Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 106: No silver 302 here

Gitis recalled:

"I heard."

While Shang Jianyao's eyes lit up, Jitis continued:

"Every summer, they send convoys over, exchanging grain and meat for coal, steel and other things, and pulling them away one by one."

"Then do you know where Sui Mocheng is?" Shang Jianyao asked impatiently.

Gitis shook her head:

"Even in internal communication, they didn't mention this."

Obviously, she used "Tian Ertong" to monitor the situation of the Sui Mocheng team.

"They are paying attention..." Jiang Baimian sighed with emotion.

She was not surprised at all.

The small and medium-sized forces of Sui Mocheng either took shelter in organizations such as "First City" and "Pangu Creatures", or they could only rely on geographical advantages to prevent themselves from being attacked.

Although Sui Suicheng is located in the ice field and has a long distance from the major forces, as long as they reveal their specific location, in summer, they will inevitably become fat in the eyes of many people.

Gitis glanced at several members of the "Old Tunes Group" and said:

"If you're looking for someone from the end of the year, you can stay in Gerstburg until the summer."

"Well." Jiang Baimian was noncommittal.

Gittes' suggestion could be an option if their "squatting" plan fails.

After leaving the hotel, Shang Jianyao took a deep breath and sighed sincerely:

"Today's air quality is 367.55 percent better than yesterday.\"

"How did you figure it out?" Genova didn't expect Shang Jianyao to use such a precise number.

Shang Jianyao smiled proudly:

"I'm imitating you, old man!

"The specific numbers, I made them up on the spot, how about it, do you want me to make up another one?"

As an intelligent man, Genova was speechless for a moment.

Jiang Baimian looked up at the sky and helped resolve the embarrassment:

"The weather is fine today."

Strong winds blew from the direction of the ice sheet, dissipating the gray gas that hung over the castle.

"It makes me a little cold." Long Yuehong tightened her gray camouflage uniform.

Even though it is not far from summer, Gerstburg, near the ice field, is still cool.

To put it simply, in Gerstburg, where the sun can be exposed to the sun is relatively hot, standing in the shade with the wind blowing is relatively cold.

"Hmm." Bai Chen also pulled the scarf around his neck.

She has no slave number, and her heart has been untied. She wears a scarf simply because the wind is blowing and her neck is a little cold.

Jiang Baimian immediately looked around:

"Come on, drive to replenish supplies."

In the evening, the well-fed "old-tone group" gathered to discuss the matter of the "503" room.

Except for Shang Jianyao, the opinions of the rest of the staff are very consistent, that is:

Don't go in just yet.

"You still have no way to resist the infection of Wuxin's disease. Exploring Jiang Xiaoyue's room is equivalent to hitting a dog with a meat bun. There is no return." Jiang Baimian said to Shang Jianyao in a serious tone.

In a sense, "503" is more dangerous than the "205" room, which represents the dream of "Dawn". The "503" of "no heart disease" seems to have almost no solution at present.

"Then when will we be able to explore?" Shang Jianyao asked aggrievedly, "I have been friends with Jiang Xiaoyue for a long time, and we are already friends, so it shouldn't be so dangerous, uh, a one-sided friend."

Jiang Baimian rolled his eyes and said:

"Judging from the information we have, only the strong in the 'New World' can fight the infection of Wuxin with the power of individuals."

"It's all in the new world, so how can we explore '503'?" Shang Jianyao has always been sober in this regard.

Hearing this, Bai Chen raised a question:

"Can the powerhouses of the New World enter the 'Spiritual Corridor' in reverse?

After a brief silence, Shang Jianyao applauded:

"That's a good question."

"What we can be sure of now is that all the seniors have corresponding rooms on the 'Spiritual Corridor'." Jiang Baimian pondered.

There are specific examples, such as "205" in "Dawn" and "102" in "Zhuang Sheng".

"In this way, the spiritual room of the new world's powerhouses is still preserved." Genova made a guess based on the facts, "What I don't know at the moment is whether their spiritual room can be the same as before entering the "new world". Open from the inside out. "

There should be no problem in going from the outside to the inside, because Shang Jian Yao has entered the "102" of "Zhuang Sheng", but he has not done any substantive exploration.

