Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2135: 9 days to breathe soil

   The formation pattern gradually stabilizes?

   At this moment, a smile finally appeared on the corners of Chu Chen's slightly tired mouth.

   He closed his palms together, gathered all the spiritual power in his palms, and opened his eyes.

   At the same time, the aura and white aura around him disappeared.

   "Have you really mastered that innate formation?"

   Ren Cangling's voice trembled a little.

   "The innate formation is not so easy to comprehend." Chu Chen said lightly.

"But I have already understood the general framework and the formation of this formation, and the rest will take time. This requires a little bit of water milling effort to deduct, I am just finding the right direction now, there is still a long way to succeed. Well. But as long as there is enough time to deduction, sooner or later I will be able to master this formation thoroughly."

   "Unexpectedly, you actually succeeded in collecting!"

Guan Ying exclaimed, "This is an innate formation. Although it is not a killing formation, it is a closed formation. It is equally powerful. With this spirit formation in hand, you can at least rank in the top three in this formation world. !"

   "It's too early to say this, I need a break."

  Chu Chen's expression was a little wilting, even with his impossibly powerful spiritual power as the foundation, the reverse deduction of the innate spiritual formation still cost him a lot, but it really made him feel tired at this time.

   After a full day and night rest, Chu Chen felt regained.

   Everyone chose a direction, and they started to move forward wholeheartedly.

  The space where the Yuanchu Formation is located is roughly a circle. Although the scope is very wide, but as long as you walk in one direction, you will reach the edge sooner or later. This is the only way at present.

   It’s just that although they have explored it with the power of spiritual consciousness, although everyone has already known about this vast world, when it really begins to gallop, the extent of this world is still surprising.

   drove at full speed for five days and five nights before truly reaching the edge of this world.

   A very clear border, right in front of everyone, a stone wall stands in front of it, vast and boundless, seeming to cut the whole world in half.

   The whole body of this stone wall is made up of huge gray-white stones. Each stone is six feet and six inches long. There is no adhesion between the stones, but they are so dense that they cannot be penetrated by blades.

   The stone wall is ancient, and if you look closer, you can see a lot of wind and frost marks on it.

   There are various knife marks, sword marks, and claw marks in some places. It seems that they have experienced many wars.

   There is a huge burn mark every some distance on the wall, which looks like some long-lost talisman.

   If the distance is far enough, you can still find that the burn marks have formed a huge sign between each other.

   And this is one of the most mysterious beings in the Land of the Fallen God... The Wall of Sealing!

   "So there really is such a thing..."

   Looking at the endless stone wall in front of him, the top and the edge of the stone wall are invisible, Qingsun Boy was shocked, "This makes no sense. It's so empty here, where are so many stones?"

   "This is not an ordinary stone..."

   Guan Ying looked at the towering stone wall with no boundary in sight with a dazed expression, her eyes were colorful.

She approached the stone wall, stretched out her white hands and gently stroked the awkward gray stones, with an expression of exclamation that couldn't be concealed in her tone, "There is a small part of the ancient gods Nine Heavens Breathing Soil... …"

   "Ancient fetish, nine days to breathe soil!"

   Hearing this term, even Chu Chen was shocked.

   This thing really only exists in the legend. The legend says that the nine-day breathing soil is endless, and it rises against the wind, and a small piece of it can grow into a vast and endless land.

   Now it seems that this space is empty, it is impossible to dig such a large amount of stones to cast a wall of seal, and only the miraculousness of the nine heavens can create such a stone wall that connects the sky and the earth in the void.

   "Is this wall strong?"

   Qingsun Boy asked curiously.

"The stone wall mixed with the nine-day breathing soil is probably one of the most difficult things to destroy in the world. Its interior is endless, and no matter how much it is destroyed, it will quickly recover. Moreover, the soil is not among the five elements and will not be affected by anything at all. Restraint things. Swords do not hurt, water and fire do not invade. There is very little soil in this sealed wall, but this is also very troublesome."

   Guan Ying sighed.

   "The magic of the ancient gods is indeed far beyond my imagination."

   Ren Cangling looked dark, and sighed quietly.

   "Brother Chu, can your true life burn this wall?" Qingsun Boy looked at Chu Chen hopefully.

   Seeing Chu Chen's sky-defying skyfire power along the way, he almost subconsciously thought of this.

   "This is probably more difficult." Chu Chen shook his head lightly. "The Nine Heavens Breathing Earth is not afraid of water and fire, which is fundamentally different from Sealing Soul Sea and Sealing Soul Mist. If you burn desperately with fire, I am afraid that this wall will burn and become stronger. It will take at least a month. It is possible to burn through the soil essence in this wall~www.ltnovel.com~."

   "One month?"

Ren Cangling frowned, "I'm afraid we don't have so much time. I can perceive that we are not the only ones who have entered this land of God's Fall this time. If it takes a month here, I'm afraid it would have been lost to others. That's it."

   "Speaking of which, I have always been curious..."

Speaking of this, Qingsun Boy seemed to think of something and asked, "It's been so long since we entered the Land of God's Fall, why haven't we met other people? By the means of extinguishing Wanshou and them, I am afraid we can also enter here. , Why haven't we met up to now?"

"Is it too big here?" Qingyuan asked in a low voice, "It took us several days just to get out of this void. In such a vast world, it's really harder for a few people to throw in it than to find a needle in a haystack. Find."

   "It's not just that, the space here is actually not that big. It's just that the land of God's Fall is too magical, I guess there should be different folding spaces here."

Guan Ying gestured with her finger, "This land of God's Fall is folded together by many spaces. Every time a group of people enters a separate space, but everyone is in the same space and time. Although they can’t see each other. However, some great accidents or powerful bombardments can be passed through the space barrier."

   "You mean..." Ren Cangling was startled, and the others understood his meaning almost instantly. .

   Everyone almost unanimously thought of the incomparable waves of vibration that they had felt on the sea of ​​closure.

   That is clearly the bombardment of Yuanhai Realm experts who penetrated the space barrier!

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