Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 67: fully armed

After arriving at the underground parking lot attached to the "Fire and Iron" hotel, Jiang Baimian said to Shang Jianyao:


"You drive first, and let Xiaobai or Xiaohong come when you return."


"No problem." Shang Jianyao agreed, but instead of walking to the door corresponding to the driver's seat, he walked around behind the jeep and opened the trunk door.


"What's the matter?" asked the honest Genava.


The "Old Tuning Team" had already transferred the equipment that was guarded by Genava in the suite back to the car in advance, and there was nothing else that needed to be stuffed into the trunk.


Shang Jianyao carefully looked at the crates, boxes of bullets, a few spare weapons, and a few remaining cans, biscuits, and energy bars.


After finishing this, he answered Genova's question:


"I'm checking to see if the Bodhi statue suddenly appeared in our car."


What a **** joke... Long Yuehong just had such a thought, but she couldn't help but probe into the trunk to look at the situation.


He still remembered that when he was in the "Salvation Army" and in Wubei, he and others worked hard to track down the whereabouts of the nuclear bomb, but in the end, he found that the target item was lying quietly in the trunk of his jeep.


Therefore, Shang Jianyao's whims are by no means impossible.


"No." Shang Jianyao looked back in disappointment, "Hey..."


The imagination of those who exist should not be so poor. They always use a script to perfunctory people... Jiang Baimian mumbled, walked to the passenger seat, and opened the door.


The jeep quickly pulled into the street, and Spant was standing by the side of the road, waiting for them. .


His car was a brown-green sedan with rough skin, the door was open, and people could see at a glance the rucksack and double-barreled shotgun in the passenger seat.


"Your breakfast." Spant walked to the jeep and handed the khaki paper bag in his hand to the slowly descending glass window.


"What is it?" Shang Jianyao took it over and opened it impatiently.


Inside are breads with sausages and pickled cucumbers.


"Pure meat." Spant pointed to the sausage trails.


This is quite a good breakfast in Gerstburg.


"Meat of deformed species?" Shang Jianyao asked.


"Otherwise?" Spant said with a smile, "Sausages with natural meat are too expensive, and the boss's meal fee is not enough."


Although Gerstburg is located close to the ice sheet, it is extremely cold every year from late autumn to early spring, but at other times, the climate is relatively normal, and there is a lack of basic electrical appliances here. Even if there is sufficient electricity, not many people have refrigerators. So in order to preserve meat for a long time, smoking and marinating are essential.


——The electrical appliances in Gerstburg mainly come from the ruins of the surrounding cities, but only a few of them can be really repaired after being pulled back. Most of them have to be disassembled and sold.


"Oh..." Shang Jianyao didn't care at all, and happily distributed the bread with sausages and pickled cucumbers.


He has long wanted to taste the taste of mutant meat.


With their genetically modified body conditions, as long as they don't eat for a long time, it won't have any effect.


After taking a big bite, after chewing for a while, Shang Jianyao commented:


"It's not much different from normal, ordinary meat, except that the smell of mutton is heavier."


Even after they were made into sausages, they still had a bit of a stinky smell, which was enough to explain the original situation.


"Yes." Long Yuehong felt the same way.


After they finished their breakfast with their own water bladders, Spant honked the horn, indicating that they could follow their vehicle and set off.


After driving along the street for a while, the two cars bypassed the castle one after another and drove into the out-of-town road next to the factory area.


The blast furnaces and chimneys immediately caught the eyes of several members of the "Old Tunes Group".


They sprayed thin or grayish, yellowish or black smoke upwards, like fingers reaching out to the sky.


Shang Jianyao sighed sincerely:


"This is the real Buddhist holy place!"


Long Yuehong and others could not refute.


The two vehicles, one after the other, along the cement-cast road, exited Gustburg in a broad sense, and drove towards the nearby mountains.


On the way, they saw the railroad tracks and roads connecting the mines in the mountains, as well as trains full of goods and trucks of various shapes passing by.


In about ten minutes, Spant's brown-green sedan and the "Old Tunes" jeep officially entered the mountains.


The green on both sides gradually became more and more, and the road became more circling and tortuous. From time to time, you could see bare mountains, collapsed cliffs and black water.


The two trucks passed by the mine without stopping, and went all the way to the depths.