At this time, Shang Jianyao's thoughts jumped, and he smiled and said:

"If the 'New World' powerhouse can freely enter and exit the 'Spiritual Corridor', and my room number is known to the enemy, it would really be a sudden death at any time."

"Don't worry, there is still a sense of age in the sea of ​​your origins." Long Yuehong felt that this guy didn't worry about similar things happening at all.

The "Old Tune Group" now preliminarily determines that Xiaochong is equal to Du Shaochong's childhood and is equal to a part of the incarnation of "Zhuang Sheng".

"Yeah, yeah." Shang Jianyao said with bright eyes, "I'll just wait for them to visit my room, I, ah, Xiaochong and I are going to entertain them and play games!"

Having been distracted, he had forgotten to explore the "503" room.

In the middle of the night, in the "Soul Corridor", Shang Jianyao stood opposite his room and sighed:

"Why can't I find the spiritual room of the Awakened at the end of the year?

"I don't care if I can't find it. Why isn't there a 'mind corridor level awakener' in Sui Suicheng who has the predestined chance to explore my room?"

After thinking about it, they decided that they couldn't just wait and do something.

Because each room only has a number, and the order is also disordered, it is difficult for businessmen to distinguish who will correspond to the people in the city at the end of the year, and it is difficult to carry out active investigation.

He believes that his own is better than someone else's room.

"Well, I have to increase the probability that the awakened people of the city at the end of the year will explore my room." Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin and said to himself, "Show them kindness? How to express it?"

"This is simple." Shang Jianyao, who was seeking novelty and curiosity, broke away from the main body and said enthusiastically, "Look at me!

He quickly showed a piece of white paper and a pen, and started writing.

After writing, he pasted the white piece of paper under the house number of his soul room, and wrote on it in two languages, ash and red river at the same time:

"The House of the Awakened in the City of the End of the Year"

Papapa, the honest Shang Jianyao applauded him.

He "liked":

"There is a demeanor of no silver three hundred taels here."

"Are you sure this can be kept?" A calm and rational Shang Jianyao reminded, "We tried to change the house number before without success."

Shang Jianyao, who is seeking novelty and curiosity, doesn't care:

"Try it and you won't die.

"Moreover, we wanted to change the original things last time. Without the permission of the owner of the 'Spiritual Corridor', we will definitely not be able to succeed. Now, we are just posting a note, not involving the inherent structure of the 'Spiritual Corridor'."

Thinking about giving it a try anyway, other businessmen have no objection.

They joined together, went for a walk in other rooms, and then returned to the door of "131".

The white paper with the words "Home of the Awakened in the City at the End of the Year" is still posted there!

"It seems to be possible..." Shang Jianyao's eyes lit up.

He opened the door and entered the house, waited a few minutes and came out to confirm.

The paper is still there.

Elder Lawton of Sui Sucheng once again entered the "Spiritual Corridor" and walked to the place where he could find it with his eyes closed.

The door to the "New World" he was searching for was probably in the room numbered "131".

But the problem is that ~www.readwn.com~ Lawton not only suffered all kinds of unimaginable and bizarre things there, but also experienced Zhi Sui's gaze, which made him believe that the owner of "131" room had come into contact with some Zhi Sui. , received some favor.

-If it was not favor, but malice, the room would have been replaced long ago.

As a person of faith, Lawton is very in awe of the old people. Before he has enough confidence, he does not dare to explore "131" any more.

In the room, I can only walk to the door from time to time and look at it for a while to soothe my emotions.

During this period of time, he has prayed to the believers, asking for gifts, but he has not received any response.

As he walked, Lawton saw the familiar scarlet door and the golden number "131" engraved in his heart.

In the next second, his eyes froze.

He found a piece of white paper pasted on the door of "131". On the white paper, he wrote in both gray soil and Honghe language:

"The House of the Awakened in the City of the End of the Year"

At the level of "Spiritual Corridor", Roton, who can be regarded as an experienced person, was at a loss, wondering if he was too eager to explore that room and find the door to the "New World", that he had hallucinations.

He even analyzed the possibility of being raided and falling into a fantasy world.

After several minutes of confirmation, Lawton finally believed that there was a "signboard" on the door of "131".

This is something that has never been seen before in the "Corridor of the Mind"!


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