Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2160: Chu Chen joins Yuanhai-class battlefield

As soon as the voice fell, a strong breath burst out from Chu Chen.

This breath is so hot that it can burn for nine days.

Moreover, in the blazing heat, there is a sense of grandeur and grandeur, magnificent, and shocking.

Chu Chen's energy was like a round of golden sun.

The aura on Empress Nightmare's body was filled with seductive rippling meaning in the seductiveness. It seemed that as long as one look at her, the whole mind and soul could not help sinking into it, willing to become her slave and let it be driven.

Her aura is like the moon of shadow.

On the other hand, Duan Xiong's aura was so evil and strong, and even a dark black aura could be seen straight through the sky with the naked eye, and the thick essence was as striking as wolf smoke.

Faintly, it seems that a demon lord who has been sleeping for endless years has awakened from the seal, which is frightening.

Duan Xiong's momentum is like the fire of evil inflammation.

As soon as the breath of the three powerhouses came out, the breath of Wanshou's blockade of the void was immediately divided and washed away.

Faintly, the breath of these three people seemed to have turned into three invisible mountains, all suppressed on the heads of the people of Jiutian, making the complexion of many Jiutian disciples drastically changed.

At this moment, Hengtian and Dongyuan were sitting around Nimie, helping Nimie to heal his wounds with their own spiritual power.

After all, they are powerhouses in the Divine River Realm. Together, they can barely help Nimie's breath-adjusting body's spiritual power, and at least it will not worsen the injury.

It's just that the injury of Ji Mie was too serious, and the penetrating injury from the back to the chest directly shattered his heart.

Normal cultivators would have died thoroughly after encountering this blow, that is to say, Nirvana is a strong person in the Yuanhai realm. The spiritual power in the body is like the sea, and the spiritual power vein center can be changed at any time, which is not fatal.

If you want to get well, it is impossible without decades of warming up.

The most terrible thing was that his thunder pond in the early Yuan Dynasty was defeated by nightmare, and that was the core of his thunder technique cultivation core.

Coupled with the original injury, this has completely damaged his spiritual source, which is the source that he has condensed after hundreds of years of hard work.

There is no hope of cure for such an injury in a short period of time. If it takes a hundred or eighty years to repair the original source, I am afraid that I will encounter various problems. What's more, there is no hope in this life. further.

To some extent, this is almost a death sentence for a monk.

At this moment, facing the siege of Chu Chen, Empress Nightmare, and Duan Xiong, the ordinary Jiutian disciple was useless at all, and had to shrink and shiver in the back corner.

Only Wanshou is left, who can resist them!

"Looking at a lot of blood and blood, the death festival has never been Gu Xun. Three thousand murderous rushes, and the cold sound is in vain! If you want to stay here, I am afraid that you will have to pay an unimaginable price!"

Seeing the breath of the three powerhouses coming together, Wanshou let out a whistle, and the white light burst from his body, revealing the real body of a giant bird.

This time, the giant bird was not as huge as covering the sky and the sun, but it was three feet high, so everyone saw it very clearly.

The giant bird was covered with white feathers, covered with blue scales.

It's just that there are not many scales, so it doesn't look conspicuous.

It has three claws, thin and long legs, a streamlined body, and bright red eyes like gems. At first glance, it looks like a hybrid of some kind of crane.

"It turned out to be a mixed vein. It seems that you should be the offspring of a cross between Bi Fang and Green Scaly Crane with albinism." Chu Chen sneered, his eyes were cold.

Wanshou snorted coldly, not irritated by this joking.

When the cultivation base reached his level, he truly urged his aura to the limit to prepare for a **** battle, and his entire mind was completely submerged in the control of his aura.

The breath on its body is extremely peculiar, it is a kind of continuous and thick, but inside it seems to hide an endless aura of sharp meaning. If it were to be described in one word, it would be "the needle in the cotton".

On the surface, its breath is not very public, but it is endless and endless. But the pinpoint-like sharpness contained in it is scary.

For a time, the whole world seemed much quieter.

The heat and grandeur of Chu Chen, the charm and rippling of the nightmare, the arrogance and lawlessness of Duan Xiong, plus the sharpness and longevity of Wanshou.

The aura between these four powerhouses collided with each other violently, and before they actually started, they had stirred up waves of invisible storms in the void.

Wanshou is one enemy to three, and from the perspective of his momentum alone, he hasn't fallen behind at all!

"Today the three of you must die at least!" Wanshouniao didn't say much, but a simple sentence showed full determination.

This sentence is a dignified maneuver, and it is extremely effective.

A battle like this one where a strong man of the same level besieged one person, especially when the strength reached the Yuanhai Realm level, many times they couldn't fight.

There is no other reason, that is, if the opponent has to go crazy and smash, he is completely capable of pulling a back.

This was the case when Wanshou and Jijie faced Duan Xiong. Together, they would definitely have a chance to severely injure or even kill Duan Xiong, but Duan Xiu was absolutely capable of letting one of them be buried with him.

The same applies now.

The three powerhouses joined forces to deal with Wanshou, and there is indeed hope of beheading him.

But if Wanshou desperately fights, it is absolutely possible to kill any of them.

The strong in Yuanhai Realm never doubted this.

Then the question is, who is ready to be beheaded by Wanshou?

Chu Chen, Empress Nightmare, and Duan Xi belonged to three different forces, and they didn't have a close alliance.

It can even be said that the three are opposed to each other, and may turn against each other at any time.

In this case, it is absolutely impossible for the three of them to completely put down their defenses and concentrate on dealing with Wanshou.

So the result of this battle is completely unpredictable.

It is true that Wanshou must die~www.ltnovel.com~ But it is hard to say who can kill him by fighting back before his death.

In the unlikely event that someone is paddling in the water, Wanshou may even be dragged down to bury him!

At this moment, seeing the four powerhouses facing each other tit-for-tat, the aura became stronger and stronger, and the hearts of everyone off the court were different.

Qingyuan and Ren Cangling are purely worried about Chu Chen. After all, among the four, his cultivation is the weakest, but with an unimaginable foundation, he can have the power of Yuanhai Realm. They really fought. The consequences are unpredictable.

But all the people in Jiutian were completely distressed, three to one, no matter how long Wanshou had no way to survive this time.

Once Wanshou dies, the death that is severely wounded and has no resistance at all will probably be horrible.

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