Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2134: Rebirth

   This is an empty, desolate and desperate space.

   is like a huge box, there is nothing in it, and it's empty, making people panic.

   "This, could this be the beginning of Yuan..."

   Ren Cangling took a closer look, and then subconsciously released his spiritual consciousness to scan around, suddenly shocked.

   You can't see anything in this space with the naked eye, but if you scan it with spiritual sense, you can feel that the heaven and the earth are full of large and small aura spots.

   is like being bitten by something.

   "Yes, this is the legendary Yuanchu formation."

   Chu Chen nodded vigorously, a fiery flame throbbing in his eyes.

   Since ancient times, it is said that some innate formations will naturally be born between heaven and earth.

   These formations are purely natural formations of the power of heaven and earth, so they have all kinds of mysterious and incredible powers.

   The most famous is the era of ancient mythology, the Zhuxian sword formation, the Zhoutian star battle formation, the twelve capital gods and demons formation, the Liangyi dust formation...

   These prestigious innate formations have become the most famous legends in the age of mythology.

   In the legend, any innate formation is a manifestation of the rules of heaven and earth.

The place where the congenital formation is conceived will leave some traces in the void that are invisible to the naked eye but can be perceived by the spiritual sense due to the condensation of the rules of heaven and earth. This creates a large and small seemingly irregular aura. spot.

  Any aura spots are actually traces left by the radical changes in the rules of heaven and earth.

   This kind of trace does not exist for too long, and often disappears completely after decades.

   And this kind of place that gave birth to the innate formation method and appeared aura spots is called the Yuanchu formation.

   At this moment, both Ren Cangling and Chu Chen felt the aura spots all over this empty space!

   "This place with soul-sealing fog actually gave birth to an innate formation!"

Ren Cangling was amazed, "Moreover, I can perceive it faintly. It should be a seal-like innate formation. It's just... a pity, the formation is alive and has long been hidden in the void. Such a good fortune, I don't know. Who will get it...We are late!!"

   "Not necessarily."

Chu Chen's eyes were getting brighter and brighter. In the void that was invisible to the naked eye, his spiritual sense had swept out like a storm, stirring up the waves of the sky, scanning, searching, and remembering the sky with all his strength. The position of each aura crater.

   "Not necessarily? Do you have a way?"

   Ren Cangling asked.

   Innate formations, such as heaven and earth, possess powerful causal power, have their own spirituality, and will automatically choose their masters.

   Only those people who are innately possessed by the fortune of heaven and fortune can have them, and such people are often not available in a single era.

   Without that kind of luck and good fortune, it is impossible to obtain that kind of innate formation.

"Water flow on the ground will leave large and small wet marks. Through the size and direction of those wet marks, it is possible to infer the size, direction, and speed of the water flow. The same is true for the innate formation. "

   Chu Chen's eyes were shining brightly, as bright as stars.

   "This formation in the early Yuan Dynasty did not exist for a long time, and the aura spots are extremely clear. As long as all the aura spots are recorded in detail, it is possible to deduced the innate formation!"

   "This, how is this possible!!!"

   Ren Cangling's expression was completely stunned, for no other reason, it is really that this theory is too shocking.

  Chu Chen's water and soil theory seems to have some reason to explain the formation of Yuanchu, but in fact the difference is huge.

   Apart from anything else, how many people can use the wet marks on the ground to deduce the specific situation of that stream?

   What's more, the aura spots in the Yuanyuan Formation are much more complicated than things like water and soil!

   There are tens of thousands of aura spots all over the void. To use these aura spots to deduce the process of gestation of heaven and earth aura here is almost a fantasy. How can it be done?

   At this moment, not only Ren Cangling, but Guan Ying and Qingyuan were also shocked.

   Anyone who knows a little bit about the formation method knows how crazy Chu Chen's idea is!

   However, Chu Chen was very serious at this time, very serious.

   A layer of golden red aura flashed around his body, and there were faint lightnings passing through it, which meant that he had urged the power of spiritual consciousness to the extreme.

  He has a calm face, his eyes have completely turned into two bright star clusters, and there seem to be countless stars faintly circulating in them, seeming to imitate the appearance of gathering aura.

  Looking like this, Chu Chen at this time has already devoted himself to deducing the innate formation.

   I don't know how long it took before Chu Chen's eyes closed suddenly.

   Then, a large group of white air rose from the top of his head.

  The surprised Qingsun boy yelled, "It's not good, Brother Chu is using his brain too much, and there is smoke on his head!"

   "Don't talk!" Guan Ying let out a low voice~www.ltnovel.com~ He has explored all the aura spots with spiritual sense, and he is currently deducing the formation in the sea of ​​knowledge! "

   "The innate formation is the good fortune of heaven and earth, how can we force it to reverse it with manpower?"

   Qingyuan looked worried, "It is too exhausting to push the innate formation in thousands of aura spots. I'm afraid that he will be caught in it, not knowing the severity, exhausting, and will be hit hard!"

  As soon as he said this, everyone suddenly became anxious.

   There are not a few monks who have suffered from heart failure due to excessive internal consumption due to various magical techniques in history.

   At this time, Chu Chen is tantamount to rebelling against the world with his own power, and if one is not careful, I am afraid that he will step into the ground.

   A little bit of time passed, and the white air on Chu Chen's head rose more and more.

   And his hands are emptied forward, palms facing each other.

   A torrent of spiritual power flowed endlessly in his palm like a snake, and gradually, a cumbersome, gorgeous, and complicated formation in the void began to form.

   Only a short while after the formation was formed, it collapsed and turned into a torrent of spiritual power.

   Obviously, this time the formation has failed.

   Chu Chen's expression has been very calm, and soon he will begin the second formation construction.

   The second time he persisted for five breaths, he collapsed again. By the third time, the formation lasted twice as long. .

   In this way, seeing the formation of the spiritual energy continue to converge and continue to collapse.

   Just like that, after more than ten hours, after the thirty-eighth failure, the thirty-ninth formation was constructed, and it didn't collapse for an hour!

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