Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2129: You are the goddess of Qingyuan

   After the nightmare, he remained silent and didn't speak. Together with the black-clothed boy, his figure sank into the depths of the dark space and disappeared.

   The praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, and Yin is already ready to move!


   There are many choices in one's life. Some choices will make people regret, some choices will make people happy, and some choices will make people very confused.

   Now Qingyuan feels very at a loss.

   "Heaven and earth have righteousness, one gas turns into nine layers."

   "The lower is the river and the mountain, and the upper is the sun star. It is called Haoran to people, and Cangming is peihu."

   This "Nine Heavens Righteous Qi Song" is the foundation of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group.

   Any disciple who enters the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group takes the promotion of righteousness and suppression of evil as its own responsibility, and wants to eliminate the devilish wind and return the world to a bright future.

   This is also the most lofty ideal of Qingyuan herself. She joined the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group with this idea and became one of the nine days relying on her own tyrannical cultivation base.

   Nine days is the embodiment of righteousness.

   Some things must be done by someone. The so-called promotion of the righteous way, the so-called suppression of demons, and the so-called clearing of the world are not just a slogan, but also a dream.

   Jiutian struggled for this dream.

   But when he arrived, Qingyuan realized that he was wrong.

   Jiutian is not a place to promote righteousness, and the people of Jiutian are not all open and upright.

   Jiutian is just wearing a coat of the righteous leader, and they are even more unfeeling when they do evil.

   Regardless of facing any opponent, the first step is to buckle the hat of an evil demon, and then the next step is to chase and fight, without giving the opponent any chance to resist.

   She actually discovered this a long time ago, but many times she comforted herself, thinking that this was done by a few people, and Jiutian was still that noble and great team.

   Until Chu Chen appeared beside her, she had to accept the truth.

   And these discoveries made her feel cold, almost unwilling to believe it all.

   Nine days is just one of the most brutal members of the law of the jungle.

   The law of the jungle is always icy in the monk world.

   Respect power, the weak eat the strong, the strong have everything, the weak even begging for mercy will make people feel bored. It has nothing to do with good or evil, but only with strength.

   Whatever promotes righteousness, whatever eliminates evil spirits, all seem to be empty.

After    decided to disconnect from Jiutian, now Qingyuan was at a loss. She felt that something was broken.

   Once those things are broken, it is very, very difficult to recast them.

   Now Qingyuan doesn’t even know what he’s doing or what else he can do.

   There is no direction in the future.

   Is it just revenge for the dead comrades?

   Or is it just cultivation, what is cultivation for?

   "What else can I do..."

   Before she knew it, she whispered in a low voice and sighed deeply.

   "Of course it is to be your goddess of justice. Without nine days, can't you protect the justice in your heart?"

   Chu Chen's indifferent voice came into his ears, causing Qingyuan to sing slightly, and his heart trembled slightly.

   This indifferent voice struck her heart like thunder.

   Yes, do what you want to do, do what you think you should do.

   What if everyone is mediocre in this world?

   What if the whole world of monks is like this?

   If others don't do it, she will do it. If no one comes to promote righteousness and kill demons, then she will do it herself!

   As long as she is there, as long as she does not die for a day, the world will be righteous!

   To promote righteousness, there is no need to rely on others or a strong team. As long as you have this heart, you can do as much as you can, as long as you don't let yourself regret it.

  The way of righteousness, it is enough for me to walk alone!

   Seems to have figured out something, Qingyuan relaxed in his heart.

   The disappointment of Jiutian, the betrayal of Jiutian, the guilt of Jiutian, the unwillingness of Jiutian, all disappeared without a trace at this moment.

   Qingyuan at this time feels like he has found a new life!

   "Are you a good person?" After a while, Qingyuan asked gently. The secret technique of sound transmission and secret transmission made people except Chu Chen not hear this question at all.


   Chu Chen answered very simply.

   "Then are you a bad guy?"

   Qingyuan asked again.

   "No." Chu Chen answered simply.

"So, who are you?"

   "People who care about you."

   The flat voice rang in his ears, and a smile appeared at the corner of Qingyuan's mouth.

   People themselves are like this, there is no absolute good or bad.

   Good people do fewer bad things? Is there no good place for bad guys?

   There is no such absolute thing in this world~www.ltnovel.com~ I have been struggling for so long, it is really a bit inexplicable.

   "This seems to be the first time you have interceded with me." Qingyuan said quietly.

   "Have you never said it before?" Chu Chen frowned and thought about it for a moment, as if he hadn't said anything. Thinking back to the entanglement between him and Qingyuan, it was more like a friend than a couple.

   "Then I will talk more?"

   "Twisted melons are not sweet." Qingyuan snorted.

   "I think it's very sweet." Chu Chen replied boredly.

   Quietly a few words of bickering completely swept away the haze in my heart.

Qingyuan looked at Chu Chen, watched this guy rushing in front of everyone to control the sky-swallowing black flames to clear the way, and watched one after another snarling sea beasts with open mouths roaring around, only feeling that there seemed to be a warm current in my heart, which made people Feel at ease.

  At this moment, this peace of mind seems to have turned into infinite courage. Although the front was still dark and confused, she was no longer at a loss or afraid.

   Even if the entire nine days fall, I will not fall, singing my own righteous long song! Let's go!


   The depth of the separated seabed is not eternal darkness, but a bright light appeared.

   As the speed of the people gets faster and faster, the light becomes more and more obvious. .

   At this time, Chu Chen naturally didn't know how many thoughts had emerged in Qingyuan's heart in this short period of time. After experiencing a whole number of hours of rapid speed, everyone finally passed the scope of the forbidden sea!

   is finally leaving this dark place, but will the new place be more dangerous?

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