Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2142: Chu Chen's important task is Qingyuan

   Qingsun Boy is a little bit frustrated, mainly because the terracotta warriors are too real, it can be said that they are lifelike.

   I took a closer look, and even felt that I could see the hair on the faces of the terracotta warriors.

   He also heard that children always feel strange things, alas, these adults are really not alert enough!

   "Are they still breathing?"

   "The Army of God Servant is the most loyal subordinate of the myth. When the myth has fallen, the Army of God Servant must not survive. This is almost an iron law. So... it shouldn't be alive..." Guan Ying said softly.

   "With the power of serving the **** army, if you were alive, it would have swept the world, don't worry too much."

   Ren Cangling shook his head, and everyone nodded again and again.

   is right. If the servants of the ancient myths were still alive, they could indeed sweep the world, and there was no guilty of being trapped in such a small place.

   While persuading themselves, everyone gathered closer and walked towards the Seal Hall in the distance.

   It's just that I haven't walked far, and a heart-palpiting breath suddenly fills the void.

   is like a black-and-white light shining across the world!

   "No, we seem to have touched some taboo!"

   Ren Cangling exclaimed, his face sinking.

  Gule people suddenly stopped, Qingsun Boy's eyes condensed, and suddenly pointed to a giant terracotta warrior on the left front and exclaimed, "Hurry up, look at its eyes!"

   Everyone looked at it, and they saw that the eyes of the terracotta warrior holding a long gun in front of him suddenly shot out a dark green light, which was breathtaking!


   Qingsun boy raised his hand, and in a hurry, he burst out a blue glow.

   Qi glow burst, and when the air turned into a large seal, it hit the spear terracotta warrior heavily.

   Amid the violent explosion, the ten-foot-tall terracotta warriors burst into pieces, turning into chaotic debris and flying into the sky.

   "The response is very quick."

   Qingyuan gave a thumbs up at Qingsun Boy. Just when he wanted to compliment a few more, Guan Ying's face suddenly changed: "Everyone, be careful! Beware!"

   bang bang bang!

   Amidst the muffled sound, there were hundreds of spears and terracotta warriors with green light in their eyes. Then the figure shook, shaking off the dust and stone chips and came back to life.

   A pair of dark green eyes looked at everyone with incomparable cold and dead silence, and a long spear of more than ten feet blasted at everyone with a piercing scream.

   "Go back first!"

   Qingyuan let out a whistle, but soon heard Guan Ying stunned: "No, I can't go back, the wall of seal has disappeared, and we are surrounded by these terracotta warriors!"

   looked around, and as expected, no trace of the Sealed Wall could be seen. It seems that there is a certain kind of space restriction here, and once you enter it, you cannot return according to the original path.

   "Then rush over!"

   Qingyuan clenched his teeth, held Chu Chen in one hand, and shook his other hand violently, suddenly four sharp sword lights appeared in the air, showing four colors of yellow, blue, red, and cyan.

   As she pressed the seal, the four sword beams turned into four wandering dragons and shuttled through the void, pouch pouch and easily smashed several long spears and terracotta warriors into pieces.

   The remaining few people also urged their spiritual power to show their unique skills.

   In this fight, everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

   These puppet terracotta warriors look tall and terrifying, each one is ten feet tall, but in fact they are not strong, and are only equivalent to monks in the middle of Linghe.

   Everyone in the Ancient Music Society is truly strong, and even the weakest cultivation base of Qingsun Boys, his comprehensive combat power can be equivalent to the middle and late stages of Tianhe, so it is very easy to deal with these spears and terracotta warriors.

   In just one cup of tea, hundreds of terracotta warriors turned into rubble and dirt on the ground.

   bang bang bang! !

   After the first wave of terracotta warriors were defeated, the people had not had time to be happy. Amidst the muffled sound, hundreds of terracotta warriors awakened, their eyes glowing with dark green and piercing guns.

   Among them, two long spears and terracotta warriors joined forces to stab Guan Ying.

   Guan Ying's position at this time was rather peculiar. A total of five terracotta warriors and spears attacked him.

   By the time she released a powerful blow to smash the five terracotta warriors to pieces, it was too late to defeat the two behind.

   For a time, he had to gather the spiritual power of his body behind his back, and display a body-protection unique "Yuan Jiashu".

   The vigorous spiritual power condenses a tough armor on her back, glowing and dazzling.

   The next moment, with two loud bangs, two ten-foot-long spears stabbed fiercely on her armor.

   Guan Ying's beautiful eyes widened in an instant, her face turned pale, and she spouted a mouthful of blood with a "poof".

   A soft sword in his hand released a brilliant sword energy and swept across behind him, smashing two pikemen to pieces.

   Only at this moment, the armor of the spiritual energy gathered on her back became torn and shattered by the terracotta warriors.

   "Be careful, these terracotta warriors themselves are not strong, but their offensive power is extremely strong. Don't be hit by them!"

   This exclamation immediately made everyone serious. They knew how strong Guan Ying's "Yuan Jiashu" was, and it was almost second only to "Tianhe Golden Body".

   I didn't expect to be defeated by two spears and terracotta warriors together!

   But fortunately, these terracotta warriors are huge, their movements are not so flexible, slow, and their defenses are very weak~www.ltnovel.com~ So as long as you be careful not to be besieged, everyone can still fight easily.

   Everyone had never expected that before the second-wavelength guns and terracotta warriors were all crushed, there was a continuous bang around suddenly.

   A dark green light appeared in the eyes of a famous terracotta warrior.

   There seemed to be an invisible ripple across the air, resurrecting all the sculptural terracotta warriors.

   "Strike forward with all your strength, at the fastest speed! Don't stop. Once we are besieged by them and caught in a sea of ​​people, we will be dead! We can only move forward but not back!"

   Ren Cangling's roar resounded across the sky, and under the strong pressure of death, everyone began to work hard.

   A torrent of bright spiritual power shone in the void like a neon, and every spiritual light flashed, several terracotta warriors burst into pieces.

   At this moment, I can see that personal means are coming. Among the people, Ren Cangling is the highest, but Qingyuan is the one who killed the most terracotta warriors.

The    Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Array has the power of no waves. The four-handled Dragon Slaying Sword has completely turned into four streamers. Every time it penetrates the void, it can kill the terracotta warriors with one blow, and there is no need for a second attack.

   Clearly, Qingyuan took over the class of Chu Chen's strongest thug, and charged for everyone.

  Guan Ying couldn't help but teased, saying that Qingyuan and Chu Chen were really married to each other. The husband of the first thug fell asleep, and his wife also provokes the burden of her husband, and the husband and wife pays back the debt. .

   Although Qingyuan scolded her on the surface, she tore her mouth when she said this, let alone these affect her fighting attention.

   But there is a hint of sweetness in my heart.

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