily make the dead safe in the ground. Whether it is a wild wanderer or a wandering beast, it is a real and potential threat.

Bai Chen nodded:

"Take us there tomorrow."

"Okay." Ah Fu agreed.

When Shang Jianyao was finally able to speak, he asked with concern:

"How are Aunt Nan's sisters doing now? How about An Ruxiang? What about the people who pooled money to ask her to be a teacher?"

He asked three questions at once.

A Fu recalled and said:

"Mr. An has taught three classes here, and later went to another yard to be a temporary teacher, and she was always invited.

"Sister Gu, as well as the girls in the yard who have read and write, most of them have found new jobs through the Hunter Guild. Some of them are doing well, and some of them have a lower income, but they can still maintain their own lives. , Don't be as scared as before, don't know when you will get sick, or meet the kind of guests with brain problems.

"Only a small number of people are not so lucky, they or their family get sick, have an accident, owe a debt, and have to do things occasionally to supplement their family.

"In the past few years, as long as you are literate and willing to work, you can support your family in the city."

One is that many people died in the riot, and the other is that Wild Grass City is the most stable place in the past few years compared to other places in the "First City"... Jiang Baimian nodded invisibly.

Shang Jianyao said "oh oh" twice, and he was very happy to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Ah Fu said a few more words:

"Maybe it's God's blessing. A few girls don't open their eyes and are fascinated by the kind of gang members who specialize in eating women's meals. If they want to die, they almost jump into the fire pit by themselves. As a result, those gang members either died in the fire. In the midst, or being shot, none of them will end well.

"That kind of coercion seems to be the same."

Jiang Baimian was stunned for a moment, and recalled one thing:

An Ruxiang's last job as a temporary teacher was a relic hunter, and her last job was a killer.

Slap clap, Shang Jianyao applauded.

He smiled and said:

"so good!"

Yes, that's great... Jiang Baimian is very pleased.

She took the initiative to say to Ah Fu:

"Look back and find out where Teacher Xia An is in class. We haven't seen her for a long time."

"Okay." Ah Fu knew that this group of people had known An Ruxiang for a long time, earlier than the girls in the yard.


South Street, in a rental house.

Jiang Baimian found a place to sit down at will, and said thoughtfully:

"Why does Wild Grass City have 'no heart disease'?"

"Why can't Weed City have 'involuntary heart disease'?" Long Yuehong asked in a slightly dazed way.

"Innocent disease" may appear anywhere on the ash soil where there are humans.

Moreover, since the establishment of Wild Grass City, there have been several outbreaks of "innocence disease" every year, the number is more or less, the scale is large or small, and it has never been a paradise.

Jiang Baimian looked around and said:

"Our previous findings were that 'Wuxin Disease' was related to the 'New World', leaked into the dust through various nodes, and randomly infected the surrounding humans.

"But Wild Grass City doesn't look like a place with a 'New World' node.

"Well, many human settlements are also different, and there are still 'no heart disease' appearing."

They had previously denied the speculation that the spread of "innocent disease" was a fluctuation caused by the collision of some "new world" forces, but now they have encountered an incomprehensible situation.

"That's right... This contradicts our speculation." Long Yuehong nodded lightly.

While speaking, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the nuclear warhead that Genava had placed in the corner of the room.

He always felt weird chatting next to such an item.

Although this is absolutely safe, it is impossible to explode at will, but thinking of the rumored power, Long Yuehong has a bit of an illusion of "accompanying the king like a tiger".

Bai Chen thought for a while and said:

"The nodes of the 'New World' can be either people or things. The former either belongs to a larger force or sleeps in a secret place, which should have nothing to do with Weed City, but the latter may be everywhere, or Big or small, the effect is not the same.”

What she means is that although there is no "New World" powerhouse in Wild Grass City, it does not mean that there are no hidden, very small "New World" nodes here.

Jiang Baimian said "um":

"Tomorrow, after worshipping Aunt Nan, let Hai wear the 'Six Senses Pearl' or 'Angel of Life' necklace and walk around the city to find out if there is a node of 'New World'.

"If there is, we will use high-voltage current impulses to destroy it, so that there is no need to worry about 'innocence' for a long time. If not, then we may have to re-establish the source and transmission mechanism of 'innocent disease' speculation, or Talk about correction."

Next, Jiang Baimian wanted to say, "Anyway, the Weed City is not big. I have planned a route to feed the current sensing range and the 'friendship' with Xu Liyan. It is not difficult to check them all." To Gnarwal:

"Lao Ge, you plan the route based on the induction range of feed, so as to cover every place."

"No problem." Genova didn't think this was a problem at all.

"When are you going to visit my good brother Xu Liyan?" Shang Jianyao asked.

Xu Liyan doesn't necessarily want to see you... Jiang Baimian mumbled, and answered in a conscious manner:

"Without the city lord's warrant, we can't go to many places, let alone induction investigation. Therefore, after paying respects to Aunt Nan tomorrow, the first thing to do is to find your good brother Xu Liyan."

Although with the level and ability of Shang Jianyao, in a small place like Wild Grass City, it is completely possible to make friends and come and go freely, but since there is a better and more convenient way, Jiang Baimian feels that there is no need to do so.

The ghost knows if there is any dangerous sect lurking here, which unfriendly Zhisui worships!

"The chef of the City Lord's Mansion is quite good." Shang Jianyao commented in a fair way.

He immediately made suggestions:

"Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion first, and then pay tribute to Aunt Nan."

Hey, do you want to be so realistic... Before Long Yuehong could say these words, Shang Jianyao added:

"This way we can pack some delicious food for Aunt Nan!"

Bai Chen pursed his lips and said:

"It's just a waste, right?"

"No." Jiang Baimian said, "In the custom of the old world, the food used for sacrificial rituals is distributed to relatives and friends after the ceremony is completed."

Bai Chen said "um" and nodded.

After discussing this matter, Jiang Baimian turned to Shang Jianyao and said:

"When are you going to go to room '506' again?"

Shang Jianyao said in an impatient tone:


"I plan to go there in the next two hours, I don't believe she doesn't sleep!

"I entered her dream this time, and I am going to use my abilities to see if it works."

"Well." Jiang Baimian thought for a while and said, "By the way, observe and observe the dream of the owner of the room. If the ability is invalid, we can use the dream to infer which area and place she lives in, and what kind of person she is. In reality, visit the door. ."

"Okay." Shang Jianyao agreed very readily.


Tarnan, Yumeng Hotel.

The proprietress Aino sat in front of the laptop, forcibly opened her eyes, and kept saying to herself:

"Can't sleep, can't sleep..."

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