Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 37: research team

Shang Jianyao turned his head and said to Jiang Baimian:

"I think you should believe in 'truth'."

People with real brains would never believe in such a false **** that appeared out of nowhere... Jiang Baimian replied subconsciously in his heart.

She immediately remembered that Lao He believed in "truth", and was suspected of being an awakened person in the "last man" field. He might be able to silently look through her memory, and forcibly suppressed the thoughts that came up.

Shang Jianyao, who did not receive a response, turned his attention to Lao He again, and said in a tone of approval:

"Your teachings are really good, comparable to our philosophy of valuing life and caring for children."

"You belong to the 'Rite of Life' sect?" Lao He suddenly realized.

"You know?" the reckless Shang Jianyao blurted out, "So you haven't read our memories!"

He spoke so fast that Jiang Baimian didn't have time to stop him.

The scene suddenly became extremely embarrassing. .

After a few seconds, Lao He coughed twice:

"Looking through memories is immoral and very dangerous. You never know what the person you are facing has experienced. If I see a person and look at a person's memory, sooner or later, it will involve high-level existence. content, go crazy on the spot, or die suddenly.

"'Truth' teaches us that those who stare at the abyss are also stared at by the abyss, so we must know how to restrain ourselves, and we must not abuse our abilities.

"Under normal circumstances, I simply distinguish whether the humans I face are malicious or not."

Slap clap clap, Shang Jianyao applauded:

"'Truth' is worthy of truth.

"Actually, you can explain it with a saying of the gray people:

"I often walk by the river, how can I not get wet shoes?"

This is really different from the style of "anti-intellectualism". If you really want to rummage through our memories, the probability of problems is very high... Jiang Baimian muttered in his heart.

Facing Lao Shi, she instructed the team members to recall the gaze of "You Gu" and the dream of "Zhuang Sheng" from time to time.

In addition, the insurance of Genava is also prepared.

Lao He smiled and said:

"I'm used to the teaching of 'truth'."

"Those of you who believe in 'truth' get along very well with believers of 'Siming'," Jiang Baimian said.

Lao He glanced at his subordinates not far away and smiled slightly:

"When Sui Mocheng was established, our believers of 'Truth' contributed a lot, and 'Siming' Zhi Sui was very friendly to us."

Was there "truth" when the city was built at the end of the year? He appeared quite early... Long Yuehong extracted the most crucial information in the sentence just now.

When they communicated with the people in Sui Mocheng before, they asked that this settlement was officially established in the middle of the chaotic era, not much later than the "Pangu creatures".

Shang Jianyao's focus has always been different, he opened his eyes and said:

"Can you sense Zhi Sui's friendliness?"

As a believer of the "Rite of Life" sect, and an employee of "Pangu Creatures", he only sensed the big boss's gaze once when he forcibly broke into the bottom floor of the underground building.

Old He almost didn't understand what this guy was saying, and it took a while to understand:

"The friendliness of 'Siming' at the end of the year is shown by the elders of the church at the end of the year."

"Is that so... how many elders do they have?" Shang Jianyao looked like he wanted to know each other.

Lao He looked at him and answered vaguely:

"A lot."

Jiang Baimian casually changed the subject:

"In Sui Mocheng, those who believe in 'Siming' are the mainstream, right?"

"Yes." Lao He did not deny it, and even gave approximate data, "It looks like 80%."

He then pointed to the subordinates beside the surrounding vehicles:

"If you don't believe me, you can ask one by one."

"Okay!" Shang Jianyao agreed immediately.

The "Old Tune Team" had originally planned to get in touch with people in Sui Sucheng and collect relevant information, but now they have a suitable excuse.

At noon, after asking around, they returned to Cliff Village.

Came with the pre-ordered lunch, and the village chief.

"The scientific research team that went to the icefield before is coming back, and it will arrive in the evening. Are you going to say hello at that time?" The village chief is mainly to report this matter.

Long Yuehong blurted out:

"So fast?"

The "Old Tuning Group" is expected to have a week or so, how long has it been?

The village chief smiled and explained:

"They telegraphed that they had encountered some changes, so they had to return early and let us prepare the supplies."

"Change?" Jiang Baimian did not hide the questioning in his eyes.

"I don't know what's going on, you can ask yourself in the evening." The village chief said that he had the right to investigate the root cause of the employees of "Pangu Biological".

Jiang Baimian said "um":

"All right."

In order to wait for the returning scientific research team, the "Old Tune Team" stayed in Cliff Village in the afternoon, and did not go to Shan'ao Town to chat with people from Sui Mocheng.

In the evening, there were indeed five or six vehicles coming from the northern mountain road.

