Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 46: sound

Genova confirmed the authenticity of the lip language content, and then asked Shang Jianyao:

"I didn't collect sonic information, how did you hear her speak?"

"It rang directly in my mind!" Shang Jianyao seemed to have found a new fun game.

Without waiting for Genava to respond, he shouted at the man and woman:

"Can you hear me?"

He deliberately raised the volume, and with the echoes from the walls and glass of the cafe, it formed a rolling wave.

Neither the blond woman in a white dress nor the old man in formal attire with half of her body trembling reacted to this, but still looked at where Shang Jianyao was standing.

Shang Jianyao thought about it for a while, and took a step sideways.

Relying on the assistance of the exoskeleton device, he took several meters in this step, and came directly in front of Genova from the place adjacent to the coffee table.

The blonde lady and the old man in formal suits turned their heads to the two of them.

However, none of them got up, and their movements were quite difficult. .

The former supported the edge of the table with both hands, and barely moved his body to the predetermined position, as if he was stuck between the seat and the table, while the latter looked like he could not exert any force on his left side and would fall over at any time.

"They can really see me!" Shang Jianyao's face, which was covered by the helmet mask, was full of joy of the successful experiment.

"But they can't seem to hear what you're saying." Genova helped add a conclusion.

Shang Jianyao was suddenly distressed:

"How can I communicate with them? How can I answer that I am indeed the goddess of 'Si Ming'?"

"Nod." The intelligent robot's thinking has always been very clear before encountering a bug.

"Yes!" Shang Jianyao moved his head up and down greatly.

He nodded and muttered:

"Unfortunately, I haven't learned sign language systematically, otherwise I can communicate directly. I express myself in sign language, and Lao Ge interprets their lip language.

"No, they don't necessarily understand sign language, they can only rely on common body language..."

However, the two turned a blind eye to his nod, just didn't look away.

Genova was about to analyze what the situation was, and asked Shang Jianyao to wait patiently to see if he could still hear the lady's words. Shang Jianyao suddenly realized:

"I understand!

"They can't actually see me, but they can vaguely sense my human consciousness!"

He then turned his head and said to Genova:

"So, they've been 'looking' at me, not you."

"Then how did the sound you hear come from?" Genova asked.

Shang Jianyao replied in a rather determined tone:

"Spiritual voice transmission!

"Maybe they are also awakeners at the level of the 'Spiritual Corridor', and now they have arrived at my door and are shouting at the inside.

"I have to go to my room and check."

He did what he said, closed his eyes on the spot, raised his right hand and pinched the temples on both sides.

Although his temples are actually protected by the helmet of the military exoskeleton device, his fingers can't touch it at all, but there is still a sense of ritual.

The next second, relying on the fixation and support of the military exoskeleton device, Shang Jianyao stood and fell asleep.

In the "131" room, as soon as his figure appeared, he immediately ran to the door, trying to open the door for the guests.

The reckless Shang Jianyao was immediately controlled by the arms that emerged from his body, his head moved to the cat's eye, and he looked at the situation outside the door.

There was no one outside.

Then, he opened the door cautiously and looked around a few times.

There are no guests visiting.

"Hey..." He sighed in disappointment and returned to the real world.

"How?" Genova noticed that his body moved.

Shang Jianyao replied regretfully:


He has always been hospitable.

"How to communicate..." Shang Jianyao fell into thought again.

Suddenly he shouted again:

"She's talking to me again!


"Stay away from here!"

"Stay away from here..." Genova repeated this sentence while turning his eyes to the man and woman, checking their lips.

——Shang Jianyao uses grey earth language, even if it is an intelligent robot, there is no way to tell whether it is "he" or "she".

At this moment, whether it was the blonde lady or the old man in formal attire, they all closed their mouths again.

Genova had to ask Shang Jian Yao:

"Stay away from here is a warning, or a reminder?"

This is mainly distinguished from the tone of voice.

"It feels like a reminder." Shang Jianyao recalled.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he pulled the tactical backpack he was carrying in front of him.

With that sound, the zipper was opened.

Shang Jianyao reached into his backpack with his right hand and grabbed the little jade Buddha with green lake water.

He immediately explained to Genava, whose eyes flashed red:

"In the ruins of the steel mill, this little jade Buddha is the junction point between reality and illusion. Now maybe it can help me communicate with the people on the opposite side."

As soon as Shang Jianyao's voice fell, the little Jade Buddha suddenly radiated a faint, clear light.

This is like a water wave, submerging the entire cafe, whether it is the dark part or the illuminated area, it is dyed a little green.

