Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 38: "fate"

The spirit is tough enough... Hearing this phrase, Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and the others looked at each other.

This has something in common with one of their previous guesses:

The big boss established "Pangu Biology", with the development of genetic technology as the company's primary goal, in order to prepare a perfect body for himself to descend into the dust.

But now it seems that a perfect body must have a tenacious spirit, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the various negative effects when the age of attachment comes, such as "no heart disease".

Papapa, Shang Jianyao applauded and praised sincerely:

"As expected of a top-level researcher, he really has a broad mind and knows a little about it."

This compliment made Researcher Xu wonder for a while whether he was mocking himself or expressing his meaning literally.

"He has always said something, and he won't detour." Jiang Baimian helped explain that Shang Jianyao didn't say anything ironic. .

Researcher Xu smiled:

"But such a compliment..."

Before he finished speaking, he expressed his meaning by shaking his head:

It's too straightforward, but it's embarrassing to praise!

If it wasn't for the fact that he consciously had a good relationship with Shang Jianyao, a comrade-in-arms who belonged to the same camp and could be entrusted to his back, he probably wouldn't have laughed.

At dinner time, several members of the "Old Tune Team" took the opportunity to chat with the rest of the research team, and the information they got was exactly the same as what Researcher Xu said.

The reason why those volunteers remained silent was because they had witnessed how fragile the experiment was under the snowstorm, and had a strong pessimism about their future.

Although they all volunteered to participate in this experimental project in exchange for different benefits, they were more or less psychologically prepared, but no matter what, human beings always have hope and feel that so many volunteers can go home alive, maybe they are Could be one of them.

After returning to the room where Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao lived, Long Yuehong sighed and said:

"We have already asked clearly about the experimental project and the specific process, and it seems that there is no problem at present."

After speaking, he added:

"Everyone in the scientific research team should have said it."

What he means is that there will be no additional gains from entangled in this scientific research team, they just organize the corresponding projects according to the above instructions.

Jiang Baimian said "um":

"Researcher Xu's guess is more valuable than the experiment itself."

Experiments on the effects of cold environments on human physique and spirit have been known by the "Old Tune Group" before.

"How pitiful..." Shang Jianyao sighed suddenly.

Honest Gnavar asked:

"Who is pitiful?"

He couldn't analyze for a moment who he was talking about.

Shang Jianyao replied with a look of pity:

"The perfect body for the big boss's descent into the ashes."

"Why is the body so pitiful?" Long Yuehong asked in confusion.

Jiang Baimian and Bai Chen didn't speak, they probably understood what Shang Jianyao wanted to express.

Shang Jianyao took a long sigh and said to Long Yuehong and Genova:

"If you need both a perfect body and a tough enough spirit, it's not what an embryo can do.

"Think about it, once that body grows up and cultivates a tenacious spirit, it is a living person, with its own joys and sorrows, its own past, memories, and its own uniqueness, but suddenly one day, someone Tell him that your existence is for Zhi Sui, and whether you want it or not, you need to sacrifice yourself and become the carrier of Zhi Sui.

"How pitiful."

Long Yuehong was speechless.

Looking at Shang Jianyao, he suddenly felt a little ashamed.

He didn't think of such a possibility, but he refused to feel the same way. He subconsciously felt that as long as he could exchange the safety of "Pangu Creatures" and the permanent stability of all employees in the underground building, he would sacrifice a specially cultivated experimental product. is completely acceptable.

And Shang Jianyao obviously doesn't think so.

"It's really pitiful." The honest Genava didn't think there was anything wrong with Shang Jianyao's words.

"Yeah." Jiang Baimian echoed and said, "This is just our speculation for the time being, and there is no need for any psychological burden."

She immediately asked the team members to go back to their respective houses to rest, and continue to visit the people in the end of the year tomorrow.

After washing and chatting for a while, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao lay down on their own beds.

"You can explore other rooms and find the door to the 'new world'." In order not to let Shang Jianyao get entangled in the topic just now, Jiang Baimian took the initiative to remind.

Shang Jianyao was really distracted, he raised his hand and pinched the temples on both sides with great interest, and fell into a deep sleep.

In the "Spiritual Corridor", he put his hands in his pockets and walked in a random direction while looking left and right.

He didn't immediately go into rooms that he hadn't explored before, as if to pick a destination that seemed interesting.

