Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 66: 5 people

"What is it?" Shang Jianyao asked impatiently.


A smile gradually bloomed on Gitis' face, and her eyes became more radiant.


She spoke slowly and slowly:


"The Corningmis thing.


"This is included in the remaining value of the deposit, and there is no additional charge."


Although Jitis tried to show her generosity, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen still felt a sense of "loss".


They knew before that if the old-fashioned team that Shang Jianyao's father belonged to had indeed come to Gustburg, it was most likely to inquire about Konimis, but now it has only been confirmed.


Of course, no matter what, it's always a good thing to be able to confirm.


"What specific aspects are involved?" Shang Jianyao asked.


Jiang Baimian tried to grab it but was unable to grab it.


Jitis picked up a piece of waste paper on the table and the absorbent pen at hand, and said in a serious tone:


"I asked a lot of people, and most of them know about Konimis about the same as I do. You can ask any local person over 30 years old on the street, and you can ask the same information. The human team also couldn't get more out of them.


"I think, you shouldn't be interested in this."


"No." Jiang Baimian shook his head lightly, "I still want to know what kind of questions the gray people's team raised."


This can also infer some things.


Gitis nodded:


"The main thing is to ask them what they know about Konimeth, and the focus is whether the residents who went there to trade in Gustburg mentioned some unusual things. Obviously, the gray people team did not get a satisfactory answer.


"This is included in the remaining value of the deposit, and there is no additional charge."


It's almost... Long Yuehong finally felt that the deposit was worth it.


Gitis once again showed a confounded smile:


"However, there are five people, I think they should know more about Konimis, and there are various signs to prove this, but they all just gave me standard answers, which are not much different from other inquiries."


"Which five?" Shang Jianyao asked again.


"This requires an extra fee." Gitis maintained the expression just now, "One name is two silver knights, five is ten."


Ten? Jiang Baimian's teeth were sour.


The "Old Tuning Team" now only has six silver knight coins in total, which is barely enough to eat today, and the accommodation and electricity bills can be settled once a few days, as long as the deposit does not exceed too much.


"We only have a task tomorrow, and we can get the bounty." Shang Jianyao proposed very actively, "Do you accept the mortgage?"


"Ten knight silver coins also need to be mortgaged?" Gitis seems to have not seen such a person for a long time. "What are you going to take as a mortgage?"


In a flash, Jiang Baimian suspected that Shang Jianyao would answer "nuclear bomb".


She quickly replied:


"A handful of 'United 202'."


She immediately took off the "United 202" from her armed belt.


In addition to these relatively common weapons, the "Old Tune Team" really couldn't find any items that were suitable for mortgage and would not scare others.


It's really urgent, they can only send Lao Ge to act as collateral.


Gitis took the pistol, checked it and said:


"On the black market, a good 'United 202' can sell for 25 to 30 silver knights, and there is no problem with using it as collateral."


The "White Knights" has a considerable shortage of arms, and the price of weapons is higher than that of "United Industries".


When walking down the streets of Gerstburg, the most common weapons the "Old Tune Group" saw on ordinary people were shotguns and modified shotguns.


"Deal!" Shang Jianyao smiled.


Jitis used an absorbent pen to write lines of words on the waste paper, and then handed it to Jiang Baimian.


Although it was mainly Shang Jianyao who was negotiating this matter just now, the intelligence businessman seemed to have a keen sense of who was calling the shots.


Shang Jianyao put his head on Jiang Baimian's shoulder and looked at the information that the ink was still dry on the piece of waste paper:


"1. The deputy head of the local knights, the assistant of the great knight Javier, the senior knight Iman.


"2. Franz, the president of the local hunter guild.


"3. Esther, director of the local mining federation.


"4. Another intelligence businessman, Moore.


"5. Smith, the leader of the 'Farwalker' business group."


When the "Old Tunes Group" was watching the waste paper, Jitis said in an endorsement-like tone:


"Iman's father was the former lord of Gestburg, a great knight who died seven years ago. The Ashland team made sure to visit Iman's father, who was also present, as the former ruler of Gestburg. Son, one of the leaders of the trade with Konimeth, I am sure he knew quite a bit.


"Franz has been the president of the local hunter guild for nearly 30 years, and the current chief hunter knows absolutely a lot of things. There is reason to believe that the Grey Soil team also visited him back then.


