Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2136: A wall as high as the sky

  The people of the ancient music club understood it at once.

   In other words, in fact, the people of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group are not far away from them, and they may even be in the same dimension.

   is just because the division of space is folded, so you can't see each other.

   Once some powerful spiritual attacks broke out, they could actually feel each other's existence.

   "We are not the only one to enter this land of God's Fall, and it is even possible that there will be others besides us and Jiutian. After all, although the cost of entering here is high, there are very few forces that can afford it."

   Ren Cangling frowned and said.

   "It seems that we are going to speed up." Qingsun Boy has a serious face, "If we wait for them to enter the core of the land of the gods and get the treasures, we will be busy for nothing."

"As far as I know, there is a rule for any place that has the ability to fold space, that is, the deeper the inside, the less the amount of foldable space. If it reaches the final source point, all the foldable spaces will merge. Become a unique space."

  Guan Ying's expression is also extremely serious, "That is to say, if we continue to move forward, we will meet the group of Silence sooner or later. Of course, if we return now, we can guarantee our safety."

As soon as   's voice fell, the air suddenly became silent.

   The strength of the Yuanhai Realm powerhouse is like a mountain weighing on everyone's hearts.

   At the thought of meeting the two Yuanhai Realms in Jiutian, everyone's heart beats.

The friction and collision between the crowd and the Jiutian Breaking Formation Group can only be regarded as a small mess. After exhausting all kinds of methods, he barely grabbed Tian Yuheng into his hands, and did not even face Yuanhai Realm in the whole process. powerful.

   But if you meet them in the core area of ​​this land of God's Fall, no one will feel that they can be as lucky as last time.

   really collide face-to-face, whether it is Wanshou or Silence, you can easily crush everyone to death with just one finger.

   It is estimated that Chu Chen, who has a lot of cards, may have a chance to escape, but the others have no chance of escape at all.

   Seeing that the atmosphere was a little heavy, Qingsun Boy asked curiously.

   "I don't know if they broke through this wall of seal, how did they break through?"

   "They should not have passed yet."

   Chu Chen said word by word.

   "Oh, how did you know?"

   Qingsun boy was surprised.

   "Put your palm on the wall and touch it carefully."

   Qingsun boy did as he said, and soon showed a different color.

I can’t see the problem with my eyes, but when I put my palm on the stone wall, I can quickly feel a faint shock from time to time on the wall, like someone is somewhere. Just like bombarding the wall forcefully.

   "They are the people of the Nine Heavens Breaking the Array. They are bombarding the Sealed Wall!"

   Qingsun Boy exclaimed.

  Chu Chen nodded. Since they are bombarding the stone wall, it means that they have no way to break through for the time being. This at least shows that the people of the Ancient Music Society have not been left behind.

   As long as everyone is quick to enter the core place in advance, take the treasure and slip away, and don't meet the people of Nine Days, then everyone is safe.


   Just when the people of the ancient music society were thinking about how to break through the wall of seal, in another dimension, a torrent of bright auras bloomed in the void, bursting like flowers.

   A sword, gun, hammer and other magical instruments wrapped in a heavy force bombarded the wall of the seal, except for bursts of dazzling aura, but it could not have the slightest impact on the wall.

   The many powerful men of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group have attacked the Wall of Seal for half an hour, and many disciples have done their best.

   A series of famed cultivators in the monk world are displayed as if they don’t need money. Many faculties are even long-lost ancient secret arts.

   Just looking at the shots of these nine-day disciples, you know how strong their strength is. However... there is no use for eggs!

   Jiutian has fallen into a situation where it is impossible to advance or retreat!

   "It's been a full half an hour, and all the disciples have bombarded with all their strength for so long, and the seal wall still doesn't move. Your honor, you think you want to..."

   Hengtian bowed and asked softly in front of Wanshou.

   Wanshou's brows also frowned. To be honest, he knew that the Sealed Wall would be difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

   A group of strong men from the peak of Tianhe rushed for half an hour, and they just made shallow marks on the wall. Item

   The biggest result of the previous battle was the arrogance of the Divine River Realm. She dug a shallow hole the size of a bowl in the wall.

   Wanshou looked at Ji Mie, and Ji Mie let out a cold snort, and the figure turned into a black shadow flying over the stone wall as soon as it moved, and then his right hand clenched into a fist, giving a slight pause.

   He was hanging in the air!

   In an instant, countless storm-like auras rushed into his right fist. The naked eye could see that his right fist suddenly disappeared, and it was replaced by a storm of uncertainty.

   There seemed to be countless ghosts screaming faintly in the storm, turning into layers of ghost screens, almost covering the entire world.

   "Ghost Qianfeng!"

   In the faintly screaming sound ~www.ltnovel.com~ the storm formed by the endless stacks of ghost images has been heavily bombarded on the stone wall.

   The world seemed to stop moving for an instant.


  In an instant, the calm stone wall began to violently fluctuate around the center of the right punch of Silence.

   is like a stone being dropped in a calm lake.

   When every wave spreads to the surroundings, it will take away a lot of ghost images.

   After only a few breaths, the ghost that seemed to cover the sky and the sun was actually resolved by the stone wall.

   In the same place, only a deep fist mark was left on the ancient clumsy wall, which sank three inches into the wall.

   "Stop it, it seems that this wall cannot be cracked with brute force."

   Seeing the ghost of dying Qianfengquan could only make one punch mark. Wanshou confirmed this more clearly and waved his hand to make everyone stop.

   Then he turned around and once again turned into a huge giant bird with blue scales and white feathers, and his eyes were red.

   With a scream from the sky, he flew upward in the direction of the wall.

   Wanshou is so fast that he can transform into a real body, and he can leap hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye.

   rushed straight down the wall for a while, really like a white electric light.

   Wanshou’s idea is simple, that is to fly upward along the wall.

   No matter how high this wall is, there will always be the end. .

   At the speed of his real body, as long as he can cross this stone wall, he will win.

  The time for a cup of tea has passed...Half an hour has passed...Two hours have passed...

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