Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2141: Samurai Army

   Guan Ying quietly adjusted her breath with spiritual power for a while, before finally eliminating the hot pain in her arm.

   glanced at the frown that stared at Chu Chen intently, and sighed helplessly:

"Now Brother Chu is in a coma. We need to walk the next part of the road by ourselves, but it is much more dangerous. What should we do now? Should we continue on, or wait here for a while until Senior Brother Chu wakes up to talk? You know, Chu Brother is our strongest support, without him, I am afraid we will become more and more dangerous."

   The air is a bit dull, and the hole in the seal wall exudes an inexplicable breath, like an invisible giant eye, looking at everyone coldly.

   Everyone in the ancient music club knows this very well, that is, the reason why they can get here on this road is basically relying on the magical methods that Chu Chen possesses.

   Now that Chu Chen is in a coma, everyone has lost one of their greatest support.

   If there is any risk in the future, there will really be life and death.

   But if I stop now, the little advantage I have accumulated now may not last long.

   After all, whether it is Jiutian or Duan Lao Mo, he is a real hero.

   In case they were really driven to the front to enter the core place, then everything they did was wasted.

  At this moment, everyone feels heavy in their hearts.

"I'm ready to move forward. I can't let his painstaking efforts be wasted." Qingyuan raised his gaze with a firm expression, "has passed the egg of seal, the sea of ​​seal, the mist of soul, and the wall of seal. If you fail at this time, All our sacrifices are meaningless."

   The other three looked at each other, Guan Ying gritted her teeth and nodded, "That's right, if you missed the opportunity that Chu Chen exchanged, I'm afraid you will regret it for a lifetime."

   "That's right, after all, we are the ancient music club that has survived the **** tribulation, and we can't retreat in the face of a little difficulty."

   Ren Cangling said with a smile, "Anyway, go ahead and take a look. If you encounter difficulties that you can't face, I'll talk about it. You can't do nothing, and you can't kill yourself."

   The people of the Ancient Music Society quickly agreed, and stopped saying more, and rushed towards the broken seal wall.


   Just as the interior of the Land of God's Fall was shockingly changing, outside of the Land of God's Fall, above the vast expanse of sand, huge black cubes were still suspended in the void, obscuring the sky.

   No matter what happens inside it, the outside is still a vast and deep darkness, as if it contains countless secrets.

   Outside the black cube, two figures are suspended in the void.

   One of them has an outstanding posture, a variety of styles, and looks forward to brilliance.

  The other person is a regular lady, who looks like she is in her early ten years old. He is dressed in black, but his small faces are full of coldness and sorrow. They are the two in the hidden group.

There is a light screen exuding a faint aura in front of the black clothes Zhengtai. Watching the people of the ancient music society rush into the terrifying hole on the wall of the seal, the strange color in the black clothes Zhengtai's eyes flashed and sneered. : "The good show is finally about to begin. It's really exciting..."

   turned into a nightmare without arrogance, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but in the end he said nothing.


   Everyone from the Ancient Music Society rushed into the seal wall, as if they had entered a whole new world.

   The main reason is that the world on the other side of the wall is too empty, and there is basically nothing in the vast space.

   The world behind the wall gives people a very crowded feeling.

   A huge puppet stone statue stands in the sky and the earth, each stone statue is about ten feet tall, like a giant standing proudly.

   The stone statues are all made extremely fine, and every strand of hair is clearly visible.

   The stone statues have various armors, swords, bows and arrows. There are also many stone statues riding war horses, war elephants, war wolves, chariots, etc., which are very similar to the terracotta warriors buried by emperors in the world.

   Behind this seal wall, there is actually an endless battle group of ancient terracotta warriors!

   Among all the terracotta warriors, a magnificent palace is guarded by these hundreds of thousands of huge terracotta warriors.

   The whole body of the palace exudes a light like white jade, extremely bright and gorgeous.

   "There is such a large group of ancient terracotta warriors tombs here!" Ren Cangling exclaimed, "Looking at the style of armor on these terracotta warriors, there is a huge difference from today's era. It seems that it is indeed from ancient times."

   "It's really a group of terracotta warriors. If this is indeed a tomb, I'm afraid the owner here is extremely noble." Guan Ying sighed.

"And I took a rough look. There are a total of 600,000 terracotta warriors here. They are configured according to the standards of a real army of one million. And there are extremely rare armies of spirit beasts, including war elephants and war wolves. , Crazy Eagle, etc. This is an army of saints god!"

   "Samurai God Army?"

   Everyone has heard of this term for the first time. Later, after Guan Ying's detailed explanation, she finally understood its meaning.

   The ancient mythological era is fundamentally different from the current era. In this era, the monastic world and the secular world are very distinct ~ www.ltnovel.com~ The two do not interfere.

  Because compared to the worldly mortals, the power that monks possess is too powerful.

   An ordinary cultivator in the Tianhe realm can easily deal with the 100,000 army of mortals, and the two are not on the same level.

   But in the ancient times, mortals and monks did not have such a clear dividing line, but lived mixed with each other.

   Every monk will recruit a large number of mortals to serve as his subordinates, attendants, servants, etc., and will train his subordinates in various ways to form an army of attendants, thus forming a separate force.

  The circle of influence of each monk is basically an independent small kingdom.

  The higher the cultivation base, the more mortals gathered, and the larger the circle of influence.

   In today's era, if two monks have conflicts, then direct war with each other can result in cause and effect.

   But in the ancient times, if there were conflicts between two cultivators, the cultivators seldom took action. They often let their servants fight **** battles with each other, erode each other's circle of strength, and strengthen their own power.

   Mortals are servants and slaves, and monks are masters.

   There is no difference between the monastic world and the secular world. The world is divided among the heroes, and there are life and death battles between thousands of people. The level of chaos is far beyond modern times.

  Servant army refers to a private army specially selected by monks from mortals and cultivated by mortals with cultivation talents using various secret methods and elixir. .

   And the so-called Shishen Army refers to the private army of mythical individuals!

   "Are these terracotta warriors who have served the gods dead or alive?"

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