Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2157: Sword of Tianhe VS Sword of Shenhe

Hengtian is absolutely strong, but when it really fights, the situation is completely different.

Sword energy in the void is vertical and horizontal, and flying swords shoot from all directions like dense rain.

And the four dragonslayer swords turned into a four-color light group in the void, and there were four portals in the light group faintly emitting a hazy light.

Once a flying sword hit the light group, it was smashed into the air with a loud bang, as if hitting a piece of indestructible iron.

After bumping back and forth so many times, some faint cracks have already begun to appear on some flying swords.

Hengtian's complexion changed, his long sleeves flicked, and his voice became cold.

"Condensing Qi into a soldier is a trail after all. Although you can cultivate into the Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation with this, your path of cultivation has come to an end, and you will never want to go further in the future. It is unwise to be so persistent."

Qingyuan's eyes were firm.

"Hengtian, the contemporary sword sect was born from the ancient Wanjian Jue, and its core technique is one-hearted and ten thousand thoughts. But since the era of mythology, the ten thousand swords has long been lost and completely disappeared. There is no one-hearted and ten thousand thoughts practice in the ancient times. Dao, forcing you to walk this way, in the end, it's just nondescript. A hundred swords will make you powerless."

Qingyuan looked calm and calm, "You have gone astray, but you still don't know how to repent. Sooner or later, you will be defeated by a hundred swords. From schizophrenia, to death!"


Hearing this, Hengtian was furious, his arms shook, and hundreds of flying swords immediately gathered in front of him, finally forming a huge huge sword with a length of one hundred feet. His arms shook, and he struck Qingyuan with force. .

"You are the one who is ignorant! Most of the techniques used in the sword sect are still the Qi sect. I'm afraid that you don't even have any confidence in the sword sect. If you hesitate so much, you can continue to practice such a nondescript. How far?"

Qingyuan let out a cold cry, Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Array's four dragon-slaying swords were lightly released, forming a huge lightsaber of hundreds of feet long, and greeted them.

At first glance, the two hundred-zhang giant swords are somewhat similar.

Only one is composed of a hundred long swords, and the other is purely composed of condensed sword energy.

It's just that Hengtian's giant sword has a complicated structure after all, and it looks a little impure.

In contrast, the giant sword formed by Xiaozhu's Immortal Sword Array is brilliant and pure in four colors. Faintly, there is also a trend of four colors in one.

Then, in front of everyone, the two giant swords slammed together!


Amidst the loud sound of breaking the earth, bright waves of air burst forth.

For a time, there was a blast of sword aura everywhere in the void, and a random piercing through the earth would leave a bottomless pit.

A nine-day old monk who was closer to the battlefield did not pay attention for a while, and was struck by a splash of sword aura on his shoulders. A scar that was deeply visible suddenly appeared, and the blood was flowing, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

His cultivation has reached the peak of the Tianhe Tier, and he has cultivated the Tianhe Golden Body, and he has always been proud of his physical defenses. I never expected that the aftermath of the fight between the two great kendo masters could easily tear his Tianhe golden body... You know, Qingyuan itself is also a Tianhe-level monk!

"Gou Chen Tianzun!"

Amidst the burst of sword energy, a roar from Hengtian resounded across the sky.

Then I saw a huge fist suddenly appear!

The five fingers on the face of the fist turned out to be a scene of a crowned emperor of heaven, which was heavily bombarded on the Zhuxian sword formation constructed by the four portals.

There was another violent blast, and for a time the phosgene burst, spiritual power surged.

Qingyuan, who was manipulating Xiaozhu's Immortal Sword Array, turned pale, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes towards Hengtian were already full of anger:

"Your major is not kendo!!"

"Who told you that I majored in kendo?"

With a sneer on Hengtian's face, the hundreds of flying swords spread out like wings behind him, "Swordsmanship is certainly not my trump card. I am majoring in the Western Emperor Royal Dragon Heart Sutra inherited from the ancient Gou Chen Tiandi. Now, let you taste the power of this magical power!"

As soon as the voice fell, Heng Tian took a sharp breath.

With his action, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth violently violently violently, as if the rivers were filled with rivers, gathered around him quickly, and finally formed a brilliant figure.

Afterwards, the figure raised his hand, and Jian simply blasted out with a single fist, but wrapped in the majestic and mighty atmosphere of the emperor, it rushed towards Qingyuan grandiosely.

The Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation collapsed, Qingyuan could not see the slightest blood on his face, and his eyes were already desperate.

If it is a single round of kendo, Hengtian is not her opponent.

After all, the sword aura she had cultivated for decades was extremely pure and powerful. If Hengtian's half-hanging sword aura was not supported by a powerful cultivation base, it would not even be worthy of carrying her shoes.

But Hengtian actually did not major in kendo, but simply hit it with a punch.

This blow was upright, without any fancy at all, it was just a hard-to-hand regret, a strong blow made purely with the cultivation base of the Divine River Realm.

No matter how mysterious the Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation in Qingyuan is, it won't play much role at this moment of pure internal competition.

Therefore, she couldn't stop the blow.

On the other side, it was extremely hard for Ren Cangling to resist Dong Yuan's bombardment.

Guan Ying took Qingsun and was surrounded by a few nine-day disciples of the Tianhe rank, and no one had the ability to come and support it.

It was already a dead end.

Qingyuan's heart is very calm. Perhaps she has encountered such dangers of life and death many times since this journey, which made her feel calm, not even a single wave.

It's just that when a pale and slender palm suddenly appeared in front of him~www.ltnovel.com~, the shining fist was robbed, and the stillness was instantly broken.

"The Heart Sutra of the Western Emperor Royal Dragon? The Emperor Gouchen Shanggong Emperor Yu Wanxing, when did he go to the dragon? I don’t know if this is a **** method created by a little hairy **** in the later generations, even the ancient mythology is wrong. I dare to pretend to be the name of Emperor Gou Chen, what a joke!"

In the familiar and clear laughter, bright stars suddenly appeared on that arm, forming a star array.

The star array is like a big net, covering the shining shining figure, and then twisting it fiercely, turning it into a fiery torrent of spiritual power, and blasting towards Hengtian.

Boom boom boom!

The stars are like rain, dazzling.

The incarnation of Gouchen wrapped in the fake brand became even more imposing.

Hengtian's face suddenly turned pale, and his hands were connected in front of him to buckle Fajue, and in an instant he placed an 18-fold restraint shield.

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