Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 26: eat human

"Eating people?" Shang Jianyao was excited.

He said in a password-like tone:

"Eating people is written between the lines?"

The female figure glanced at the guy and asked back in doubt:

"what are you saying?"

Shang Jianyao said "oh oh" twice, and asked in a serious tone:

"How do you know they are eating people quietly?"

Before the female figure spoke, the family area of ​​the Fourth Research Institute suddenly became dark.

The sun high in the sky was covered by the dark clouds floating in the sky, and the surrounding air seemed to be in a state of impending rainstorm.

The female figure visibly shook a few times and said:

"He, he suddenly became very weak, and then, everyone died, all died!"

There was unspeakable terror and a certain hysteria in her voice.

Her answer is also different from Shang Jianyao's question, as if she was stimulated by the corresponding, there is a certain relationship but not so strict.

Shang Jianyao asked curiously:

"How did you find out that he was suddenly weak?

"Which elder is he?"

The female figure looked left and right for a few more times, and answered tremblingly:

"He's here, he's in that room deep in the lab.

"He is always there!"

"It's very similar to the big boss..." Shang Jianyao, who attached great importance to feelings, was suddenly worried. .

He said earnestly:

"Let's confirm one thing first. Are you talking about him beside the single person, she beside the female character, the one with the head of the hood, or the one representing the gods?"

The female figure looked at Shang Jianyao for a few seconds with the eyes of a fool:

"After chatting for so long, don't you know that we are talking about Zhi Sui?"

"Is that so?" Shang Jianyao suggested, "How about I play a song as background music? There's no atmosphere for chatting like this."

The female figure seemed to finally realize that this guy was strange, but because this was a dream, he couldn't think about it so much, and let it go.

"I don't want to make it look like a ghost movie." She rejected Shang Jianyao's proposal.

Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin and brought the topic back to the right track:

"How can you be sure that he is eating people, he is just suddenly weak."

"After everyone died, He was normal again! This kind of thing happened several times!" The female figure shivered, giving people a feeling of being unable to bear the cold spring.

Shang Jianyao "popped" and applauded:

"You are amazing, you are still alive after witnessing these things!

"How did you do it? Teach me."

The female figure suddenly froze there, her lips moved, and she recalled something.

The whole dream suddenly became deep, and the light that still existed instantly receded and retracted into the distance, as if it was a whole world away from here.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes were slowly opening.

Although Shang Jianyao was daring and knowledgeable, at this moment, it was as if he had been poured a basin of cold water on his head, and then he was dragged into the ice and snow to be punished to stand.

As a result, his whole person was frozen, as if he had turned into an ice sculpture, and all the thoughts belonging to different personalities in his mind were shattered and hard to form.

The female figure felt the same way, and a flood of fear that was enough to drown her soul emerged from the bottom of her heart.

She couldn't bear it any longer, and her figure quickly dimmed.

With this comes the fragmentation of the dream.

The sky fell, the ground sank, and everything disappeared.


Tarnan, Yumeng Hotel, in the bedroom of the proprietress.

Aino suddenly opened his eyes and screamed.

Then she gasped heavily, recalling a few fragments of the dream.

After a while, she finally calmed down and said to herself:

"There's nothing wrong... continue to sleep, continue to sleep."

In fact, she always knew that she was able to survive at the beginning, and that she was able to live in Tarnan for so many years, there was a big problem, but she was accustomed to escaping reality and never thought deeply about what problems were hidden in the middle.

Just let it go, it's a day if you can mix it up!

In the flash of thoughts, Aino hugged the quilt, lay down, and closed his eyes with the attitude of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, brewing drowsiness.

She wants to make up for the sleep she hadn't slept before.


Wild Grass City, in the rental house on South Street where the "Old Tune Group" lives.

As soon as Shang Jianyao walked out of the room, he saw Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, and Bai Chen around the square table, eating the wowotou and buns with different fillings bought downstairs, while Genawa was standing by the window, moving around. The body, to prevent some parts from rusting and so on because they are not used for too long.