The road conditions limited their speed. About thirty or forty minutes later, Spant said through the intercom:




"Remember, don't talk nonsense, let me negotiate."


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He had long seen that the tallest man named Doug had a hobby of forcibly interjecting.


"No problem." Jiang Baimian didn't want to cause a lot of trouble over the matter of the two Great Knight Gold Coins and affect the follow-up investigation, so she was very determined to take care of Shang Jianyao and not let him play freely.


Shang Jian Yao turned his body sideways and told Long Yuehong and Genova in the back row:


"You two have heard, then silence is golden, leave it to Spant to deal with it."


Hehe... Long Yuehong completed the slander in the shortest way.


"What if he can't handle it?" asked the honest Genava.


Shang Jianyao suddenly laughed:


"Then we can only do it reluctantly."


Hope not to develop to this stage... Long Yuehong didn't dare to say these words.


After another two or three minutes, an open area appeared in front of them, and there were several old-world Red River wind villas surrounded by old trees.


These villas seem to have been refurbished, there is no sign of decay, and their parking lots are located on the edge of the woods, and they are connected.


At this time, there were more than a dozen cars and thirty or forty people in the parking lot. Jiang Baimian glanced at them and found that the trucks, cars, and vans carrying goods were either tightly tied with rain cloths and covered tightly. The body of the car is stuck, or the windows are covered with dark plastic film, making it impossible to see the rear half of the interior.


And those people, most of the equipment is well-equipped, with bulletproof vests, assault rifles, grenades, walkie-talkies, grenade guns...


The configuration of the other 12 or 3 people is relatively poor. They are clustered around different vehicles, mainly rifles, pistols, shotguns and modified shotguns, and only a few have submachine guns.


There is no doubt that none of them have bulletproof vests, and their clothes are different. Their temperament allows Bai Chen to determine that these are relic hunters without asking.


His own subordinates plus a few hired relic hunter teams... Jiang Baimian nodded thoughtfully, motioning Shang Jianyao to follow Spant to find a parking place.


They came at the latest, all the good places were occupied, and they could only find two spots in the corner of the parking lot.


This is also in line with Jiang Baimian's idea.


Because the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, not to mention this kind of slightly mysterious entrustment that has certain risks declared in advance, so the "Old Tune Team" will not participate in the mission locally, and plan to be fully armed to guard against accidents.


As soon as they got out of the car, a man in a gray coat walked over and stopped in front of Spant.


This man looked in his thirties, his face was rigid, as if carved from stone, his nose was hooked, his hair was short brown and yellow, his eyes were pale blue, and he was unsmiling.


He was carrying a Red River pistol with a 9mm bullet, and he had no other weapons, which made him look very different.


Of course, he wears a bulletproof vest under his coat.


"You were almost late." The man taught Spant a lesson unceremoniously.


Spant put on a smile:


"Mr. Sandro, we encountered a car accident on the road and were blocked for a while."


This is undoubtedly false, just an excuse.


Sandro didn't bother about this issue, and said bluntly:


"Give you ten minutes to prepare.


"During the mission, you are responsible for driving your own car, leading the way in front, paying attention to observe the situation on both sides at any time, and intercepting the opposite vehicles that may have problems.


"When I get back to Fort Gust, I'll go to the Hunter Guild to pay you."


His eyes swept across Genova, he nodded slightly, and seemed quite satisfied with Spant's team.


This may be the reason why he didn't care that Spant and others were almost late.


After speaking, Sandro turned around and walked towards the other team of relic hunters. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


"Is this the employer?" Shang Jianyao, who had been holding back for a while, asked curiously.


"Yes, he is our employer, but he is not the owner of this shipment. He is the security supervisor under the owner of the shipment, and he used to be a very powerful relic hunter." Spant introduced a few words casually.


He turned to ask:


"Do you need to prepare?"


"I need it." Jiang Baimian glanced at the army, and saw that their vision was blocked by Spant's sedan, so he went around to the trunk and raised crates one by one.


"What are these?" Spant was a little curious.


No one answered him. Several members of the "Old Tune Group" opened the crates and helped each other put on their equipment.


A military exoskeleton device! Two, three... one bionic intelligent armor, two... Spant's eyes gradually widened, and he forgot to close his mouth.


What's going on with this team?


What's going on here?


Why did a team like them take on a mission that was only worth two Great Knight Gold Coins?


Could their real purpose be to rob the goods?

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