Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2138: Nao

   Qingyuan cultivated Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation. Although his cultivation level is not too high, if he only talks about the ability to attack, I am afraid that even Cangling will be ashamed.

   Since she said the fact that Yuanhai realm powerhouses could not break the seal wall, she naturally has a certain degree of authority, so everyone nodded.

"It's really too difficult to penetrate it. Our cultivation level is not high, and we don't even have a Divine River Stage. From this point of view, we can only choose the first method. Although it looks stupid, there is always success hopefully."

   This time, Ren Canglinghan chose a method other than conservative.

   Chu Chen looked indifferent, no longer explained, just waved, "Everyone, come with me."

After    said, he flew to the right.

   "Hey hey...Aren't we going up? Just wandering under the wall?"

   Qing Sun Boy was very surprised.

   "Okay, stop talking, just follow." Ren Cangling waved his hand, "When did Little Friend Chu disappoint us?"

   Qingsun Boy asked for a bit, and suddenly smiled.

   To be honest, if Chu Chen wasn't on this road, I'm afraid everyone would not even be able to pass the first level.

   For this reason, I can only hope that he has some magical means to break the game.

   For the next twelve hours, Chu Chen led the ancient music society and kept speeding under the wall.

   His speeding route is very confusing.

   speeds to the right for a while, then to the left, then after a while, then to the right, and then to the left...

   tossing back and forth for ten hours, it feels like it is constantly spinning back and forth.

  Of course, it was precisely because of his magical performance along the way that everyone had doubts, but they still didn't say much.

   But it can be clearly seen that, as time goes by, the expressions on everyone's faces have become more and more puzzled.

   Finally, after not knowing how many times he wandered around, Chu Chen finally stopped in one place and said lightly, "Okay, this is it."

   "Brother Chu, haven't we been here just now?"

   Qingsun boy finally couldn't help but asked timidly, "Is there anything special here?"

   "Yes, I did come here just now."

  Chu Chen nodded calmly, "But I was not sure when I first came, but this time I was very sure. This is the place I was looking for."

   "Where are you looking?"

   "Yes, what I am looking for is the breakthrough point of the seal wall. This is the weakest place on the entire seal wall."

  Chu Chen waved his hand, "You should be farther away first."

   Everyone quickly flew back when they heard the words, they saw Chu Chen silently operating spiritual power, layers of gold and red flashing thunder light began to rise above him, gradually forming a blazing flame, emitting a dazzling light.

   From a distance, it looks like a scorching sun!

   "Can Brother Chu work?"

The Qingsun boy standing in the distance couldn't help but murmured, "He said that true life cannot restrain the wall of seal, so now he can only rely on brute force to break through the stone wall... his brute force is really true. Can you break the Nine Heavens Breathing Ground? This is something that even Yuanhai Realm powerhouses may not be able to do..."

   "A little bit farther away."

  Chu Chen's voice came again, and everyone looked at each other before retreating directly away.

   "I hope Brother Chu can succeed this time."

   A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the boy.

   "It doesn't matter if it is unsuccessful, the big deal is that we will just leave. Go back along the same path without getting into this muddy water."

   Qingyuan's expression was very melancholy, with a sadness that seemed to see through everything.

   "Sister Qing has such a good mentality?"

   Qingsun Boy smiled bitterly, "In order to come here, we paid a heavy price..."

   "At a young age, don't be as sentimental as an adult."

Guan Ying knocked on his head next to him, "Sister Qing is right. In fact, being able to get here is far beyond our original expectations. It doesn't matter if we really can't break this wall of seal. Big deal, let's follow along. Just step back the same way..."


   Guan Ying's voice hadn't completely fallen off, and a series of terrifying muffled thunders suddenly came from a distance.

   Is this breeding thunder and lightning?

   Everyone stared at it and saw that all the aura on Chu Chen beside the wall disappeared without a trace in an instant.

   The terrifying aura has escaped into his body? !

   I can feel Chu Chen's breath still rising continuously, waves of vast spiritual power fluctuations are coming from the void like ocean tides.

   It's just that all of his spiritual power was locked tightly in his body by himself, and there was no leak.

   Is he infinitely strengthened physical body?


   I saw Chu Chen's body slowly deflected, and with a low drink, his right fist swung straight towards the wall.

   Far in the eyes of everyone, this straight fist thrown is like slow motion!

   The unpretentious punch, without any dazzling spiritual light radiating.

   However, when that fist was waved, the entire space seemed to be distorted.

   Even if I look from a distance, I can feel how violent power is restrained in that fist. That is a terrifying force that can break the earth and tear the stars!

  Yes, power, pure power~www.ltnovel.com~ This blow Chu Chen didn't release the spiritual power, but gathered all the spiritual power on his fist.

   Then in this simple punch, he gathered all the spiritual power, all the essence, all the will, and all the foundations into the most violent power, pouring out!

   The space he was in has begun to completely collapse!

   This punch can be said to be the strongest blow that he has been able to release so far in his practice. It is the ultimate punch he has formed after penetrating all his power systems!

boom! ! !

   Amidst the terrifying loud noise, a huge wave of air radiated crazily in all directions.

   The sky and the earth seemed to vibrate violently in an instant, and then you could see that the ground under Chu Chen's feet began to annihilate silently, and in the blink of an eye, a huge semi-circular pit the size of a hundred meters was formed.

   Yes, it is only half of the circle, the other half is blocked by the seal wall, and the seal wall... does not move.

   Chu Chen’s fist was against the stone wall. Because the ground under his feet was annihilated, his whole person was suspended in the air, and his whole person was silent. This kind of picture can easily bring a word to people’s mind...


"what's the situation?"

   Ten thousand feet away, Qingsun Boy stared at this scene with wide eyes, and said in disbelief, "Could it be that Brother Chu made such a big movement, but it was a bluff...?".

   The word "potential" has not yet been exported, and the sudden change has occurred!

   Accompanied by bursts of "crack", with Chu Chen's fist as the center of the circle, numerous radial cracks suddenly appeared on the wall.

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