"Are there any results?" Jiang Baimian asked first, then pointed to the table and said to Shang Jianyao, "There are bean paste stuffing, pork stuffing, green vegetable stuffing... Yecao City has really been compared in the past two years. Peace of mind, there are a lot of varieties of breakfast."

Shang Jianyao took a bite of the pork-filled bun, and said vaguely:

"There is a certain result."

"Ask clearly what happened to being kept in captivity by Zhi Sui?" Long Yuehong forgot that he was still holding buns and soy milk.

They are now fully funded and do not need cold water to match wowotou.

"No." Shang Jianyao has always been honest, "but I asked about other things."

He recounted exactly what happened in the dream.

"Everyone is dead, why does this kind of thing happen several times?" After listening, Long Yuehong raised his own question.

He didn't quite understand the statement of the owner of the room in the dream, and found it very absurd and inconsistent.

How many times can a person die?

Jiang Baimian pondered and said:

"The words in the dream can't all be taken seriously.

"Although a person has a severe lack of self-control and is less likely to lie when dreaming, the various events in the dream can have different emotional effects that induce specific answers, and those events are various memories and fantasies. It is not absolutely equivalent to reality.”

Seeing that both Long Yuehong and Bai Chen were a little dazed, Shang Jianyao had an expression of "So it is, I fully understand", Jiang Baimian added:

"Simply put, the words that the '506' said in the dream may be the product of a combination of many things.

"For example, Zhi Sui's secret 'cannibalism' has indeed happened many times, but the first few times did not lead to the destruction of the Fourth Research Institute and the collective death of human beings there, but only affected or spread to a small number of people, and even limited to experiments. It was discovered by the owner of the room by accident, which led to a series of things behind."

"Is that so..." Long Yuehong heard a little heavy.

The red light in Genova's eyes flashed a few times:

"The purpose of raising humans in captivity is to replenish themselves and recover from weakness?"

"At least that's what the owner of the room has said so far." Jiang Baimian didn't dare to be too sure.

Long Yuehong sighed and said:

"The company has not experienced a mass death of a large number of employees."

His implication is that Zhisui and Zhisui are different. "Siming" is not necessarily a captive human being, but is closer to using human wisdom to study biotechnology.

"Is there any staff, what about the volunteers who participated in various experiments?" Shang Jianyao responded grimly.

Long Yuehong was speechless for a while.

The next second, Bai Chen quietly held his left hand.

Jiang Baimian thought for a while, and said to Shang Jianyao:

"You have been going to room '506' recently, asking about this matter from different sides, and digging out more details so that we can piece it together and restore it.

"Well, don't touch on the topic of how that person survived for a while, it feels very dangerous."

"Yes, yes." Shang Jianyao chose to agree, "We almost died at the time, but luckily the owner of the room collapsed before us."

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"You'll have a good rest in the car. The owner of the room seems to have given up resistance, so just follow the steps and don't be in a hurry.

"Okay, let's pack up and prepare to set off, going around the ice field from the Black Marsh Wilderness."


Somewhere in the ice sheet, in a valley with a different temperature than the surrounding area.

Luo Dun, the elder of Sui Sucheng, stood by the window, looking down at the busy scene of the residents~www.readwn.com~ His brows were deeply locked and he never let go.

At this moment, under this circumstance, he always wanted to sing something, and felt that language was inferior to songs.

Similar impulses, he has appeared too many times. As an experienced awakener who has explored the depths of the "Spiritual Corridor", Lawton naturally knows what is going on.

This is the sequelae left by his "surgery" after he passed out in room "131", which is essentially a kind of mental trauma, which requires a certain amount of time and corresponding treatment to heal.

But it wasn't this that Roton was troubled by. In his experience of exploring different rooms in the "Spiritual Corridor", it was not the first time that such a trauma had been acquired. He had already prepared for it both psychologically and materially.

What bothered him was that he might have to explore the weird and dangerous "131" room that seemed to involve Zhi Sui next.

Because, when he passed out of a coma, he felt a little familiar.

This means that the door to the "New World" that he is searching for is likely to be in the depths of the "131" room.

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