Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 105: new room

In Gitis' mind, Koningmis was a place that all the great knights of the "White Knights" would not dare to go to.

When she owned the statue of Bodhi, she never thought of getting a clone and entering Konimis to collect some supplies, fearing that the "innocent disease" would infect the main body.

Now, the team in front of them has not only been to Konimeth, but has returned to Gustburg alive.

They also claimed to have solved the problem of Konimis, so that the "innocent disease" spreading there would completely disappear, and it would no longer be a taboo!

While Jitis couldn't believe it, Shang Jianyao replied very sincerely and humbly:

"We just made a small contribution."

This is the truth. I don't know who Zhisui solved the problem of Koningmis. It is most likely the big boss of "Siming". We are only responsible for "sending" related items in... Jiang Baimian mumbled in his heart. sentence.

She didn't care too much about Shang Jianyao telling Gitis about Konimis's return to normal, and was not worried that it would reveal the fact that the "Old Tune Team" had completed all the tasks.

Because Gitis will definitely not publicize this and let others seize the opportunity, and the teams she has organized two or three times in the past must be trustworthy, and those people will not talk about the opportunity to make a fortune, so as not to add competition. Pressure, unable to select the best and most valuable part of the material.

Although most of the relic hunters like to brag about Gustburg, after they have done two or three explorations, they may not be able to keep a secret if they drink some smuggled spirits in private. Within a year and a half, no amount of relic hunters could evacuate it.

But that's at least a month away, and the "Old Tune Group" should have already accomplished their intended goals.

That being the case, it is the righteousness to meet friends cheaply.

A trivial contribution... Jitis stared at Shang Jianyao for a few seconds, then gave up her plan to ask questions.

This group of people has too many mysteries, and the more they understand, the more dangerous it is.

She controlled her shock and surprise and put her mind back on the real issue:

"Are there more of the unintentional ones of Konimeth?"

If it is more or more powerful, then she has to carefully consider the composition of the team.

"They should all be dead." Shang Jianyao answered truthfully, "Anyway, we didn't meet again this time."

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"The food in Konimis is completely consumed. Even if there are unintentional people', when summer is approaching, they will search for food in the surrounding area instead of staying in Konimis."

"But you have to be very careful. The unintentional ones who are still alive in Koningmis must be very strong." Shang Jianyao warned in a supplementary way.

After saying goodbye to Jitis, the "Old Tunes Group" went upstairs and entered the reserved suite.

Jiang Baimian threw the tactical backpack aside, sat on the single sofa, and said with a smile:

"In the next two or three days, we can relax a little, and the main task is to replenish electricity and reserve materials."

"You can't really relax on the surface." Shang Jianyao replied.

Then, he explained:

"I told Xiaohong."

"I don't think so!" Long Yuehong immediately retorted.

Although it is indeed impossible for him to be as relaxed as he is inside the company, he is still not so nervous when he is in a safe zone. After all, his wife is lying next to him, and there are trusted companions outside who are on duty at night.

Jiang Baimian stopped Shang Jianyao's follow-up words and sighed:

"It's getting late, so I have to think about what to eat."

Shang Jianyao's eyes lit up, and his attention was instantly diverted.

In the dark night, after Shang Jianyao lay down on the bed, he entered the "Soul Corridor" again, and squatted down to the "Dawn" representing the age of February.

In front of room "205".

Recklessly, he got out and shouted in a hurry:

"Can you go in this time?"

Honest business ideas are self-contained:

"Yes, my own people don't lie to their own people, the two goals set before have now been completed.

"Isn't that saying that after finding the specific location of the Eighth Research Institute, after exploring Konimis, you can enter, and even if you encounter something, you will die without regrets?"

"Yes, yes." Another Shang Jian Yao agreed.

He has always been on the side of reason.

The vicious and vicious Shang Jianyao said "ha":

"Don't drag us if you want to die!"

"It's like I want to drag you along. If I hadn't gotten rid of you, a coward, I would have done it alone!" The reckless Shang Jianyao responded unceremoniously.

You don't need to be polite to yourself.

Shang Jianyao, who is seeking novelty and wonder, also interjected:

"I don't know what it will be like to explore Zhi Sui's room and what I will gain..."

