Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 47: so know

A faint mist filled the darkness, as if covering something.

Shang Jianyao and Genava each held their weapons and walked forward silently, not yet turning on the searchlight function.

The night vision capabilities of military exoskeleton devices and intelligent robots are still sufficient for now.

After walking like this for a while, Genava's head hidden in the "Chameleon" bionic intelligent armor suddenly turned 360 degrees, and red light flashed rapidly in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Shang Jianyao asked curiously.

Genova replied in a slightly synthetic voice:

"I always felt like something was following us."

The businessmen were in an uproar:

"Lao Ge, you actually said 'feeling'!"

"In this case, shouldn't you directly analyze the probability of what percentage?"

"As an intelligent robot, the words must be precise, and the reconnaissance must be pragmatic."


After the Shangjian Yaos were chattering, but in a clear order, Genova answered in a smooth voice:

"When I entered the fog, the electromagnetic disorder became more serious, and my reconnaissance range and reconnaissance ability were greatly suppressed.

"In such a situation, I sometimes can't even tell if the information I get is from an illusion."

"I understand." Shang Jianyao changed his attitude just now and expressed his understanding.

He took advantage and said:

"When I was in the cafe, I secretly tried to use the exoskeleton device embedded communication system to communicate with Dabai, but got no response at all."

"At that time, we can be between us." Genova gave the objective facts.

"What about now?" Shang Jianyao's voice entered Genova's audio processing program with the help of the communication system.

Genova quickly replied:

"It's still relatively clear, but it's also been disturbed to a certain extent."

He is relying on the communication system to respond.

At the same time, he reminded Shang Jianyao:

"An environment with such a level of electromagnetic disturbance is not suitable for staying for too long, otherwise it will cause indelible damage to your body."

Carbon-based people are just weaker than silicon-based people.

"Give me another two hours." Shang Jianyao said.

Genova was a little surprised for a moment—this was his simulated emotion, because such an answer was beyond the scope of the Shang Jian Yao behavior database.

"You didn't say it's a long night, God's blessing." Genova said he couldn't understand.

Shang Jianyao said sincerely:

"It's not that you have to explore this time, and then you can't come in again.

"Every day at eight noon and twelve, I clock in and get off work, and Xiaohong is so envious that she is about to cry.

"Moreover, you don't have to worry too much about the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the body, plus the protection of some devices, it's not a big problem.

"The blessing of 'Siming' must be used for important things, such as preventing 'innocence', and it cannot be wasted because of such small details."

"This is indeed an idea." Genova suggested equally sincerely, "but you need to add what you learned from the old world entertainment materials in a few sentences, which will not be very helpful for communication."

Shang Jianyao smiled and said:

"This is not to help communicate, but to liven up the atmosphere, Lao Ge, you are too serious, blah blah blah."

"What is bala bala bala?" Genova is no stranger to old world entertainment materials, but still can't understand what such a sentence means.

"Simply put." Shang Jianyao replied solemnly, "I haven't figured out what to say next, so I'll replace it with 'Bala Bala Bala'."

Genova fell silent for a short while.

At this time, Shang Jianyao seemed to remember the focus of the discussion:

"Lao Ge, you just said you feel like something is following us?"

"Yes, but I'm worried that it's just false information that I've been misinformed by environmental influences," Genova said, turning her head to scout the surroundings.

The head part of the "chameleon" bionic intelligent armor with this belt is almost twisted into hemp rope.

Fortunately, Genova turned back in the opposite direction.

Shang Jianyao "tsk tsk" said:

"Just let it be, I'll see how long he can follow.

"According to the current situation, we are getting closer and closer to the source of the problem, and the further we go, the more trouble we will have."

What he meant was that if something really followed him and others, the "environment" might be able to help solve it.

"Yes." Genova didn't bother with this question anymore.

On my side, one is an intelligent robot, with excellent anti-attack ability, and is not afraid of "innocent disease" infection and most of the awakening ability, and the other is "the long night, the blessing of life", what's so tangled?

After walking for another ten minutes in the darkness filled with fog, Shang Jianyao and Genova passed the intersection and entered the next street.

They didn't go left or right because they saw a significant increase in the number of skeletons ahead.

-In those areas they passed before, perhaps the "heartless" needed food, or perhaps the ice creatures had come, and the corpses were almost completely emptied, leaving only traces of fighting, gunshots, and blood splatters.

And here, the corpses on the street and by the roadside are like sandbags, laid out on the ground.

They basically turned into white bones, and they were covered with clothes of different styles, colors, and degrees of decay.

Genova quickly did a simple reconnaissance:

"Some of these corpses died in the attack, and some have no cause of death for the time being."

