Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2170: Chu Chen has run out of cards


   Lei Guang Long Kun was already painful and uncontrollable, the pure Jun sword soul in his abdomen turned the river to the sea, interspersed back and forth, and instantly pierced Long Kun's body through several large, translucent holes.

  The proud refining power in Long Kun's body had no effect at all facing this pure ancient sword soul.

   Chu Chen frowned, turned over and fell from Long Kun's head, shaking his palm, and a golden-red flame burst out, surrounding Long Kun.

   Amidst the billowing flames, the huge dragon kun shrank rapidly, and soon shrank into the body of Wang Tie's long sword.

   It's just that the Wang Tie long sword at this moment is not the original dark color, but is filled with bright white light.

   The original simple and unpretentious shape has now become noble and gorgeous, exactly the same as the appearance of Chunjun sword...

  The pure Jun sword soul is assimilating the Wang Tie long sword!

   "A mere sword, dare to be so arrogant?"

   Chu Chen let out a low roar, his arms shook, and the skyroaring fire flowed out, turning into a furnace in mid-air, completely covering the long sword.

   Inside the furnace, the blazing golden-red sky fire scorched wildly, finally suppressing the brilliant light on the long sword slightly.

   is just suppression, there is always a bright glow on the long sword, which contains incomparable grandeur and integrity, and shows the indomitability of the ancient famous sword.

   Time flies.

   Chu Chen's face was sinking like water, seeing that the furnace formed by the sky fire was unable to completely refine the pure Jun sword soul, maintaining the sky fire input in one hand, and quickly pulling out a few scarlet spells with the other hand.

   A total of eight charms formed a chain of gossip, which was sealed on the sword, making its bright glow dim again.

   These eight red charms are the way of medicinal charms that Chu Chen has practiced hard till now.

   To some extent, he wants to completely refine the pure Jun sword soul into the Wang Tie Long Sword, so that the Wang Tie Long Sword's grade will increase!

   "This method of refining and chemical equipment... difficult!"

   Ren Cangling sighed low.

   "Hey, isn't there more than one method of refining magic tools?"

   Qingsun Boy asked with a surprised look.

   "It's really difficult. Generally speaking, there are three methods for refining ancient artifacts."

   Guan Ying nodded, and seeing Qingsun Boy's curious look, she explained patiently, "The second method is to forcefully lower the level of the magical artifacts through various strange ways."

"For example, if it is a Righteous Dao artifact, use all kinds of evil, devil, and blood qi to contaminate its righteous Dao Qi, so that the Haoran Righteous Qi contained in it is constantly suppressed and dissolved. If it is a Demon Dao artifact, it will continue to use Haoran Righteous Qi. The scouring and refining. If it is a fire magic weapon, put it in the ice and snow. If it is an ice magic weapon, put it in the depths of the fire lava."

   Guan Ying obviously has a deep understanding of refining tools.

"This method can suppress the power of the magic artifact to the greatest extent, and is the easiest to succeed in refining. However, this method causes the deepest damage to the magic artifact, and sometimes even causes irreparable and permanent damage to its quality. Lower. This is the same method of killing chickens and getting eggs."

"I know."

Qingsun Boy nodded, "There are many such artifacts in Nine Heavens. After they occupy an ancient relic, they will often carry out this forcible refining of the ancient artifacts excavated in large quantities. Said baptism, but I don’t know how many ancient artifacts have been destroyed, and how many good things have been ruined."

   Guan Ying smiled.

"Your kid reacted very quickly. The second method is to use the monk's blood to refining. The essence of blood refining is actually to forcibly replace the spirit consciousness of the magic artifact itself with the original consciousness contained in the blood of the monk. Achieving the unity of human and equipment. This method is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will either wipe out the monk’s consciousness and become a living dead. Or it will cause the magic equipment spirit to explode and die together."

   Green bamboo shoots show horror.

"The last method is to use great magical powers and grandiose to suppress the magical artifact spirit. The so-called one force drop ten guilds, when your strength dignifiedly exceeds the limit of the magical artifact itself, you can naturally take it Refining. This method can preserve all the strength and grade of the artifact itself to the maximum, but it also suffers the greatest resistance."

"I understand."

Qingsun nodded, "It's not like fighting a war. Either use conspiracy and tricks to split the enemy country to pieces and make profit. It is a trick. Or it is a strange way to change the sky and pretend to be the leader of the enemy country. It is the right way for teachers to use war to seek the country upright."

"That's correct." Guan Yingzheng nodded, "At this moment, Senior Brother Chu is using the last method to suppress Pure Jun Sword Soul with majestic power and majesty and force him to submit. It's just this method...difficult!"

   "Can this be done?"

   Qingsun Boy was silent for a moment, nodded stupidly, and shook his head again.

   is more difficult?

  The famous sword Chunjun, the evil **** killed in the era of mythology has no less than five fingers. Its sword is unparalleled and its glory shines on the sun and the moon.

   Some emperors opened the altar for them, Confucian sages made gifts for them, and great sages worshipped them.

   There were many sabre swords for ancient scholars, and the shape of their swords imitated Chunjun, and the title is the foundation of gentlemen!

  The so-called gentleman is like a sword, and his sword refers to Chunjun!

   A famous sword like this wants to force it to surrender with the power of grandeur. Few people can do it when the myths are everywhere in the ancient times, let alone the human world today?

   Even if Chunjun now has lost his real body, only a sword soul is left~www.ltnovel.com~, it is as difficult as heaven!

   At this moment, without Ren Cangling and others reminding him, Chu Chen already knew how difficult it is to forcibly refine the pure Jun sword soul.

   The billowing sky fire was accompanied by the power of the medicine talisman, but it still only slightly suppressed the pure Jun sword soul.

   The sword light is still dazzling, although it can't occupy the whole body of the long sword, it is enough to protect the space of one side and resist stubbornly.


   Chu Chen roared, and his figure shook, and a huge pale golden halo appeared in front of him, but it was his unique ancient wild river.

   The pale golden aperture is like an ancient fairy cave, spewing out vast unimaginable pure spiritual power.

   "The mountain is coming!"

   There was another roar, a purple light leaped out, and when the sky turned into a vast purple mountain, it was suppressed by the sword.

   This is Chu Chen’s unique Zishan magical tool, which contains the essence of an entire barren ancient giant mountain. At this time, all suppressed, it has already used a hole card at the bottom of the box.

   "Ling come!"

   There was another roar, and a silver light burst out, forming a huge silver peng shadow around Chu Chen's body.

   It's just that Yinpeng's wings are already filled with a faint golden color, but even the power of his own Yinpeng clone is also urged.

   "The inflammation is coming!"

   With the final roar, a scarlet wing suddenly stretched out from behind Chu Chen.

That wing is made up of pure flames. At the tip of the wing, a stream of fire forms a faint crown, covering the top of Chu Chen's head, making it look like an emperor in the fire, full of incomparable dignity. gas.

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