Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 22: Exchange "Buddhism"

The next morning, Jiang Baimian sat next to the nuclear bomb, looked at Shang Jianyao, who had just woken up, and asked with concern:

"How is it, have you gained anything?"

Shang Jianyao yawned:

"No, I go to room '506' every two hours and have not encountered any dreams.

"She didn't sleep at all!"

Before waiting for Jiang Baimian and others to respond, he eagerly added:

"I continue during the day, and I don't believe she hasn't slept!"

Jiang Baimian said thoughtfully:

"She might be thinking of something else."


Tarnan, Yumeng Hotel.

The proprietress Aino looked at the old world entertainment information on the computer with a haggard face, thinking about her comfortable and clean bed.

She took a sip of the coffee produced in the northern part of the "Linhai Alliance", and then had another sip of bitter strong tea, and muttered:

"How many days can I last..."

How many days can you escape?


The Jeep of the "Old Tuning Team" drove out of the yard surrounded by several houses and headed towards South Street according to the plan.

This time, it was Genova who was in charge of driving, and Shang Jianyao sat in the co-pilot position, one hand drooping weakly, holding the "Angel of Life" necklace in the other, with his eyes half closed, sensing the possible "New World" nodes around him.

From left to right in the back row are Long Yuehong, Bai Chen, and Jiang Baimian. None of them said a word, for fear that Shang Jianyao's attention would be diverted and there would be a mistake in induction. .

In this way, Jeep seemed to wander aimlessly on South Street, East Street, and West Street, entering every alley that could be entered.

In places where vehicles cannot pass, Shang Jianyao also completed the "measurement" with both feet.

When it was almost noon, he sat back in the passenger seat, moved his right hand holding the "Angel of Life" necklace, and said in disappointment:

"No 'New World' node found."

"Well." Jiang Baimian nodded, his expression as usual, "Only North Street is left."

North Street is where the City Lord's Mansion is located, and is also where the nobles live, so ordinary people can't enter at all.

But this is not difficult for the "Old Tune Group". Even though they all carry huge bounties, they never thought of using the help of the servants who went out to buy from the City Lord's Mansion. After arriving at his destination, he revealed his identity and met Xu Liyan.

Compared with the previous years, Xu Liyan is obviously fatter, but he no longer wears old-fashioned clothes, combs old-fashioned hairstyles, and wears casual clothes with refreshing short hair, which makes him look a few years younger, or in other words, he The apparent age finally corresponds to the actual age.

With his position firmly established, he no longer needs to rely on physical maturity to enhance his authority.

The mechanical monk, Jing Nian, sat not far from Xu Liyan, without the hooded robe, revealing a tall body composed of a black metal skeleton and various mechanical parts.

He was wearing an old yellow monk's robe and a tattered red cassock, and his eye sockets were full of red light.

Xu Liyan glanced at Genava, who was wearing a black military uniform, and secretly compared his steel body with Jing Nian.

He immediately retracted his gaze, did not rush to ask Shang Jianyao and the others, and said with a smile:

"You have done great things in Primal City, and you have been offered a high reward by the 'Hand of Order'.

"It makes me wonder if you guys played a role in that coup."

"The role of catching fish in troubled waters." The honest Shang Jianyao would never lie.

Xu Liyan smiled as expected:

"You really did have a foot in it."

Jiang Baimian "helped" Shang Jianyao to respond:

"The turmoil involved many forces, and many religious organizations were involved. We suspect that the will of the gods was at work."

On the dust, when it comes to the gods, most of the time it refers to the age.

"The will of the gods." Xu Liyan frowned slightly.

Regarding the turmoil in the "First City", as a member of this force and a foreign vassal, he sent someone to do a detailed understanding, and knew the general process, and it was not surprising that the religious organization was involved.

But he didn't feel that there was any divine will.

Although his partner "Order of Monks" devoutly believes in "Bodhi" and "Zhuang Sheng", and always preaches the existence of the Pure Land of Bliss, he still doesn't think there are any gods.

Of course, in this kind of matter, his attitude has always been that he would rather believe what he has or not, and he will not lose anything if there is something or nothing, but may gain unexpected benefits.

Based on this, he did not make an evaluation and changed the topic:

"I applaud you more for killing the real 'priest' than what you did in that turmoil."