There was strong yearning in his tone.

Seeing that people are about to disperse and the team is not easy to lead, the calm and rational Shang Jianyao walked to "205" step by step.

Just when several Shang Jianyao were about to cheer, this Shang Jianyao suddenly turned around and blocked the door of "205".

He looked around and said:

"We still haven't figured out why Zhi Sui raised humans in captivity, and what kind of dangers are hidden in the company. Do you want to kill your usefulness in advance and let everyone in the company slip into the bottomless abyss?"

"I don't want to die with such concerns." Shang Jianyao, whose eyes were still a little swollen, agreed.

"Yeah, yeah." The congruent businessman is like grass on the wall, falling down wherever the wind blows.

"Namo Anuttara Sanmyak Sambodhi." The half-mechanical, half-human Chan Master Pudu raised his palms and said earnestly, "To cross oneself first, cross others, and to cross others is to cross oneself."

No one paid any attention to the Buddhist motto he finally came up with, and Shang Jianyao, the envoy of justice who hated evil and hated it, said:

"Even everyone in the company can't be saved, so what about saving all mankind?"

Shang Jianyao, the most cheerful character, glanced at his colleagues with a smile:

"Since there is a dispute, let's vote."

After a vote, the Shang Jian Yao Democratic Consultative Council voted by 6 to 4 to first solve the mystery of the captive human beings and then explore the "25" room.

"Hey." Shang Jianyao, who was seeking novelty and curiosity, sighed a long time, "Why haven't we explored the spiritual room of the Awakeners of Sui Mocheng?"

That way, it might be easier to pinpoint the exact location of Sui Sui City, and even get the answer directly to why Zhi Sui raised humans in captivity.

"Not very lucky." The honest Shang Jianyao replied.

"It may also be that someone doesn't want us to meet." The sinister Shang Jianyao sneered.

During the conversation, they gathered together, merged ten into one, and walked into the depths of the "Spiritual Corridor" to see if they could find the door to the "New World" in another room or something related to the city at the end of the year.

After walking for a while, Shang Jianyao's eyes straightened again.

Not far in front of him, the number "503" was written on a scarlet door.

This is the room belonging to Jiang Xiaoyue.

"You didn't even go in?" The next morning, Jiang Baimian, who heard Shang Jianyao's report, asked both gratified and funny.

Shang Jianyao said:

"Room 503' is not necessarily less dangerous than '205'."

Dangdang, this time it was Genova who applauded Shang Jianyao.

Shang Jianyao put on a regretful expression:

"It's a pity that Lao Ge can't enter the 'Spiritual Corridor, otherwise he can explore 503'.

The current danger in room "503" is that the explorer suffers from "heartlessness", while the robot does not have "heartlessness".

"Well, I'll discuss this issue at night, and now go out to buy supplies." Jiang Baimian nodded.

They had some coins left before~www.readwn.com~ and went downstairs. Long Yuehong saw a sheriff leave the front desk and walked out of the hotel.

Gitis is still at work during the day today.

"What is he asking?" Shang Jianyao approached with the attitude of an acquaintance.

Jitis looked around and said in a low voice:

"Iman was the deputy head of the local knights. His death was taken seriously by the great knights, and the real cause has been investigated."

"Do they suspect you?" Jiang Baimian asked before Shang met Yao.

Gittes shook her head:

"Fortunately, I insisted that I should not seek illegitimate interests by avatars. Iman and I have no intersection on the bright side, and they can't suspect me at all.

"Those sheriffs just know that I'm a fairly good intelligence businessman and want to see if I have any clues here."

Jiang Baimian nodded slowly.

Immediately afterwards, she suppressed her voice and said:

"Don't mention about Yiman and the clone in any place or place in the future, even if there is no one around, even if you are communicating with us.

"I don't think anyone knows better than you what 'the wall has ears'."

Gitis will not be the only one with the ability of "Tian Er Tong".

Jitis' face changed slightly and nodded solemnly.

Just when Shang Jianyao planned to bid farewell to this friend and go to different places in Gustburg to purchase supplies, Bai Chen suddenly asked:

"Have you heard of Sui Mocheng?

"Have you heard of Sui Mocheng in the past three years as an intelligence businessman?"

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