Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2137: There is always a way for Chu Chen to be brutal? ...

   After flying for a full four hours, Wanshou finally felt something wrong.

   He has flown more than tens of thousands of miles, but the wall beside him is still endless, it seems that there is indeed no boundary at all, intercepting the entire world.

  ? ? ?

   "I really don't believe it, you can increase your height without limit!"

   Wanshou gave a cold snort, the speed increased without decreasing, and at the same time, he screamed downwards, sending out a sharp wave of spiritual consciousness.

   After a while, Ji Kie, who was guarding under the root of the wall, heard a scream from the depths of the high sky, and immediately waved his hand vigorously.

   "Everyone is with me, flying towards the sky!"

   "Did the Wanshouzun reach the border?"

   Hengtian asked in surprise.

"It didn't find the boundary, but it has discovered the law. This sealing wall will continue to expand the boundary as people explore. But after all, it has gone through endless years, and the ancient divine power contained in it has been almost wiped out by time. So there is a fatal loophole..."

The eyes of nirvana gleamed, "While it grows larger and taller, the wall itself is constantly becoming weaker... Hmph, after all, it is not a real divine wall cast by Nine Heavens Breathing Earth, but contains a very small amount of it. It's nothing more than a soil, and the extent of its growth is ultimately limited...As long as we keep moving upward, it will eventually come to an end!"

   The Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Mission was forbidden, and a strong cohesion broke out in a short period of time. Everyone was very obedient and flew towards the top of the wall, following Jige.

   is also fortunate to have such a stone wall that connects the sky and the earth, which makes everyone feel a lot of effort when flying by.

   stepped on the wall one by one, and with a little force on the stone wall, he could fly hundreds of feet high.

   Although the speed is much worse than that of Wanshou's body, it is still extremely amazing.

   At this moment, there are naturally more than nine people who are troubled by the stone wall.

   In another folding space, a sapphire-like flat boat is flying up the stone wall.

   The speed of this flat boat is extremely fast, keeping a distance of one foot from the wall, but it has a speed far surpassing that of the monks at the peak of Tianhe.

   "How exactly did this Rao Shizi ghost wall be made? Is it really mixed with the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil? I don't know if the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil inside is still useful, can it be stripped out and re-refining a magic artifact?"

   In the flat boat, Duan Xiong dressed in black looked at the endless wall in front of him with some worry.

   In fact, when people rise to a certain height, the originally vertical wall can easily give people a strange feeling. It seems that the place where the wall is located should be below.

   Everyone is not galloping "above", but galloping "forward".

   The endless wall scenery is too much to see, it will make people feel boring, very boring.

   "The seal wall cast by the nine heavens has existed for thousands of years, and the spirituality inside has been completely obliterated. There is no chance of it being stripped out and refining."

   Xia Hua on the flat boat said with a smile.

   "I said, do you know where the end of this wall is?"

   The fierce patience is obviously disappearing quickly, "The old man has been flying on this wall for five hours!"

   "Senior don't need to worry, you just need to fly upwards. Once the juniors realize the mystery of this Sealed Wall, you will definitely be able to make a final decision if you make another move."

   Xia Hua said with a gentle smile.

   "It's really troublesome!"

Duan Xiong rubbed his temples a little irritably, "If it weren't for the treasures sealed in the core area of ​​the Land of God's Fall were too powerful, how could the old man have worked so hard! I blame the stinky boy surnamed Chu. When the old man catches him, he must be I want to cramp him and break his body into pieces!!!"


   While Duan Xiong was cursing, Chu Chen on the wall involuntarily sneezed, touched his nose subconsciously, and immediately burst into a wry smile.

   seems to be remembered by someone again!

   "Huh? Senior Brother Chu has a high level of cultivation and a profound background. With such a strength already protected from injury and disease, how could he sneeze for no reason?"

   Qingsun Boy looked at Chu Chen in surprise, with a look of admiration, "Could it be that brother, your cultivation is already on the body and the heart, and you are beginning to touch the Supreme Dao. If someone is scolding you, can you feel it too?"

   In the legend, the cultivation of some monks continues to improve, and their understanding of the rules of heaven and earth will become deeper and deeper, and they will begin to reconcile with the Tao, so as to obtain some of the magical powers in the underworld.

   Such as being able to see one's own cause and effect, disasters, marriage, etc.

   If someone is cursing thousands of miles away, this is a cause and effect.

   Someone in the darkness wants to assassinate, this is also cause and effect.

  The higher the cultivation level, the deeper the feeling of his own cause and effect. It is said that after practicing to the myth level, it is a completely reborn transformation.

   Immortal gods must not be insulted. According to the legend in the ancient mythological era, if a mortal speaks harshly to the gods, he will surely suffer disaster. This is actually a manifestation of this ability.

   If a mortal insults an immortal god, the immortal **** can feel it even if they are hundreds of thousands of miles apart.

   The same principle, if a mortal prays sincerely and calls the name of the fairy god, the fairy **** can also feel it.

   Therefore, since ancient times, the Confucian "Zi Sai", the Taoist "Wuliang Tianzun~www.ltnovel.com~ the Buddhist "Amitabha", are also the same principle, hoping to call the immortal gods through devout prayers, thereby bringing blessings.

   Chu Chen's performance on this road is often unexpected. By now, Qing Sun Boy almost has a blind respect for him.

   Brother Chu Chen is Superman!

   "How do we get there, have you figured out a solution?"

   Guan Ying asked softly.

   "It seems that there are only two ways to break through this sealed wall..."

Chu Chen said calmly, "The first method is to climb the wall and keep climbing upwards. This seal wall is definitely not truly endless, there is always a limit of growth. We only need to find this limit point, It's easy."

   "This is not easy. The seal wall is mixed with nine days of breathing soil. I don't know its limit will be found until the year of the monkey."

  Guan Ying shook her head, "Don't forget that there are two Yuanhai Realms in Nine Heavens. No matter how fast we are, we can't match them."

   "So we only have one last method left..." Chu Chen's eyes gradually sharpened.

   "What is it?" Qingsun Boy asked curiously.

   "Punch it!" Chu Chen snorted softly, murderously overflowing.

   "Punch through it??"

   Everyone was expropriated, and no one expected that Chu Chen's so-called method was actually this kind of method. .

   After a while, Qingyuan shook his head first.

   "This is too difficult, this wall is the handwriting of ancient mythology, I am afraid that even the Yuanhai realm like Jixi, Wanshou, and Duan Laomo can not be beaten through the combined efforts, let alone us."

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