He hated the real "priest" who almost killed himself.

"I'm also very satisfied." Shang Jianyao showed a complacent expression.

Honestly he went on to add:

"But 'Anti-Intellectualism' also has 'Pastor' Bouillon, as well as eight elders including him and the Pope above them."

Xu Liyan's face twitched when he heard it.

He forced a smile and said:

"The 'priest' is dead, the 'anti-intellectualism' will not keep staring at me, and I have no deep hatred with them."

"There is now." Shang Jianyao reminded.

"Ah?" Xu Liyan was obviously at a loss.

Shang Jian Yao said earnestly:

"We killed the real 'priest' and destroyed the 'anti-intellectualism' event, and you are my good friend and brother."

I'm not... Xu Liyan subconsciously glanced at Jing Nian, a mechanical monk not far away.

He finally realized rationally that compared to the "anti-intellectualism" far away, the "good brother" in front of him was a more practical threat.

"What do you say? The 'Anti-Intellectual Sect' doesn't know that we killed the real 'priest'. We destroyed a lot of their things." Jiang Baimian interjected in time, comforting Xu Liyan by scolding Shang Jianyao.

Xu Liyan breathed a sigh of relief:

"You can kill the real 'priest' and fight against the 'anti-intellectualism' so far, nothing has happened, it shows that you are strong enough."

Shang Jianyao was about to admit frankly and revealed his strength, but Jiang Baimian glared back.

Xu Liyan did not continue the topic, and instead asked:

"What are you doing here this time?"

"Two things." Shang Jianyao was not polite at all, "One is that we are investigating whether there is a 'New World' node in Yecao City, and I want you to give me a warrant so that we can wander around North Street..."

Before Shang Jianyao finished speaking, Xu Liyan asked suspiciously:

"'New World' node?"

There are all kinds of "new world" rumors circulating on the dust, most people have their own ideas and expectations for "new world", and Xu Liyan is no exception.

But he had never heard of a node called "New World".

Jiang Baimian rushed to answer before Shang met Yao:

"All I can say is that there is a 'new world', but it's not necessarily a good place, the source of the 'innocence' seems to be there, and there are big and small, immeasurable, connected in the dust.' New World' nodes, and one of our jobs is to clear them."

The job you mentioned before is not this... Xu Liyan found that the group of people in front of him became more mysterious, and the matters involved became more high-end.

The red light in the eyes of the mechanical monk Jing Nian flickered a few times, and he seemed to want to refute and endure it.

In the "Order of Monks", "New World" is equated with the painting of the Pure Land of Bliss.

After spending a long time digesting the "New World" information he had harvested, Xu Liyan asked solemnly:

"How do you plan to investigate? Will clearing the nodes of 'New World' cause accidents?"

"Theoretically not." Jiang Baimian has rich experience and is quite certain about this. "As for the investigation, it is very simple. With the corresponding equipment and the induction ability of the awakened person, you can find it from a long distance."

"We won't break into other people's homes." Shang Jianyao patted his chest and made a promise.

Xu Liyan nodded:

"Okay, I'll give you a warrant for free passage on North Street later."

He'd be happy to have someone help clear out the possible, sounding dangerous "new world" nodes.

Without waiting for the "Old Tunes Group" to respond, he asked:

"What about the second thing?"

Shang Jianyao looked at Jing Nian, the mechanical monk sitting next to him, and smiled:

"We want to find Zen Master Jingnian to exchange Dharma. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"What do you want to discuss?" The mechanical monk Jing Nian made a synthetic voice.

He didn't refuse. First, he didn't foresee the danger. Second, he wanted to see what the group wanted to ask.

Purdue Chan Master Shang Jianyao put his hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name:

"Namo Amu Tara Samak Sambodhi, Zen Master, I would like to know when the first awakened people appeared in your sect?"

"This includes when you are not monks and have not yet formed a religious group." Jiang Baimian added, "I know that similar issues involve some secrets of your religious group, but if it is not important, please tell us, and We will exchange the corresponding information that is of interest to you."

Jing Nian was silent for a while and said:

"When the old world was destroyed, several people awakened.

"In the following year, people were awakened one after another, but the number was very small. When the 'Hall of Stars' appeared, the difficulty of awakening became lower."

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