Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2139: The dead boy who took the lead

   The crack spreads like electricity and expands rapidly, spreading to a radius of one thousand feet in a moment.

   Then, a huge force surged out, causing the stone wall to burst! !

   Numerous broken earth and rock fragments burst in all directions, mud splashed and dust filled the sky.

   Amidst the dumbfounded expressions of everyone, a huge black hole measuring a thousand meters in size appeared on the endless stone wall...

   The wall of seal was broken through!

   "This...I was punched through?"

Qingsun Boy opened his mouth wide, and his expression was full of surprise and shock. "Given the strength of this sealed wall, even Yuanhai Realm cannot crush it with a single punch. Brother Chu has such a fist. Great? So what did they run when they met Ji Mian? They just punched it and it was over?"

   "Don't ask me, I don't know..."

   Goddess Guan Ying’s expression didn’t get any better, there was a deep confusion in her eyes.

"The Sealed Wall has the characteristics of absorbing and dissolving spiritual power, so he constrained all spiritual power in the body and turned it into the purest power attack to avoid this. But this is too... even if it avoids the spiritual power. With the characteristics of force, he can physically punch through the wall of seal?"

   "That's a stone wall where part of the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil has been smelted!"

   "This blow... seems to have a mysterious existence that we cannot understand."

   Amidst everyone's shock, Ren Cangling also muttered to himself, his eyes flashing brightly.

   He kept playing back every movement of Chu Chen's punch just now in his mind, wanting to see some secrets from his movements.

   But soon I was slumped to find that I couldn't understand at all.

   It seems that Chu Chen just gathered all his strength and punched in a simple and unpretentious punch, but there are so many incomprehensible mysteries in that punch...

   That punch is more than just a punch! !


   Just when the stone wall exploded a large hole with a radius of one thousand meters, in another space, a group of people flying in the void suddenly stopped.

Headed by    is a huge white bird with blue scales and white feathers and red eyes, and behind it are the nine-day disciples of Jixi, Hengtian, and Bujiao. At this moment, everyone subconsciously stopped.

   The stone wall was shaking, a very clear and obvious vibration, as if it were coming from a very far away place.

   The first wave of vibration was the most intense, and the subsequent vibration gradually weakened, giving the impression that someone had hammered the seal wall heavily.

   "What a powerful power fluctuation! This is... Has anyone attacked the Sealed Wall? Such a large fluctuation is no longer weaker than the ghost image Qianfengquan of Master Nirvana!"

   "No, this blow seems to be even more powerful. There was some gap in the vibration of the wall... It seems that the blow penetrated the wall of seal!"

   "What's going on, is there another strong in the Yuanhai realm? It may even be the top strong in the Yuanhai realm!"

   The people of nine days suddenly panicked, and their expressions changed drastically.

   "Could it be that old demon Duan? Did he penetrate the wall of seal?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Old Demon Duan's cultivation base is just a little bit higher than that of Master Nimie, and their evil methods do not win with fierceness and invincibility. In terms of strength, Old Demon Duan may not be able to take over The ghost image Qianfeng on Nirvana!"

   "Then...who is that person? Could it be that a new powerhouse who is more powerful than Duan Demon came out?"


   Just when everyone in Nine Heavens was panicking because of the sudden change, in another piece of space, the jade-like flat boat galloped for a while, and suddenly stopped suddenly, setting off a violent storm in mid-air.

   "The seal wall was broken..."

   Duan Xiong on the flat boat frowned, his black falcon-like eyes showed a dazzling light, and he glanced at Xia Hua on his side, "Didn't you say that basically no one in the world can break that wall?"

   "Under normal circumstances, it is true that no one can break it. The peak power of the world is basically yours. You should know that you can't break it with your current strength."

   Xiahua faintly stroked her beautiful hair like a cloud, and thought for a while and said, "However, if some extremely demanding conditions can be met, there is still hope..."

   "What conditions?"

   Duan Xiong, who has always been unconvinced with anyone, has a gloomy face and doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

"The most important thing is that the Wall of Seal has the weakest node in theory. You can understand it as a formation of the eyes. The Wall of Seal is fundamentally a magic weapon, but this magic weapon is very different. Ordinary, it has assembled many mysterious creations such as the way of formation, the art of sealing, the rules of smelting, the spirituality of divine things and so on."

"As a formation method, it has its fundamental eyes, and as a magic weapon, it also has its spiritual power operation hub. In addition, the ratio and smelting between the nine days of breathing soil and the yellow spiritual soil, the context of the sealing technique, and the characteristics of self-growth Mediation...All of this will create a final flaw, perhaps the only flaw in the Seal Wall."

   Old Demon Duan's eyes flashed light~www.ltnovel.com~ As long as you find the only flaw, you don't need much power to penetrate the wall of seal. You know, the Seal Wall will repair itself after being smelted for nine days, no matter what it is beaten, it will eventually repair itself. But once the final node is penetrated, then it can no longer repair itself... That is the most fundamental damage to the seal wall! ! "

   "Since there is a flurry of eyes, why didn't you say it earlier?"

   Duan Xiong asked with a gloomy face.

   "Because I said nothing, I can't find it, you can't find it, almost no one can find it among the people we know." Xia Hua said with a bitter smile helplessly.

"If you want to find that node, you must first have extremely powerful soul power. Its spiritual sense can instantly scan the entire sealed wall and discover all the spiritual power running routes and laws inside this wall. Secondly, it must also deal with the formation. The Dao of Law and Ancient Artifice Refining, Ancient Sealing, and Ancient Smelting are extremely proficient. Such abilities are extremely rare?"

   The look on Duan's fierce face suddenly stunned. To be honest, he really didn't expect that this strange wall was mixed with so many doorways. How could anyone have such harsh conditions?

   "It must be the kid surnamed Chu, he didn't run away!".

   patted his palm fiercely, and said angrily, "As long as the incomprehensible thing happens, 80% can't get rid of that kid!"

"Damn! That stinky boy is very weird, not an ordinary person at all. There are not many people who have come to the Land of the Fall of Gods. The Jiutian gang must not have that ability. It must be that little **** named Chu! He is one step ahead!"

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