"Would you like to throw dice?" Shang Jian Yao, who was curious and curious, suggested eagerly.

"Don't worry, look for the strategy first." The calm and rational Shang Jianyao grabbed the dominance of his body and touched his chin.

Shang Jianyao, who was seeking novelty and curiosity, immediately retorted:

"What's the point of that?"

The calm and rational Shang Jianyao laughed:

"A room with a walkthrough doesn't equal a boring room, don't you think some of the rooms the company has explored are equally interesting?

"For example, the madhouse at '101'."

"That's right!" Shang Jianyao, who was seeking novelty and curiosity, said with his right fist and his left palm, "The lunatic asylum sounds like a good fit for us!"

The reckless Shang Jianyao squeezed his head and shouted:

"There is also '102' representing Zhuang Sheng, and '503' belonging to Jiang Xiaoyue. It is suspected that there is '205', who is in the dream state of 'Dawn'."

At the beginning, the reason why "Pangu Creatures" only said that the room "205" was suspected to be a dream of a certain Sui Sui, and did not mention the name of "Dawn", was because the beginning of "2" was probably the "Dawn" of Zhi Sui in February. It may also be "Johnson" representing the whole year, and now it has been determined that "102" is the latter.

As soon as the reckless Shang Jianyao's voice fell, the four eyes on both heads froze at the same time.

Not far in front of the corridor, on a vermilion door, a golden number clearly marked a house number:


Shang Jianyao fell silent, squatted down, and didn't move for a long time.

He squatted until his energy was almost exhausted, and he passively returned to the real world.

During this process, Shang Jianyao continued to try to pass, but was constantly suppressed by Shang Jianyao.

On the bed in the room, Shang Jianyao opened his eyes and sang softly:

"Ten years of cultivation can cross the boat together, and a hundred years of cultivation can lead to sleep together..." (Note 1)

Jiang Baimian hadn't slept yet, and interrupted:

"What's the matter, entered the strange room?"

"Not yet." Shang Jianyao yawned.

Jiang Baimian said suspiciously:

"Then what song do you sing?"

"It's really fateful, I came across room '205'." Shang Jianyao answered truthfully.

"The room that is suspected to be the dream of 'Dawn'?" Jiang Baimian suddenly had an unexpected and reasonable feeling.

She said to herself:

"We only heard the name 'Dawn' from the person in room '506' two days ago..."

"Sure enough!" Shang Jianyao made his judgment in a firm tone.

Jiang Baimian understood what he meant, and nodded his head:

"It's definitely a coincidence.

"Well, don't rush in, just observe and observe."

Shang Jianyao also had this idea, first find another room to improve his strength, and then find the door to the "new world".

"Why haven't you slept yet?" he asked curiously.

Jiang Baimian sighed and said:

"Thinking about my island of fear."

"Are there any eyebrows?" Shang Jianyao asked with concern.

"No." Jiang Baimian shook his head, "Maybe I have to investigate the real situation of the company clearly, so that I can recognize the reality, put down the burden, and face it calmly."

She thinks this kind of awareness is the best way to get past that island of fear.

Shang Jianyao was very mentally drained. He just opened his mouth and fell asleep before he had time to ask questions. Jiang Baimian was stunned for a while and closed his eyes.

The next day, the "Old Tune Group" ate breakfast, drove on a jeep, and left Cliff Village again, heading for Shan'ao Town.

But they were greeted by empty squares and streets.

There is a lot of **** scattered here~www.readwn.com~ has not been cleaned up very well, and the caravan in Sui Sucheng has disappeared.

After returning unhappy, the "Old Tune Team" got the exact news from the village chief:

At the end of the year, the people in Sui Sucheng were almost done trading, and they received another telegram with unknown content, so they left Shan'ao Town and headed to the icefield at dawn.

"Something happened to the city at the end of the year?" Long Yuehong guessed.

Shang Jianyao eagerly proposed:

"Would you like to step on the snow to find traces and track them?"

"I don't need it for now." Jiang Baimian replied succinctly, "The reason was mentioned before."

She then looked around:

"Everything that needs to be done here has been done. We also left Cliff Village today to go to the icefield. The destination is the ruins of the city where Shang Jianyao's father finally appeared."

No one objected.

Note 1: Quoted from "Passing Love", the ending song of "The Legend of the New White Lady", sung by Zuo Hongyuan and Zhang Hui

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