Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2161: Who will die with Wanshou?

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Everyone in Nine Heavens is terrified.

Because once the battle begins, the end is doomed.

Nine Heavens' strongest two men died, and the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group would immediately collapse.

This powerful force that has been in the little fairy world for several years is afraid that it will be wiped out overnight.

As for Yin Tuan's black-clothed Xia Tai, she looked at the scene in the field with curiosity, especially Chu Chen.

He was a little puzzled, how could a cultivator whose cultivation level hadn't even reached the Tianhe level could have the strength to compete with Yuanhai Realm?

This is not scientific at all, and there are probably not a few people in the monastic world who are so against the sky in the past.

As for Xia Hua next to Duan Xiong... she was already a little dazed.

To be honest, I have thought about the scenes of meeting Chu Chen several times before, and also thought about what this guy looks like. Now that I have seen it, the feeling that fills my heart is really unspeakable...

Well, they look pretty, young people should be handsome and sunny at this age, and people feel happy when they see it.

He seems to be a good person, as you can tell by seeing so many daring friends around him.

But the one named Qingyuan seems a little unclear with him... How does this make Master Tong Meng treat himself?

And... such a young teenager actually has the qualification to participate in the battle between Yuanhai Realm powerhouses, which is really surprising.

There are many young heroes in Xiaoxianjie, and Tong Meng is one of the leaders, but Tong Meng is most famous for her courage and wisdom. In terms of strength alone, Tong Meng is still unable to match the old powerhouse.

But at this moment, this young man named Chu Chen really possesses such a powerful and terrifying power... This is a truly true power!

Before she knew it, a mysterious halo seemed to be shrouded in this young man, which made Xia Hua feel a little urge to explore.

"Have you decided? Who will die with me today?"

Wanshou chuckled, and the breath on his body had reached its peak.

At the same time, the breath of the other three powerhouses has also risen to the apex. At this point, the war has already begun.

"No matter what the three of us, you will die today."

Duan Xiong's indifferent words set the tone for this war, and also expressed his mentality: He will kill Wanshou!

"It is said that the mouth of the green bamboo snake, the tail of the wasp, the two are not poisonous, the most poisonous to the woman's heart. Oh, they are just a woman, there is really no way."

After the nightmare, he chuckled twice, and the rippling and charming aura around his body grew stronger.

Qingyuan glanced at her from a distance, and suddenly felt dazzled. It seemed that even his mind would be taken away by it, and his heart was shocked.

She is a woman, and after seeing Nightmare from a distance, she almost feels that she is about to fall. How deadly is the seductive aura on her? It's simply unbelievable, I'm afraid that a strong person in Yuanhai Realm will get caught without paying attention.

"You are a bird, so it's much easier for me. Maybe you don't know, what I do best... is to deal with birds."

Chu Chen smiled mysteriously, and suddenly raised his palm, the mighty golden red streamer spread across his palm, gathered quickly, and a golden giant bird condensed around him.

The giant bird has iron wings and golden feathers, its steel beak is like a hook, and its feathers are exploded like a knife. There are a few feathers on the forehead that converge into a crown, which looks unparalleled.

At the same time, a strong breath came out.

Feeling the deterrence and tremor from the deepest part of the soul, Wanshou's face changed abruptly, and he whispered, "Golden Wing Roc!"


Chu Chen screamed fiercely, and his arms shook. In an instant, everyone seemed to see a pair of huge wings stretching out from the sky, covering the sky.

Then, in front of everyone, Chu Chen, who was surrounded by the golden winged big Peng phantom, shook Jin Yu fiercely and rose into the sky!

A dazzling golden light soared straight up, reaching the deepest part of the sky, until it disappeared...





The whole world became quiet, and it seemed a bit embarrassing for a while.

After a long time, until everyone's spiritual awareness scan, they could no longer feel the slightest breath radiating from Chu Chen's body, and everyone looked at each other.

"That guy... just ran away?"

After a long time, the black-clothed Zhengtai suffocated such a sentence, causing the entire space to explode.

Wanshou was stunned, Duan Xiong was stunned, and even after the nightmare.

Until a more clever young man in the Jiutian Breaking Group yelled, "Hey? How come Qingyuan and those three ancient music clubs have disappeared?"

Everyone suddenly woke up like a dream, and a strong sense of absurdity suddenly rose in their hearts...

Doesn't he possess the Golden Wing Roc secret technique?

Isn't he going to kill Wanshou?

Just ran away? So inexplicably even so embarrassing to fly away? ? How does this make the three great Yuanhai Realm powerhouses present? ?


Duan Xiong subconsciously looked in the direction where the seven beams of light were. Sure enough, he found that the original magnificent seven-star array was completely activated at this time, and the seven beams of light had disappeared, so he gave a helpless smile:

"I was tricked by that kid again..."

"Gluck...It's getting more and more interesting. This is really a little clever ghost. Who would have thought that he hadn't planned to fight from the beginning and would just run away?"

After Nightmare, she almost couldn't hold her back with a smile.

"Also laughing, that kid ran away, are you two sure to kill Wanshou?" Hei Yizheng coldly snorted too impatiently, a flame of anger throbbed in his eyes.

Wanshou didn't speak, but still raised his aura to the apex, coldly looking at Duan Xiong and Empress Duan.

But at this time, anyone with a little bit of insight would know that when Chu Chen flew into the sky and flew away shamelessly, the situation in the field has changed dramatically.

With one to three, Wanshou must die.

Just by one-to-two ~www.ltnovel.com~ the hope of Wanshou escape greatly increased......

At least, Duan Xiong and Empress Duan alone have no way to drive him to death!

The scene became a little subtle for a while, even the most murderous Duan Xiu had to curb his murderous aura at this time, turning his eyes to Xia Hua and asking, "How did that kid run?"

"Senior Brother Chu seems to have researched the mystery of this seven-star array. When several seniors competed in aura, he intentionally or unintentionally attracted the aura of several seniors to the eyes of the seven-star array. Then he flew. In the process of soaring to the sky, all the aura was directly triggered and the eyes were completely opened.

Xia Hua still had strong admiration in her eyes. She had never imagined that someone could break the formation in this way.

With a touch of control over the breath of his body, Chu Chen demonstrated his terrifying control.

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