Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 27: cliff village

Black Marsh Wilderness, somewhere near the Icefields.

As the snow melted and the road was muddy, Long Yuehong felt like she was driving on the edge of the swamp.

"Is there a sense of sight?" Shang Jianyao on the right side of the back row leaned forward and asked Long Yuehong and Bai Chen in front of him with interest.

Long Yuehong recalled:

"The time you met the Black Marsh Iron Snake?"

That time, the swamp expanded, almost swallowing the corresponding road.

Shang Jian Yao nodded contentedly:

"Yeah, I still remember that you were very nervous at that time. You didn't even know how to use the gun. It seemed that you even urinated."

"Nothing!" Long Yuehong immediately retorted, "It was the first time I encountered danger. I was very impressed. It was definitely not like what you said."

Shang Jianyao tried to convince:

"Maybe it's just that memory is too unbearable, you subconsciously chose to forget."

"I believe you have a ghost!" Long Yuehong glanced at Bai Chen who was in the passenger seat, and was filled with emotion, "At that time, distorted creatures like the Black Marsh Iron Snake could chase us all over the place. , and now, even if there are two more, we can easily solve it."

Whether it is a laser or an electromagnetic projectile, it is enough to pierce the scales of the Black Marsh Iron Snake.

"Yeah." Shang Jianyao agreed, "If we really want to meet, we will throw the nuclear bomb over, detonate it directly, and it will vaporize."

"Hey, think about whether this will accidentally hurt your own people!" Long Yuehong realized what Jiang Baimian often said, "angry and funny."

Shang Jianyao didn't take up this topic, and turned to "tsk tsk":

"What you just said is wrong!

"Isn't it easy for us to deal with the Black Marsh Iron Snake at the time? Da Bai made a 'Thunder Spear', Xiao Bai fired an "Eye-Breaking Strike", and the Black Marsh Iron Snake lay down. You questioned what they did. Not good enough?"

Long Yuehong hurriedly defended:

"No, I'm just the most impressed with the part of the Black Marsh Iron Snake chasing us."

Jiang Baimian finally lost sight of it, and stopped drinking Shang Jianyao:

"Play less games, what 'Thunder Spear', what 'Breaking Eye'...

"Is there any movement in Xiaochong's gap?"

Shang Jianyao showed a sad expression:

"No, I played so well."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Genava:

"Lao Ge, what do you think the problem is?"

Genova begins the analysis:

"Maybe Xiaochong has been playing games, addicted to it, and didn't pay attention to what happened in your 'Sea of ​​Origin'."

"Then what should I do..." Shang Jianyao fell into contemplation.

As he pondered, the jeep of the "Old Tunes Group" entered a forest along the winding road.

"Left..." Jiang Baimian switched to the co-pilot position and pointed the way.

This is also something that can't be helped, because the place to go next, only she knows where in the group.

Shang Jianyao recovered from his contemplation and shouted at Bai Chen who was driving:

"Right, right, Dabai has ruled out a wrong answer."

Bai Chen calmly responded to him:

"There is no way to the right, so I will rush out and turn down the mountain."

"What about going forward?" Shang Jianyao quickly changed his words.

Bai Chen took a look with his excellent eyesight:

"Breaking the road."

Shang Jianyao suddenly looked at Jiang Baimian with a shocked expression:

"You're not wrong this time!

"This unscientific……"

Jiang Baimian gritted his teeth and said with a smile:

"I'm not blind!"

Shang Jianyao said "oh oh" twice:

"A fool has a thousand worries, and he has something to gain."

Jiang Baimian raised his left hand, and the inside of the car seemed to be brighter.

Seeing Shang Jian Yao finally calmed down, she asked with satisfaction:

"What did you gain from the dream in room '506' last night?"

Since the last time he was "waited", the owner of room "506" seemed to have given up struggling completely, and his work and rest began to become regular and normal.

Shang Jianyao thought back and said:

"Confirmed two things:

"One is that Zhi Sui's secret 'cannibalism' really happened more than once. The owner of the room only knew about it four or five times, but the first few times did not cause much impact. It seems that the person who was 'eaten' was not. Too many, it is likely to be confined to a certain laboratory;

"Second, the result of 'cannibalism' is the death of the corresponding person, but the body is intact, which is very similar to the situation in Taicheng and Linhe Village in Dajiang City."

These are all speculations made by the "Old Tune Group" before, which have been confirmed one after another recently.

Jiang Baimian said "um":

"In the future, we may have to hurry up. The longer the delay, the greater the variables. For example, the owner of the room has found an effective way to fight the 'nightmare', or because of too many leaks, it finally attracted the attention of the corresponding Zhi Sui and died."