The car is full of dirt, like it has been drenched in the rain and has not been cleaned in time.

When they got close, Bai Chen keenly noticed that there was still a small amount of thick ice accumulated from snow in some places on the surface of the car.

In the area of ​​Cliff Village, the temperature in the current season is not too high, and the rate of melting of those thick ice is quite slow.

Soon, the team passed the verification, swiped the card into the cliff village, and stopped at the side of the small square in front of the office.

"Let's go, go down and say hello to your colleagues." Jiang Baimian retracted his gaze and said to Long Yuehong and others with a smile.

Shang Jianyao nodded immediately:

"When the fellow sees the fellow, tears well up in the eyes."

It's as if she really wanted to see fellow villagers... Long Yue slandered with a red belly.

Taking into account his own position, he did not say it.

Genova stayed in the room, and the four members of the "Old Tunes Group" went downstairs to the hall of the office.

Nearly 20 thickly-clothed humans were in groups of three or five, each occupying an area, where they chatted and waited for the village chief to arrange accommodation.

Among them, there are about five or six people whose status is obviously low. They are in the edge and corner positions. They have no words and are very silent.

"Village Chief, hurry up, everyone is waiting for a hot bath. Didn't I send you a telegram in the morning, so you can prepare in advance?" A man in his forties with gray hair urged.

He had obviously done some genetic improvement, but the effect was not very good. The originally good appearance became more and more unsustainable with the flesh on his cheeks, and he looked a bit mean.

The village chief laughed and said:

"Researcher Xu, am I not handing out keys to you and taking you up there?

"Ah, Captain Jiang, this is the researcher Xu I mentioned earlier.

"Researcher Xu, this is Captain Jiang who just came from the company. They are also going to the icefield to do the task."

Jiang Baimian greeted him with a smile:

"Researcher Xu, I'm Jiang Baimian."

Researcher Xu was stunned for a moment, and a smile gradually appeared on his face:

"Old Jiang's daughter?"

In the field of "Pangu Biology" researchers, Jiang Wenfeng is more famous than Jiang Baimian.

When they mentioned Jiang Baimian, they were mostly "Lao Jiang's girl with good looks and high grades". Later, they added the modifier "I have a problem with my ears", and now there are more "only twenty-five Getting promoted to management at the age of six."

Jiang Baimian hit the snake and followed the stick, smiled and nodded:

"Yeah, Uncle Xu, before I came out, my dad was still saying that I might meet his acquaintance when I went to the icefield this time."

"What a coincidence." Researcher Xu was a little elated.

After all, he is not yet in management, but Jiang Baimian placed him in the same position as her father.

He then instructed the members and volunteers of his research team:

"You follow the village head up first."

When the people in the hall were almost gone, Jiang Baimian asked curiously:

"Uncle Xu, I heard that you encountered a change this time?"

Researcher Xu sighed and said:

"Yeah, it's a relatively common thing in ice fields to encounter extreme weather, so you should also pay attention.

"At that time, a huge snowstorm suddenly blew, and several volunteers outside the car couldn't save them even if they tried to save them.

"Considering the loss of supplies and the number of volunteers, we can only return early."

Jiang Baimian sighed with empathy:

"Ice fields are really dangerous.

"Uncle Xu, what experiment are you going to do this time? Haha, if it involves confidentiality regulations, I didn't ask."

Researcher Xu doesn't think it's a big deal:

"It's still an experiment on the effects of that cold environment on human physique and spirit."

"What's the point of studying this?" Shang Jianyao interjected forcefully.

Researcher Xu said with a smile:

"Why doesn't it make sense? We might all be able to do antifreeze genetic modification in the future.

"The company has never stopped exploring in the field of human evolution."

"However, this has nothing to do with the antifreeze gene." Jiang Baimian expressed his confusion.

It is not to screen humans with high cold tolerance~www.readwn.com~ to find antifreeze genes.

"You have to ask the board of directors, I'm only in charge of specific research." Researcher Xu spread his hands.

He immediately moved his neck:

"I'll go back to my room to rest for a while. Let's talk during dinner."

Jiang Baimian was about to say "yes" when Shang Jianyao suddenly interjected:

"As a researcher, don't you have your own guesses about this experiment?"

Seeing that Researcher Xu looked at himself with "who are you and why should I answer you", Shang Jianyao added with a smile:

"I am also an employee of Pangu Biology, a subordinate of Team Leader Jiang, and I am very interested in scientific research."

Researcher Xu looked dazed for a moment and said:

"For so long, my personal feeling is that the company wants not only new human beings with physical changes, but also hope that the spirit of new human beings is tough enough, which is related to the acquired environment and experience to a certain extent."

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