Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2171: Chunjun sword is a black hole

Chapter 2153 Pure Jun Sword Is A Spirit-absorbing Black Hole

Chu Chen had really laid his hands on his boss, and even summoned the Yandi essence contained in the origin of the sky fire.

At this moment, Chu Chen used all of his hole cards, and did not hide the slightest.


In mid-air, the power of the wild river, the power of the purple mountain, the power of the Yinpeng, and the power of the Emperor Yan surged and rushed into the body of Wang Tie's sword into a dazzling divine light.

Together with the power of the surrounding skyfire and medicinal talisman, a hexagonal seal talisman was formed, which finally broke through the sword light of Chunjun Sword Soul and washed the entire sword body.

For a time, red, gold, silver and purple merged into one.

Perhaps it was because Guanghua was too prosperous, and in the end it even formed a pitch black color like ink, completely blending with the original bright color of Pure Jun Sword Soul.

One dark and one bright, one black and one white mingled with each other on the body of the sword, and finally merged completely into one, forming a stream of black and white, flowing slowly.

At this time, the Wang Tie long sword, with the hilt as the center, formed a strange black and white color.

The hilt of the sword is a Tai Chi totem, and the color of the two yin and yang fish spread to the blade, making the blade half as black as ink, and half as bright as white.

The world suddenly became black and white.

There is a world that becomes extremely pure, black and white.

Mapped by Jianguang!

However, the black and white light on the blade is not static, but faintly circulating and evolving, forming four colors of silver, purple, gold, and red, which are extremely mysterious.

At a glance, it seems that I have faintly touched the changes in the world where Tai Chi produces yin and yang and yin and yang produces four phenomena.

"It's done!"

Seeing this scene, Qingyuan, who has always been calm, almost jumped up in excitement.

Guan Ying who was next to her also yelled and laughed with her arms around her.

"The sword soul of Chunjun has been refined, hahahaha...too great, that's Chunjun, that's Chunjun! That's the sword of the king's way, the sword of gentlemen, and the sword of Haoran in history!"

"The sword of the king's way, all the barbarians surrender. The sword of the gentleman, the evil spirits ward off change. The sword of the awe-inspiring, will last forever! This is the orthodox of the world!"

"The gentleman bears the sword, takes loyalty as the front, incorruptibility as the astonishment, the virtuous as the back, and the mighty as the handle! Nearly use self-cultivation, nourishment, and equanimity as the scabbard. Unexpectedly, I actually saw this legendary sword..."

"The famous sword is born, the ancient famous sword is about to be born, hahaha..."

At this moment, Qingyuan, Guan Ying, Ren Cangling, and Qingsun Boy were all excited and inexplicable.

How many people have witnessed the birth of famous swords from the ancient times to the present?

There are rumors that someone has seen it before, but there is no one in the annals, not one! !

Just after the pure Jun sword soul was refined, the surrounding space suddenly became vast, and the mighty maze of sword qi was no longer seen in the world.

Everything seems to form the black and white long sword in the void.

Chu Chen clenched the hilt in both hands and waved it lightly, and an extremely powerful feeling came from his hands.

It seems that at this moment, holding this sword in his hand, he can easily tear the sky and smash the stars!

However, the spiritual power consumed to drive this sword is also extremely terrifying. After repeated refining, and then lightly waved it, the spiritual power in Chu Chen's body has already bottomed out...

This sword is simply a giant spirit swallowing beast, without the vast spiritual power feeding it, it can't move at all!

More importantly, it is not enough to drive this sword to consume spiritual power alone, but also to have a neutral will and thought.

The so-called gentleman uses his sword to slash evil and eliminate demons and sweep the world.

If you have some selfish thoughts, then you can't drive this sword at all!

This is a big killer...

However, it has great limitations!

Shaking his head, Chu Chen put the long sword back into the storage void.

In any case, with this sword, there is finally a strong hole card, which is a good thing in general.

I looked around and saw a teleporting light curtain lit up in the distance.

Chu Chen pointed forward, "Let's go."

"With such ancient famous swords as Chunjun Sword, how big the world can't go!"

Qingsun Boy laughed, extremely proud, it seemed that he was the one who got the pure Jun sword.

"I used to know a friend like you, who thought he was invincible by getting a powerful ancient magic weapon. Now his grave grass has been changed three times."

Guan Ying sneered, and slammed a chestnut on the head of the green bamboo shoot, "Cultivate hard, don't think too much!"

The group of people was a lot more relaxed, talking and laughing along the way to the teleporting light curtain.

Just in another space.

In the void where the Seven-Star Magic Array is located, the battle between Wanshou, Duan Xiong, and Empress Nightmare has become fierce.

The space is full of unstable spatial turbulence, and the dark space cracks spread all over the place, making the void seem like a broken bag, which will disintegrate and destroy at any time.

There are 108 pitch-black flags around the battlefield where the three of them are located. This is a set of forbidden devices for nine days. 108 Tiangang Xuanyin flags can condense a piece of Xuanyin void, enough to resist two Yuanhai realms The aftermath of the battle of the strong bombarded.

However, at this moment, it is three Yuanhai powerhouses who are fighting, so this powerful forbidden device has been almost destroyed, broken flags are floating everywhere, and the strong Xuanyin Void has been blown up. .

In contrast, the remaining fifty-three Tianhe-level elite disciples in the nine days also exploded and died.

In the nine days now, there is only the unconscious Nirvana, guarding Hengtian, Dongyuan, no arrogance, and Wanshou who are in **** battle.

In this battle, nine days of high-end elites almost lost.

After another earth-shaking spiritual battle, the three storm-like figures separated again. After nearly half an hour of bitter battle, the spiritual power of the three of them was very exhausted. Wanshou relieved the giant bird's real body, and Duan Xiong and Nightmare also relieved the tyrannical phenomena~www.ltnovel.com~ Wanshou's mouth and nose He had hemorrhage, hair scattered, and there was a long narrow incision on his left arm, and the blood was flowing like a fountain.

There was a dark red magic light around the wound, looking extremely embarrassed.

In contrast, after Yin Tuan's nightmare, although she recovered her body at this time, the aura on her body not only did not weaken, but was stronger than that of the urging method, and her every move was rippling with vast waves of spiritual power.

Behind her, the black-clothed Zhengtai also had some bruises on her cheeks, just skin injuries.

In the battle just now, everyone in Nine Heavens finally understood the power of this black-clothed boy... He is an extremely rare puppet master!

One powerful golem puppet became a nightmare for nine days. In the **** battle just now, the golem puppets he operated almost all killed the nine days of elites.

If it weren't for Hengtian and Dongyuan's desperate efforts, I'm afraid that the nirvana who is using the fetal breath technique to heal their wounds will be bitter.

(End of this chapter)

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