Shang Jianyao nodded and said in a serious tone:

"Is this the core area of ​​the outbreak of 'No Heart Disease'?

"It was too chaotic at the time, the 'Mindless' killed each other, and it was difficult to calm down?

"And those who escaped, dare not get too close to the source of the problem, and would rather starve to death than enter this area to collect food?"

Genova analyzed for a while and said:

"It's a guess, but there are too many possibilities."

"Well." Shang Jianyao did not refute.

He turned on the searchlight of the military exoskeleton device, and with the help of the yellowish light, he checked the bones one by one.

His focus was primarily on clothes, objects, and the probable height of skeletons.

Genova knew what he was looking for, so he didn't speak, and followed quietly, guarding against accidents.

While walking, the two of them saw a street lamp in the distance at the same time, like a servant who greeted the guests.

"Another 'New World' projection?" Shang Jianyao whispered excitedly.

"Should." Genova thought that was the most likely scenario.

Shang Jianyao did not speed up his pace. According to the original rhythm, he roughly swept the bones along the way, and found no human beings suspected of coming from "Pangu creatures".

Then, he and Genova saw clearly the area illuminated by the street light:

Near the roadside there is a tree with dense branches and leaves, and beside the tree is a wooden brown bench. On the brown bench sits a man of twenty-seven or eight-year-old with neatly combed hair and a grey dress with black stripes. dress, wearing a pair of relatively small round-rimmed glasses.

At this moment, the man was leisurely looking at a newspaper with the help of the light of the street lamp.

"Wu Meng!" Shang Jianyao shouted happily.

That man was Wu Meng who was sealed in the ruins of Wasteland No. 13.

His projection actually appeared here.

Shang Jianyao immediately turned his head and sighed to Genova:

"It's true that I met a stranger in a foreign land."

"Barely." Genova didn't use a specific probability, choosing an ambiguous word that was closer to human habit.

Wu Meng obviously couldn't hear Shang Jianyao's greeting just now, but the experienced Shang Jianyao decisively gave up the "Berzy Warrior" assault rifle he was holding and took out the little jade Buddha.

The turquoise light lit up along with it, rushing around silently, making the fog seem to have subsided a lot.

Wu Meng raised his head and looked at Shang Jianyao and Genava through the pair of small round glasses.

He slowly smiled:

"You guys..."

He still used the Red River language.

"It's us." Shang Jianyao asked curiously, "Aren't you sealed in the ruins of Wasteland No. 13, how can you still appear in the 'New World'?"

He seemed to take the previous speculation as the real situation, and took it for granted that Wu Meng was now a reflection from the "new world".

Wu Meng's expression turned slightly cold:

"Don't rely on 'New World', what are they using to seal me?"

"Oh, so it is." Shang Jianyao suddenly realized.

Before he could ask again, Wu Meng folded the newspaper in his hand and said with a smile:

"I know you want to ask a lot of things, but I'm not going to answer you.

"I can only remind you, don't go any further, there are dangers that you can't deal with right now."

As soon as Wu Meng finished speaking, UU read www. The area illuminated by the light of uukanshu.com streetlights distorted.

This scene flickered for a few times, and then completely returned to the darkness filled with light fog.

"Why is the projection of the 'New World' destroyed after only a few words?" Shang Jianyao was extremely aggrieved.

This was the case when he communicated with Flora and Barnard before, and the same is true when he talked to Wu Meng now.

Genova guessed:

"There may be some force preventing the people of the 'New World' from communicating with the people of Ash."

"Like what happened to the first batch of 'New World' powerhouses in the 'Salvation Army'?" Shang Jianyao put away the little Jade Buddha, raised his right hand and pressed the armor on his left chest.

"Should." Genova felt that these two things were the same in essence, but in different ways.

He suggested to Shang Jianyao:

"Return now?"

"Why do you want to return?" Shang Jianyao was very surprised.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Genova replied:

"Didn't Wu Meng just say don't go any further, there is a danger ahead that we can't deal with?"

Shang Jianyao laughed:

"Wu Meng also said that the more dangerous it is, the more risky it is.

"He may be implying that we continue to move forward, um, with that kind of power stopping him, he can't say it clearly!"

Genova was about to speak when he suddenly turned his head:

"I feel like I'm being followed by something again."


Shang Jianyao, who was ready in the early dark, used the grenade launcher of the exoskeleton device to fire a flare to the rear.

Under the sudden burst of light, wearing a helmet, he saw through his goggles that on the balcony of a building in the distance, there was a black cat with a size close to a cheetah.

The green eyes of the creature were stabbed into a line by the flare.


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