"But she sleeps at night now, and I can't force her to sleep during the day, and she can't sleep either." Shang Jianyao showed a distressed expression.

At this point, Jiang Baimian couldn't think of any good suggestions, so he could only continue to show Bai Chen the way.

When it was about to get dark, the "Old Tunes Group" finally arrived at their destination.

Their destination is on the opposite side of the mountain stream, a relatively independent peak.

And if you want to pass, you can only use the road bridge across the mountain stream.

"There is Cliff Village, a human settlement sheltered by the company, and the one closest to the icefield. No matter what team goes to the icefield to perform a mission from this route, they will choose this place as the last supply station." Jiang Baimian quietly relaxed. After a sigh of relief, he pointed to the various buildings on the opposite side of the bridge that were about to be engulfed by the darkness, and briefly introduced.

She was really afraid that she wouldn't be able to arrive before it was dark, so she could only find a place to camp and try again tomorrow morning.

Bai Chen nodded and asked thoughtfully:

"Most of the project teams that go to the icefield to do experiments will also supply supplies here?"

"That's why I have to come here." Jiang Baimian laughed. "I came here twice before when I was in the security department. Well, some villagers here have been volunteers for some experimental projects."

Long Yuehong suddenly realized.

At this time, the guards on the opposite side of the bridge had already spotted the jeep of the "Old Tunes Group", and a man with a "Berzerker" assault rifle picked up the megaphone and asked:

"Where did you come from and what are you doing?"

"People from 'Pangu Creatures'!" Without Jiang Baimian's instructions, Shang Jianyao happily took out his loudspeaker.

Jiang Baimian started "popular science" for Bai Chen, Long Yuehong and Genawa:

"There is a lot of explosives placed on this bridge. If there is a strong enemy attack, the villagers will directly blow up the bridge, and the mountain has no roads in the old world. Except for a few people who are good at special operations and wild survival, other There is no way to get there, only by helicopter."

In addition to explosives, there are several railing-type barricades on the bridge.

Shang Jianyao, who was using a loudspeaker to communicate with the opposite side, took the time to interject from his busy schedule:

"Their defense system is useless, and we have to ask who we are and where we came from. That's not what I say or what?"

"Do you think there are many people like you?" Jiang Baimian cursed angrily and hilariously.

At this time, after knowing that it was the "Pangu creature", the bridge guards signaled the jeep to drive to the entrance of the bridge to confirm their identity.

There is an electronic device there, and the line extends all the way to the cliff village opposite the mountain stream.

Jiang Baimian pushed the door and got out of the car, and swiped on the device with his electronic card.

The sound of dripping sounded, and several railings across the road bridge lifted up by themselves.

"Can I swipe my card here?" Long Yuehong was shocked.

Doesn't this mean that Cliff Village has the employee data of the entire "Panga Creature", or the data of the expatriate employees of the Ministry of Security?

After Jiang Baimian got into the car, he said casually:

"After all, this is a relatively important settlement for the company.

"And what we give is a closed data package, only to verify whether the authenticity of the electronic card corresponds to the employee's photo."

"What if the equipment is broken?" Shang Jianyao thought of a question as the vehicle slowly passed the bridge.

Jiang Baimian looked ahead and said:

"In the beginning, employees from the security department were stationed here. Later, the company trained several villagers who mastered equipment maintenance and program maintenance."

Soon, the jeep arrived on the opposite side of the mountain stream. Jiang Baimian pressed the window of the car and greeted several bridge guards with a smile:

"It's hard work, are we the first batch of people after the spring?"

The first people to come here, seek supplies, and go to the ice field.

The slightly dark and thin bridge guard who asked the question just now answered without any problem at all:

"No, only last week a group of people engaged in scientific research came here."

"Oh." Jiang Baimian restrained himself and did not ask further~www.readwn.com~ so as not to appear too eager.

The black and thin bridge guard looked at Jiang Baimian under the light of the street lamp:

"Have you been here before?"

He had never seen a few such beautiful women in his life.

"I've been here twice." Jiang Baimian replied calmly, "Where's the village chief?"

The bridgekeeper pointed sideways at a building with lights coming out:

"In the office."

Jiang Baimian, who knew that the village chief lived in the office from time to time, nodded and motioned Bai Chen to drive the car into the village.

Because there are "Pangu creatures" who have given many materials, the cliff village has enough generators and fuel. Besides the office and the bridge, many people also have lights on. In the darkening evening, this makes people feel safe and secure. warm feeling.

"I don't know what the project team that came here last week did..." Shang Jianyao muttered to himself.

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