Then, Shang Jianyao heard the words of the blonde lady again:

"The gift of 'Bodhi'?"

At the same time, Genova made a slightly synthetic voice:

"I can hear it this time."

This shows that the two sides can communicate.

That little jade Buddha really worked!

"Yes, yes." Shang Jianyao answered the question from the blonde lady with a smile.

As a polite person, although he did not push up the mask and show his face, he still asked politely:

"Who are the two?"

The blonde lady frowned slightly, as if thinking about something, and replied casually:

"Flora, from the Orange Company."

The old man in formal attire said in a shaky voice:

"Barnard, from the Seaside Alliance."

Before waiting for the inquiries from the two opposite, Shang Jianyao took the initiative to report his name:

"Shang Jianyao, 'Pangu creature'."

At this time, Genava used the communication system to inform Shang Jianyao about his search for the two names in the database:

"Flora is one of the more common female names in the Orange Company's sphere of influence, the most famous one who served on their board of directors, but is said to have been dead for more than two decades.

"The Seaside Alliance once had a president named Barnard, who was the first president of the Red River race there. He also passed away eleven years ago."

"All passed away?" Shang Jianyao was not only not frightened, but extremely excited, "Have we really encountered a ghost?"

Before he could finish his words, a clear zizi sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

The scene inside the cafe was distorted, and there was even a lot of snow noise, like a malfunctioning TV.

At this moment, Flora seemed to finally understand what the current situation was.

She snapped before the darkness rolled in, tore and drowned this part of the light in the cafe, and shouted sharply:

"Never enter a new world!"

As the sharp voice reverberated, the blue-green light emitted by the Little Jade Buddha disappeared, and the yellowish light that illuminated the area by the window also went out, and the two figures disappeared.

Only now did Genova realize that there was no cafe in front of him, only piles of worthless rubbish.

Even the window was covered with cracks.

"Hey hey hey!" Shang Jianyao shouted a few more times, only Kong Dang responded to him.

"What's the matter?" he muttered to himself.

Without waiting for Genava's analysis, he answered his own question:

"It would be interesting if the Flora and Barnard we saw just now were indeed Flora and Barnard who had been dead for many years as Old Ge said.

"Being able to sit on the board of directors of the 'Orange' company and the president of the Linhai Alliance, there is a high probability that the two of them are awakeners who have explored the depths of the 'Spiritual Corridor'.

"Will their death be another expression of their entry into the 'new world', after all, from now on, they will not be able to show up often, and will only return occasionally?"

"It's very possible." Genova commented in a fair way, "Do you think what we just saw was a scene from the 'New World'?"

He skipped numerous reasoning steps and went straight to the conclusion.

Shang Jianyao smiled and said:

"Konimmis itself is closely related to the 'New World', either from the huge 'New World' node, or from the sleeping high-level existence of the body, which has brought the spread of the 'No-Heart Disease' virus.

"Since the 'wuxin disease' virus has all escaped, it is normal for the old and new worlds to overlap in certain areas of Koningmis."

Genavar moved his metal neck up and down:

"Simply put, the scene just now is likely to belong to the projection created by the spillover power of the 'New World'."

"Yeah." Shang Jianyao was suddenly frustrated, "I should have asked a few more questions just now!"

Genova comforted:

"It's pretty good to be reminded not to enter the new world."

"They are good people." Shang Jianyao commented sincerely.

He turned to look out the window and said with a smile:

"If we continue to go deeper, maybe we will encounter more 'new world' scenarios."

Genova easily deciphered the guy's subtext:

This is so much fun!

He had to remind Shang Jianyao:

"But that also means that the probability of contracting 'without heart disease' has skyrocketed.

"Also, the encounters afterward may not be as friendly as Flora and Barnard.

"At that time ~www.readwn.com~ under the attack of two problems, the 'Angel of Life' necklace may not be able to protect you."

Shang Jianyao's response had nothing to do with Genova's words, and he said enthusiastically:

"Will you meet an old friend?"

"Who?" Genova asked.

"'Doctor'." Shang Jianyao's face was so ambiguous, "If he's still alive, I'll give him a nuclear bomb!"

After speaking, Shang Jianyao put away the little jade Buddha, grabbed the "Berzy Warrior" assault rifle again, and walked to the door of the "cafe".

The next second, he stopped there.

"What's wrong?" Genova asked with concern.

Shang Jianyao asked for assistance without seeing the light of day:

"Help me open the door, it's pulled inward, I can't kick it open directly."

He was paralyzed in one hand "for a long time" and held a weapon in the other, unable to use it.

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