Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2158: Chu Chen VS Silence

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The blazing light that Chu Chen released was so powerful that it shattered all the shields and blasted Hengtian's chest heavily.

The sound of "poof" was accompanied by blood in the sky!

Hengtian's figure flew upside down, his breath quickly wilting.

"I'm optimistic, my free move is more like the magical powers of Emperor Gouchen than your one. I don't know where you learned this half-slap exercise. It's just nine days."

With a sneer on Chu Chen's face, he retracted his palm, and rubbed Qingyuan's chin by the way, and muttered, "It's not as smooth as before."

Then he slammed his palms into claws against Ren Cangling and Dong Yuan's battle group, and pulled hard.

An invincible huge suction power enveloped Dong Yuan, and violently pulled him away from Ren Cangling.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Chen shook his other hand violently, and a spinning light shuttle flew past.

The light shuttle was red gold, with purple thunders lingering on it, and flew towards the Dong Yuan that he was pulling towards him like a sharp sword.

At this time, Dong Yuan's muscles were knotted, and his four sturdy arms each squeezed out various magic tricks, but he was surprised to find that he could not break free from the spatial cage that Chu Chen displayed. For a while, he was shocked and had to watch. Electric shot from that tiny light shuttle.

He can fully feel the terrifying power contained in that tiny light shuttle that is constantly approaching...

That is an unimaginable power that can break the sky and the sea, and can easily smash yourself into pieces!

"This is going to kill you..."

With a cold sigh, Ji Mi raised his hand and grabbed it, and a faint ripple appeared in the air.

The ripples swept across the tiny light shuttle, and the layers of power gradually poured out, silently dissolving the terrifying light shuttle.

The methods of Yuanhai Realm were really mysterious.

"It's really unimaginable and amazing that a little monk who hasn't even reached Tianhe can possess this kind of foundation."

Silence's eyes stared at Chu Chen, with a hint of coldness, "To be honest, I can't bear to kill you. I am afraid that a character like you may not be able to be produced for hundreds of years."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, but you don't have to keep your hands. Because I won't keep your hands when I kill you right away."

Chu Chen responded indifferently.

He has a relaxed expression and a calm tone, as if he was saying something ordinary.

"It makes sense. The lion must do its best to fight the rabbit. It's better to be serious when dealing with a thief like you."

Ji Xi nodded, and quickly moved several seals with both hands in front of him.

Then I saw the black light burst out, forming a sea of ​​black thunder in the air.

Layers of walls are faintly visible around the Thunder Sea, which is like a pool that contains all the lightning.

"Yuan Jie Lei Chi!"

Many nine-day disciples took a deep breath when they saw the scene in the void. The kendo monk should warm up the sword qi in the body. The same principle, the most important thing in the practice of thunder method is to form a "thunder pond" in the body. The core and foundation of the Lei Fa practitioners.

Jixi uses the lightning thunder method to enter the way. This ‘Essential Tribulation Thunder Pond’ is the core of his thunder technique. He actually summoned it at this time?

You know, even in the face of a famous and peerless murderer like Old Demon Duan, he didn't summon his life Lei Chi!

"Long knowledge, Yuan Jie Lei Chi? It seems that you really want to use the thunder to enter the Dao, and even crown the Conferred God."

A smile appeared on Chu Chen's face, and the smile gradually spread, and finally he couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Why are you laughing?"

Ji Mie frowned and asked, I don’t know why, when facing the little guy Chu Chen, he always had a deep sense of crisis hidden in his heart, and even Duan Xiong couldn’t bring this feeling to him. he.

"I'm laughing... You even summoned the Yuan Jie Lei Pond, but you haven't noticed it. You are about to end your life..."

Chu Chen's voice hadn't completely fallen yet, the mutation wrinkled!

Suddenly a cold knife light flashed in the void, it was a so beautiful and dazzling knife light, as if it had been condensed by intercepting the purest crescent moon in the night sky.

At a glance, it feels shocking and frightening, and the moonlight lingers in my mind for a long time, unable to let go.

The blade light was extremely bright and fast. When everyone, including Wanshou, couldn’t react to it, he lost his heart after dying, his chest rushed out, and then tore the void, slashing into the air heavily On the Yuan Jie Lei Pond, one side of the Lei Pond collapsed with a "poof".

The shock was so sudden that everyone was stunned at this moment, and couldn't even react to what happened.

Only when Ji Mie roared, blood was flowing from all over his body, and the thunder pond in mid-air also rumbling loudly, and quickly dissipated, everyone was awakening like a dream.

The space where everyone in Nine Heavens was in suddenly exploded.

"Not arrogant! What are you doing!!"

Hengtian watched this scene with cold hands and feet, hardly believing his eyes.

Just now, he clearly saw the cold and beautiful moonlight of the sword, which was released from his hands without arrogance!

"Master Nirvana, how are you doing!!"

Numerous nine-day disciples watched as Jiujie passed out in front of him, and stunned and dodged. Then, as if thinking of something, he hurriedly hurried up in a big circle, and hurriedly helped Jiujie up.

All of a sudden, the medicine filled with medicine, the water filled with water, and the spiritual power was sent desperately to inject the spiritual power in the body to regulate the spiritual power that killed the riots in the body.

There are also a few idiots who are choking Silence.

"I need an explanation."

Just when the people in Nine Heavens were busy in the shock, Wanshou's eyes, who had been motionless like a mountain, looked at without arrogance, and the cold light under his eyes was frozen and clear.

"No arrogance~www.ltnovel.com~ Why did you betray Jiutian? Are you also confused by the villain from Qingyuan?" At this time Dong Yuan seemed to have just reacted, and suddenly yelled at No arrogance.

People in Nine Heavens knew that Dong Yuan faintly seemed to have some feelings for not arrogant.

At this moment, he was furious and couldn't help himself.

"She is no longer arrogant." Wan Shou shook his head and sighed lowly. "With the strength of arrogance, even in a sneak attack state, it is impossible to hurt the nirvana. A single cut through the body has severely damaged Lei Chi, if not Yuan Hai There is no such method."

"Hahaha... Mr. Longevity, your eyes are quite powerful."

It seems that in order to verify Wanshou's judgment, he laughed wildly, and at the same time, layers of spiritual light burst out around his body. In the gorgeous streamer, the original cool and elegant arrogance disappeared. Instead, she was a beautiful woman in a red dress with a hot body and a charming look.

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