Gu Ying

"Before the disaster, Konimis had close trade relations with our Gustburg, and Esther even set up a branch with them, and spent half the time there every year. Luckily The thing is, disaster comes in the other half of the time.


"Moll is my competitor. He is old and barely earns a pension from his original connections, but twelve years ago, he was an energetic middle-aged man who knew a lot of things he shouldn't know.


"Smith is the leader of the 'Rootless' team you know. His business group is called the 'Farstrider', and he is the main carrier of various transactions between us and Konimeth. He has been to Konimeth's More times than anyone else in the area."


"We didn't ask Smith about this at first!" Shang Jianyao sighed bitterly.


That was his brother. Whether it is still or not depends on the situation.


The reason why the "Old Tunes Group" didn't ask at first was because the old tune team of Shang Jianyao's father had not been linked with Gerstburg.


Gitis was in a trance for a few seconds before she said:


"You can visit these five people yourself and ask about the corresponding things, or you can ask me for help, but to open their mouths, I have to find enough chips, so the price will not be low, one big knight gold coin per person ."


Just a big knight gold coin? Jiang Baimian felt that Jitis's offer was surprisingly cheap.


It’s not that the Great Knight’s gold coins are worthless. The Bodhi Statue mission only offered fifty Great Knight’s gold coins, which attracted a large number of relic hunters. Many people even felt that if they could get the full bounty, they wouldn’t have to worry too much about the rest of their lives. .


Because money can make money, sometimes faster than guns, sometimes slower than guns.


Of course, sometimes, it will also run to other people's homes.


The reason why Jiang Baimian thought it was cheap was because it was impossible for people like Iman and Esther to pry their mouths open with a single gold knight.


Will they still be missing one big knight gold coin?


It's more than just a little leaking out of their fingers!


Does Gittes have some kind of unconventional method? While thinking about it, Jiang Baimian smiled at Jitis:


"Let's try it ourselves first, if it doesn't work, we'll find you."


"Okay." Gitis was not surprised by this answer at all, normal people seem to choose this way.


"What about the other two things?" Jiang Baimian asked.


Gitis thought for a while and said:


"On the matter of the Bodhi statue, there is currently no news beyond the information of the Hunter Guild.


"Part of the goods that the Smith Merchant Group shipped before came from Esther. What it is, I don't know for the time being. This information is worth ten silver knights, and I count it in the collateral."


Esther... Jiang Baimian and others silently repeated the name.


"Is there anything else?" Gitis asked.


After getting a negative answer, she fell back into her usual distraction.


Shang Jianyao left the hotel and eagerly suggested:


"Let's go to Smith first, he is the easiest place to negotiate."


Jiang Baimian showed a soothing smile:


"Don't worry, I haven't had breakfast yet.


"Well, there shouldn't be any accident at Smith's place. You can ask later, and the other four will consider it after we finish the task tomorrow."


"Okay." Shang Jianyao had no opinion.


However, when they ate something casually and started looking for the "far traveler" business group, the accident happened.


Smith took his "Rootless" team to deliver a shipment to a settlement in the southeast. They had been out for several days, and it would take almost five days to return.


Shang Jianyao was very disappointed by this, so he could only go back to the hotel and wait patiently.


Another day has passed, and the "old tune group" filled with all the high-performance batteries is full of confidence.


dong dong dong!


In the early morning, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Spante knocked on their door.


"Are you ready to go?" He glanced at the tall, sturdy Gnava, full of metallic texture, and felt that this task would be very simple.


As long as possible enemies have eyes, they will not ignore the existence of such a dangerous object!


Comparatively speaking, those four humans are just an addition.


They are so lucky. When will I have a smart robot of my own... In that case, I can save a little more money to buy the latest and most effective potions, and the selection will be wider... Sipan Te's eyes swept across Jiang Baimian and the others, and there was a slightly sour envy in his heart.


Shang Jianyao touched his stomach and asked solemnly:


"Is there a free breakfast?"


Spant was not surprised by this question at all, he laughed and said:




"I haven't had breakfast yet."


As a ruin hunter, it's a habit to be able to scratch a little bit.


Shang Jianyao nodded in satisfaction, and greeted Jiang Baimian and the others:


"lets go!"

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