Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2128: Swallowing Things

   It is possible in theory, but almost impossible in reality.

   Guan Ying silently added such a sentence in her heart.

   In theory, anyone can establish a **** right now. How many people in the human world have been able to embark on the path of God through the ages? ?

   "If it is really swallowing the sky and black flames, then we might hope to cross this forbidden sea."

  Ren Cangling didn't think so much, just cared about the most important thing before him.

  The legend of the Black Flame of Swallowing Sky is the true fire of the Primordial Alien Beast Swallowing Devil Kun. In the ancient times, the orthodox training system of the giant Kun clan was transformed into a Peng. The so-called "Kunpeng" came from this way.

   Youkun Huapeng is the broad road of the Kun people.

   However, every race will have a few guys who are reluctant to practice step by step. This is how the Devouring Devil Kun exists.

   That guy thinks it's good to be a dog, but to grow wings and fly to the genius is success?

   It is not!

   It has never practiced the art of transforming Peng, just blindly practiced the art of devouring Kun clan's life.

   Start a game, evolution depends on swallowing.

   In that prehistoric era, that scorpion swallowed almost everything in the world, and finally called itself the swallowing devil scorpion, which really allowed it to embark on a unique evolutionary path.

   It's just that the cause and effect of the entanglement of the Way of Swallowing is too great.

   All races that have been swallowed by it have the ultimate goal of killing them.

   Even the Peng clan itself was swallowed by many Peng birds.

   Therefore, in the Primordial Era, the Kunpeng clan directly expelled him from the clan, and regarded him as a traitor of the Kunpeng clan, and no longer protected him.

   The Sky-Swallowing Demon Kun, who provoked the anger of the masses, without such a strong backing of the Kunpeng Clan, can be regarded as the enemy of the world. In the end, with the cooperation of several equally powerful ancestors of the beasts, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Kun was finally killed.

   Among them, the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon Dragon Ancestor is one of the main forces to kill the Sky-Swallowing Devil Kun.

   With such a cause and effect, it doesn't seem to be that unacceptable to refine the Sky Swallowing Black Flame by turning the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon Curse into a medicine furnace.

   It’s just that this scene still makes everyone feel a strong sense of absurdity...

   This also works? ?

   "Brother Chu, where did you get the fire this day, can you tell me a little bit?"

   Qingsun boy shouted.

   Chu Chen suddenly took a look, and subconsciously glanced at Qingyuan.

   Qingyuan's face flushed suddenly, although his heart was still sad for the nine days, but he knew exactly what he was thinking at this time.

   "Well, now that Swallowing Sky Black Flame has been refined, let's go."

   Chu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly. To be honest, he didn't expect that this refining would actually be successful.

   was just a thought at the beginning. The dragon head summoned by the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon Curse was turned into a furnace, and it should be able to refine the devouring power in the forbidden sea.

   His original idea was to refine a Devouring Pill that could manipulate the devouring power.

   I didn't expect that the pill was not refined, but a pill fire was refined.

   But the pill fire formed by swallowing the sky black flame seems to be more effective than the theoretical devouring magic pill.

   As he retracted the sky fire and manipulated the sky-swallowing black flame to control the ubiquitous swallowing power of the forbidden sea, the entire ocean rolled violently.

Immediately afterwards, with a low drink from him, magic lights emerged from the black flames deep in the seabed, and the swallowing force in the infinite amount of sea water was manipulated, and then with a sharp point, it actually split a huge incomparable Rift!

   The entire forbidden sea was split in half at this moment!

   The huge rift valley penetrated the sky and the earth, like an invisible portal connecting to another world under the sea.

   Everyone didn't dare to neglect, and as Chu Chen waved, they all rushed downward.

   Without the obstruction of the sea, the falling speed is extremely fast.

   The sea water standing high on both sides is like two invisible sea walls. When falling downwards, one can vaguely see that the forbidden sea is not dead and silent. There are also creatures here.

   But maybe because the environment of the forbidden sea is too strange, and the sea beasts on the bottom of the sea are also very strange.

   Those sea beasts have no eyes, ears and nose, and their faces are chaotic, but they all have a mouth almost the same size as their body.

When    opened his mouth, his mouth was full of fangs, and his roots stood upright, flashing cold like daggers.

   A single glance shows how cruel these sea beasts are, and in the ocean full of swallowing power, these sea beasts have evolved entirely by the way of swallowing.

   Big fish eats small fish is the simplest and most cruel law of the jungle.

  The weird sea beasts vary in size, and as everyone falls down, the larger the sea beasts you see along the way.

   There are even some sea beasts with a body length of several thousand feet lurking silently on the bottom of the sea. Their huge mouths are so open that they are a thousand meters in size, waiting for the rabbits to wait for the sea beasts to automatically swim into their mouths.

   These sea beasts are already comparable to king-level ancient beasts~www.ltnovel.com~I never want to play in the sea again. "I saw a king-level sea beast rushing out of the sea wall fiercely, but it was stuck in the sea wall due to the manipulation of the swallowing sky black flame. It was just a futile long mouth that was a thousand feet wide and ate towards everyone, Qing Sunboy felt cold all over.

   "Any normal person who arrives here may suffer from deep sea phobia."

   Guan Ying said with a wry smile.

   Everyone nodded in sympathy. To be honest, the environment here is indeed very embarrassing. It won't feel good for anyone to see the sea beasts with their blood basins and mouths rushing at them.


   Just when the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group and the ancient music club crossed the forbidden sea by various means, above the endless sand sea, they saw the huge black cube towering between the sky and the sun.

   On a cliff not far from the cube, a cold hum came from a dark space.

   "Sand Sea Secret Vault, Shahai Secret Vault, actually appeared... Now, it's getting more and more interesting."

   The black-clothed boy twitched the corner of his mouth and let out a sneer. There were layers of invisible air currents flowing under his eyes, and countless shining stars could be seen faintly flashing in them. It seemed that there was a starry sky, and something was evolving with all its strength. .

   Next to the boy in black, after the nightmare, she still changed into an unarrogant appearance. She seemed to be thinking about something alone, which made her eyes extremely cold. After hearing the boy in black, she didn't talk to him.

   "Let them play first, I will go in later... The things in the sand sea secret library, I am afraid they will take a lot of effort. With this group of people leading Yin, Yin can also save a lot of things."

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